5: How I tried their type of normal

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I woke up the next morning dragging my feet out of bed. What happened to me? Just yesterday I was excited to be working with them and keeping things professional. I was anxious that morning, I dreaded going to work. I didn't know if I could be their type of normal, my normal is awkward. Also, I really didn't want to get my hopes up. They were idols, they had no time to develop any sorts of relationships with people like me and they certainly won't be interested in me in the first place. I was a boring workaholic that had no social skills none whatsoever. I despised myself for the hope I developed in befriending them.

What good will that do to me?

I wore a baggy yet, very comfy outfit to help go through with the day.

Once we settled in the new room of the new set, I got a text from an unknown number.
??: You there yet?
Me: Excuse me? Who's this?
??: It's Jackson. Was wondering if you're on set or not yet.
Me: Oh hey, yeah we're waiting for you.
Jackson: Cool, we'll be there in a few minutes, just grabbing snack bars from a nearby convenience store. Want anything?
Me: Oh, that's kind of you but no thanks.

He read my text but didn't respond. A few minutes later the room flooded with the boys but they weren't dressed like the day before. They were still in their casual clothes. We looked at them smiling but clearly taken aback. "Thought you may have a sweet tooth, brought you banana milk." Mark handed me the small bottle with the thin straw. I was touched that he remembered that this was my go-to drink if I ever felt like I was low on sugar.

"Thank you. You didn't have to.." I smiled and accepted his kind gesture.

"We also brought snacks but we'll hide them here so we won't get scolded, okay?" Yugyeom left the bag near my purse, I giggled and nodded. The rest of the team did as well.

The boys left as soon as they came by, they came back about 15 minutes later fully dressed. Once I had my earbuds in and was choosing a song, I heard someone clear their throat making me look up at them involuntarily. "You're gonna ignore us the way you did yesterday?" Bambam said, his voice raspy as if he just woke up. His bare face made him look like an angel, then his sweet smile and his plump lips made everything else disappear. I had to physically pinch myself to drag my conscious back to life.

"Work is work Bambamssi." I smiled. He wrinkled his forehead.

"Can you at least not call me that?" He asked and I hummed questionably in response. "Bambamssi." He said in a mocking tone. "You sound like an old lady." He laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"This is why I prefer not to talk." I pointed at his hyungs who were done with their hair and base-makeup and waiting for their turn in my seat.

"Then at least tell me you're not going on that blind date but going to spend the night with us instead?" He looked at me hopeful and with those cute eyes. I shook my head laughing faintly.

They won't give up, will they?

"No I canceled but it's because the man is a smoker and that is a deal-breaker for me." I said trying to go back to work.

"Oh, so not because you wanted to hang out with your celebrity crushes?" He winked at me, I pinched his shoulder causing him to jump. "Ouch."

"Do not wrinkle your face too much, I need to work." I scolded.

"Ah, a woman with dedication. A woman after my own heart." He chuckled because I think he saw the hint of crimson appearing on my cheeks. I hated how he flirted like that so effortlessly, I hated how he made my heart flutter, even though I knew that he was like that with his fans. He's a flirt, I knew that. And yet, I still fell for it.

The boys took turns in my chair as they all had their opportunity to see the crimson red cheeks that they caused with their effortless meaningless and harmless flirt. Well, it was harmless for them, harmful for me. My heart kept skipping beats and its rhythm was definitely off. It was Mark's turn when he sat on my chair and looked up at me with a smile basically plastered on his face. "What?" I asked, letting out a small but nervous laugh.

"Nothing. I just can't believe you're right here in front of me." He said through a grin. I looked at him funny.
"I was here yesterday you know." I said while trying to focus on putting on light makeup under his eyes but he kept looking up into mine. I didn't look straight at it but I could see him biting the corner of his lip.

"But you're acknowledging me. You're talking to me." His fingers slightly brushed on my elbow that hovered over him. I felt chills running through my body. "You're here." He whispered. I don't know how it happened but his face was so close to mine, I could feel his warm minty breath brushing against my skin. "God you're beautiful." He grunted under his breath making me blush uncontrollably.

"Yah.." I said as I softly leaned back away from him. "I need to finish you up, we still have Jaebeom." I said eyeing the man that sat not a meter away from us while reading his book. "And don't do that again, please." I said.

"Do what?" Was he seriously acting all innocent? I mean, he does have that angelic baby face.

"Shush." I shushed him, he chuckled but did nothing more. I was thankful because I had to muster up all the courage I had within me to deal with the next man.

Once I was done with Mark, he winked at me before leaving the room making me laugh while shaking my head. Jaebeom forced a smile and sat on the chair, roughly flipping through the pages. I didn't know if it was my place to ask if he was okay or not, so I decided not to intrude and keep to myself as I always do. I put on my earbuds and played the music. Ironically, Just Stay played and I smiled in an instant. I saw him eyeing me but quickly turned his focus back to his book. I tried my best to restrain myself from dancing but I didn't realize I was humming along his smooth voice. I was even lip-syncing as I was working. I only noticed when I saw a smirk appear on his face, making me lose focus for a second. I double tapped my earphone to skip the song and Ride played. It was okay and I didn't realize it until the lyrics were "freak all night." My eyes widened so I skipped it again. He chuckled. Then I finally realized that I left my phone standing facing him and he could see what's been playing. I turned to give him my back as I shut my eyes tightly and inhaled harshly. I hoped the world would just stop turning, stop doing its best to embarrass me on a daily basis. I heard him chuckle again.

"You okay over there." I turned to him smiling but my face felt like it was boiling.

"Yeah, just the final touches." I said before I moved to put a light tint on his lips. The brush moved smoothly along his lips, he parted his lips making me swallow the lump created in my throat. I made the mistake of looking him in the eyes. His eyes were dark, intimidating but I couldn't ignore the hint of vulnerability that hid deep within them. I felt a pool of emotions running through me and chills running all over my skin. "You're okay?" I asked breathlessly and deeply lost in his eyes. What did I just say?

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