16: How it all started.

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During dinner, I tried to hide the mark on my neck with my hair and it was going well until after the Bangtan boys left and Jackson cornered me in the living room well, not literally. "That wasn't there before.." I had totally forgotten about it so I looked at him quizzically. "It's a beautiful color though." He smirked and moved my hair away I shut my eyes tightly and bit my inner lip. I knew Jaebeom was sitting in the living room with us along with everyone else. I heard a scoff and just knew it was him.

"Some of my finest work." Mark said proudly. I threw a cushion at his direction.

"And it will never happen again." I growled.

"She's gonna cave in eventually." Bambam said casually as he stretched his body.

"I would.." Hannah smirked.

"What if we play this fairly? Whomever she caves in to, will get the honor of being her first." Jinyoung's words made my eyes pop out of their place.

"Excuse you! I'm right here. The virgin who still has control over her own body." I exclaimed.

"Not if you were with me." Jinyoung winked at me which made me turn red in an instant. I don't know if it was a shy blush or just pure anger.

"You're clearly frustrated. They're literally all hot and welling to help you." Hannah explained.

"Okay, but I want my first to have an actual meaning. I don't want it to be just sex."

"Let's break it down. Your standards are extremely high. Men are assholes, no offense." She paused to look around at the boys who just shrugged. "Men nowadays will laugh their ass off at the thought of a virgin in her mid twenties, then they'd think about how good and tight you'd feel. So, they'll be nice to you, take you out dinner dates and be the perfect gentlemen. They will do whatever to make you fall head over heels for them. And knowing you, you'll want to take it slow and get to know them better and finally, when so many attempts are made with no satisfactory results, they'll leave and you'll be heartbroken like that last asshole you dated." She did not have to mention him... "Boys, back me up." She looked around.

"Even worse, guys might use you to take what you consider so precious and bail on you the next morning. Literally, some of our species are assholes." Yugyeom said casually as he sipped on his beer.

"Oh definitely. The idea of fucking a virgin is appealing. And I will not deny the fact that men will manipulate your emotions to use them against you." Bambam stated truthfully with a straight face.

"This is why it'll be easier if it's one of us. We're your friends, we won't lead you on, we'll tell it to you the way it is. And if one of us did use you -intentionally or not-, you'll have 6 other men to whoop his ass, make him regret his doing or just do whatever to get some sense in his thick head. No pun intended." Jinyoung said frankly and smirked at the end. Hannah tried to stifle a laugh but she bursted out along with Youngjae and Yugyeom. Bambam and the rest cringed at the sick joke.

"Plus, this way.. You can get to experience more than just the typical definition of sex. You are free to allow whomever, to do whatever you two consent to without technically losing your v-card." Jackson said but lost me at getting to experience things.

"What Jackson's trying to say is.. They can get you ready, help you pinpoint what you like and what you don't until the time comes and you choose the partner that suits you best." Hannah noticed my dumbfounded expressions so she so kindly explained.

"Wait, so everyone in this room thinks that this is okay? Am I a prude for finding this so odd?" I asked looking around. Mark said nothing and Jaebeom was basically avoiding the whole conversation.

"You're not a prude. We're being extremely blunt and straight forward right now." Youngjae said before resting his hand on my exposed knee, rubbed it gently while offering me a sweet smile. The electricity I felt at his touch only confirmed their theory of me being sexually frustrated.

"What about you two. You cannot possibly agree. You're the hyungs of this whole group." I carried the conversation to the two quiet men.

"I don't mind it." Mark shrugged which made me roll my eyes before I looked back at Jaebeom. Suddenly, everyone in the room was anticipating his answer.

"I'm not going through with this agreement." He finally spoke making me sigh with relief. "But, I'm also not against it. Who am I to disagree?" I sensed a hint of sarcasm at his last question. He left for the backyard. I looked around at them in disbelief.

"Way to go. I can barely get through to that guy and now he thinks that I'm some kind of hoe." I sighed before going after him. He sat crisscrossed by the pool. "Mind if I join?" He said nothing so I took it as an acceptance gesture and sat next to him. "Jaebeom.."

"I kissed you, you thanked me, ignored me and now you're willing to let them play this stupid game with you?" He looked at me with clear annoyance in his attitude.

"I'm sorry, was that kiss supposed to mean something? I mean you tell me you think I'm dangerous but then you tell me off yelling that I shouldn't act like I know you. YOU ignored ME for quite a while even when I came to have dinner at YOUR house and you slept, next to me, on the same bed, just so you can kiss me the next morning and act as if nothing happened? How was I supposed to react? I never know how to deal with you."

"Well, you won't have to anymore. You have 6 other men at your disposal."

"At least they're honest about their feelings, vocal and consistent." I said before rushing back inside to see everyone staring at me. "Fine. Let's do this. Who will start?" I asked in such an angry tone. They all looked intimidated.

"umm. Su, you cannot just plan nor force things. They come naturally." Jackson hesitated before speaking. I rolled my eyes and went to the tiny closet to grab my coat.

"I'm leaving. I cannot deal with his stubborn inconsistent ass." I growled when I saw him walk back into the house. He just scoffed while looking away.

I couldn't digest the idea of being in the same place as him any longer. He thought so low of me, he didn't even know me. Didn't even bother to get to know me. The only thing he knew was how to judge me. Not that he was one to judge, he couldn't even be consistent, every time we met up I had to be on my tiptoes testing the waters to check how he'll act. Was he going to be the nice and polite self or the rude judgmental and stubborn asshole I couldn't stand.

I had to give us both a reason for him not to like me. I knew he didn't like me and it showed but I didn't know why. So, I decided this agreement with the boys would be the perfect reason.

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