18: How I deal with Stubbornness

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I knocked on the door but no one answered. I waited a few seconds before I knocked again. When there was still no answer, I opened the door slowly. I saw him laying on the tiny couch, clearly uncomfortable. His arm was thrown over his eyes. "Jae.." I called for him lowly but he didn't respond. I walked into the room and sat on the table that was placed right in front of the couch. I barely touched his hand before he jolted and removed his hand. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"Oh, uh.. it's okay. Are you okay? Is something wrong?" He slowly sat up straight facing me. "Are you hurt?" His worried expressions made me feel as if my heart dropped from its place. I felt something within me that was odd and different.

"I'm okay. I was worried about you." I unconsciously held his hand and he immediately held mine too and looked at me in a way I never saw before. "It's almost dinner time. Bambam said you hadn't come out of this room." And as if something inside him snapped he let go of my hand, cleared his throat and looked away. I sighed at the change of attitude gain. "Did you eat something this morning?"

"Not since lunch yesterday. I have work to do. Who told you, you could come in here anyways?" He sounded annoyed and on edge. He stood up fast and almost stumbled back but I held onto him.

"I let myself in because your stubborn ass might collapse. Look at yourself." I tried to seat him back on the couch.

"I'm fine." He grumbled like a kid.

"I know you don't like me, I can cope with that but I care about you whether you like it or not. Whether you get it in you thick headed brain of yours or not." I took a deep breath. "I will not let you overwork yourself. You need to rest."

"I said I'm fine!" He said more sternly.

"I don't think you understand how I don't give a fuck about what you say." I stood and he looked up at me. "Stay here." I demanded before running down to grab a snack bar.

"Hey, where have you been?" Jinyoung asked with slight worry in his voice. The rest gathered around the living room to listen in.

"Your hyung hasn't eaten since lunch yesterday. He's a stupid punk and I'm about to shove this bar down his throat. Any objections?" I looked around and they shrugged. "Now, if you'll excuse me." I walked back into his studio and he was seated on the desk chair by the multiple screens. I shut the door louder than I'm supposed to just to grab his attention. He jumped in his seat before turning.

"Jeez, could you be anymore aggressive? What did that door ever do to you?" He scoffed and I rolled my eyes, walked towards him, pulled the chair away from the desk, towards the couch. I sat on the couch and handed him the bar. He took it and was about to turn around. I stopped him.


"What? Now?" I nodded. "But I have w-.."

"Jaebeom you either eat it or I force feed you."

"As if." I stood up but he backed up. "Okay. Okay.. Here, I'm eating." He sat there awkwardly and silently eating the snack. Once he was done and threw the wrapping away. He turned to look at me. "Happy now?"

"No. Get out."


"Get out of the studio. Sit with human beings and enjoy the meal I cooked." He was about to protest but I cut him off. "You already don't like me even though you don't really know me, do not let me give you a real reason not to like me." I said coldly. I was so done with him and his annoying and pointless stubbornness. He ignored me and turned the chair, he was going towards the desktop when I pinched his ear and pulled him up.

"Ouch! Ow! Su! What the hell?!" He yelled but I didn't budge. I was going to give him reasons not to like me. Instead of just disliking me for no reason at all. I pulled him out of the room, down the stairs and into the living room where everyone was looking at our direction. They exchanged looks then looked right back at us.

"Sit." I demanded, he obeyed.

The rest of the night went quietly. The boys were quieter than usual. I think they were surprised to see that side of me. I almost never snap like that, almost never talk back, fight or even argue. But this man just has this annoying thing about him that makes my blood boil.

"What did you do? She almost never snaps like that." Hannah asked Jaebeom in a low voice.

"I didn't do anything. Your friend's crazy." He mumbled looking my way.

"Oh, that was not crazy. That's not even scratching the surface. Don't tempt me." I glared at him.

"True. Not crazy, but she's getting there." Hannah was the only one who wasn't actually intimidated by what she witnessed. She had seen a lot worse.

After tidying up the kitchen, the boys were scattered around, some on the terrace talking and others in the living room playing games. I saw him walk into the kitchen. "Can we talk?" He asked gently. I sighed.

"I'm sorry I did that. I was out of line." I said feeling guilty, he has this tough demeanor that I might have shattered by doing what I did.

"No. I'm the one who should apologize, I deserved what you did." He let out a soft chuckle. "I just wanted to say, it's not that I don't like you Su. I do, and because I like you, I hate seeing you being used like that." His words took me by surprise but then again, everything he did was just inconsistent, he might have even snapped and got angry seconds later but he didn't. "I'm really sorry for being an ass."

"You were kind of an ass but it's okay." He chuckled. "Jae.. They're not using me. If anything, it's the other way around." I said softly. He swallowed thickly and looked away. "Plus, do you prefer having me go around with some stranger and have him actually use me and manipulate my feelings? At least they.." I pointed towards the living room and terrace. "They are honest about it. They care enough not to hurt me." He sighed.

"I know.. I just.." he sighed and scratched the back of his head. "Be careful?" If my experience with him hadn't gone the way it had I would have thought he cared about me. But at that moment, I just accepted that he'd turn into an annoying asshole any minute.

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