1: How I met the first one

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"Su! Get you lazy ass off of bed. We're gonna be late!!" I jumped off of bed, almost in one swift movement. Although, my foot got caught on the edge of the comforter and I stumbled falling face down as I tried to look for my glasses and look at the time.


"Why didn't you wake me up?!" I yelled at my roommate/ best friend.

"Literally, what have I been doing Su? You kept begging for 5 more minutes in the past 45 minutes." I giggled feeling guilty. Yeah, I wasn't exactly the lightest sleeper. "Are you gonna keep sulking or do you want to get ready?" She asked.

I ran to the bathroom to wash up fast. Thankfully, I had a shower before bed.
Knowing I was going to wear a mask anyways, I put the lightest and quickest makeup that wasn't really even perfectly efficient. I ran back to the room, got dressed and was ready to go. I heard Hannah clearing her throat. I looked at her as I was placing the strap of my camera bag around my shoulder. "What?" I asked. She pointed at my glasses. "Oh, right." I took them off and put on my lenses instead. I put on my black face mask that matched well with my baggy outfit. "Okay, ready."

We showed up at the venue, showed the security guards our tickets and permits for the cameras we brought and headed to our seats afterwards. Even though our seats were relatively far, I needed to be seated and get a full view of the stage, zooming in was not a problem with the equipment I had. But steadiness was, that's why I needed to be seated. I got my gear on standby and waited for about 30 minutes before the lights dimmed and music started playing. "Okay Han, it's showtime." We readied our camera as the boys made the perfect entrance. Bambam yelled. "소리 질러!!!" Just like that, the crowd went wild, we were snapping photos like crazy.

Yes, so in case you got lost in all of this, I'm Suzan. But my friends call me Su. I'm an ahgase, a hardcore fan you might say since I started a fansite. "Gods7". I know it's really cheesy and cringe-worthy but I was just passing my teenage years and entering my twenties when I first started stanning them so don't judge me. All of this was my little secret, because to the public eye, I was a mere makeup artist at a boring luxurious salon that had many many celebrities as clients. I had met different types of people, gone to multiple sites when requested but I have never worked with idols. Well, until a few days after that concert.

I was in the break-room editing a few photos and uploading some on the site when I was startled and interrupted by a coworker. "Su, we have a meeting in 10, don't be late." I nodded and wrapped things up as I headed to the meeting room.

"Welcome everyone. Take your seats please." Mrs. Hwang ushered us and we obliged. "I gathered you all to tell you all the great news. As you already know, we have been planning an expansion." We nodded in unity. She continued. "A few days ago we finally signed contracts with a few companies you may have been familiar with (JYPE, YG, SM and BigHit.)" A cheer filled the room before she raised her hand as a gesture for the cheering to stop. "Which means, we have a new department for idols. Concluding, the workload will increase, a lot more people will be out frequently on sites to get the job done. I trust you all to be professional and bring pride to our brand. We have worked so hard to get here. All of us." She paused. "After all, we are a team." She said before finally clapping. "Now, any questions?" She waited as a co-worker asked.

"Yes, ma'am?" Mrs. Hwang nodded. "How will we be booked? Is it based on our performance, our current positions, or based on availability?" He asked nervously.
"That's a good question Mr. Choi. The booking will be based on availability and if the other party requests a specific hairstylist or makeup artist. As I said, I trust everyone in this room. I would have not hired you if I thought you would do a poor job. As for your positions that's only a form of promotion. Everyone in this room is equal to the other. Myself included. Again, we're a team. So, ready?" She asked and we nodded. She sighed. "Are we ready?" She asked more enthusiastically, making me giggle a bit. The room yelled "네!!" In one voice.

My heartbeats were all over the place. I felt my chest pounding as I walked back towards my station. On the way I met Hannah who was a hairstylist herself in the same salon. She smiled timidly as she walked next to me. "Babe? Are you okay? Why weren't you at the meeting?" I asked her, puffing out a weird laugh.

"You have a new client. I already accompanied him to your station Ms. Kwon." She said seriously.

"Why thank you Ms. Jung." I mocked her seriousness and laughed as we entered the makeup room. She widened her eyes and moved her head awkwardly towards my station. I was about to turn when I felt someone's presence and crashed onto a hard chest. "Ouch! Sorry. I'm not usually this clumsy but I've been distracted." I said without looking up, just looking at Hannah who was acting weird.

"It's okay, I wasn't paying attention. It's kind of my fault." Once I heard his voice my eyes widened, still looking at Hannah. She gave me a seriously-you're-so-dumb-for-realizing-this-late-I-tried-to-warn-you kind of look. I turned to him slowly and smiled awkwardly. I was lost for words, I just bowed politely. "I'm Park Jinyoung. Your new client? I assume my manager booked an appointment for today's audition?" I didn't know he booked me, I didn't even have anything to do with the bookings. Instead of answering I just smiled awkwardly. "Do I really have an appointment or did my manager forget that too?" He asked, sounding a bit agitated.

"You do sir. It's just that she does not usually handle her own bookings. She just knows of the appointments' time and type of makeup." Han explained.

"Oh. My apologies. I didn't mean to lash out on any of you. It has been a stressful week." He apologized. He was such a gentleman. I mean, if that was his definition of lashing out he should steer clear of the news reporters and new anchors clients. They can be... feisty. "So, you must be Ms. Kwon Suzan?" He offered me his hand, I shook it while nodding. "Is she not a chatty person?" My eyes widened as I looked back and forth at him then Hannah. He chuckled. "I'm just kidding, trying to lighten up the mood." He whispered the last part. Which made me blush.

"Please.." I gestured for him to take a seat. I ushered him to his seat as Hannah disappeared to her own room. "I'm sorry I was late. Had a staff meeting." I apologized as I sanitized my hand before touching anything. "We just learned the news that we will be working with JYPE. Hope we'll meet again sometime." I almost slapped myself in the face for what came out of my mouth.

"So you do know me. I was afraid you didn't recognize me. Are you a fan? Is that why you seem familiar? Not your face, but your presence seems familiar. As if I know you somehow." He said and I giggled nervously.

"No. I just really loved your drama (He is Psychometric) and learned later that you're in an idol group. Got7 right?" I asked, trying to pull off a poker face.

"Yes. Thank you for your support." He said and nodded to me through the mirror. I smiled.

One of the butlers came in and placed a glass of iced coffee in front of him. "San-ah. Would you be a dear and turn on the speakers? My phone's already connected." I said to him he nodded, I knew the music was playing, I had a long list of instrumental music playing. Once he turned on the speakers. A piano version of Forever Young started playing. I panicked and yelled. "Alexa, play the next song." I hoped he hadn't noticed. I hoped he was so immersed in whatever he was checking on his phone to not notice that I was about to expose my own lies. I hoped.

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