32: How I met the parents.

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A few days went by and it was the same routine. The boys would spend the night at my room and I would wake up alone in an empty penthouse. My physical wounds thankfully were all healed but the stab wound left a nasty scar. About my emotional wounds, well...
I still shed a few tears when the boys weren't around. I didn't want to worry them but I was still terrified of that man and his next possible move. I woke up one morning and walked out of my room after washing up in my own bathroom. I wore one of Jaebeom's t-shirts and my own sweats with my messy hair left to be air-dried. I knew they'd be home late, so I didn't exactly care for being -presentable-.

I walked down with a bag of tissues in my hand since there wasn't any in the living room. Ready for a good cry to attack me while I quietly sit alone in front of the TV. I went to the kitchen first and saw a broad-shouldered tall man that didn't seem familiar to me as he stood in front of the opened fridge. I screamed my lungs out and threw the bag of tissues. He yelped and turned around, a familiar female figure appeared once he turned and I immediately dropped on my knees apologizing repeatedly. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. My apologies. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." They both broke into laughter and I froze.

"You must be Su." The kind woman said with a sweet tone as she approached me and helped me land on my feet. "We heard so much about you." I felt stupid, embarrassed, reckless, stupid, angry at myself and again, stupid.

"I'm sorry again. Are you hurt? Should I get you some ice?" I asked the old man that stood tall looking at me and his wife fondly.

"No, I'm fine. Thankfully it was a bag not a carton box." He chuckled. "Though, if it was someone else you should have used something heavier." He tried to stifle a laugh but failed. I bowed again and apologized. His wife scolded him almost immediately.

"Yeobo!! That is not something to joke about." She helped me up. "Ignore him. We brought you breakfast. Jaebeom said you stay here all day long alone so I hope you don't mind us barging in." I shook my head and waved my hands gesturing a 'no, no'.

"It's Jaebeom's apartment. You have every right to be here. I'm the one who's sorry for staying here." I said truthfully. She smiled fondly.

"You do live up to your reputation." I looked at her quizzically. She shook it off before she continued. "Don't apologize. I suggested you stay with us but Jaebeom thought it would be awkward for you." I smiled awkwardly and laughed nervously. "I'm sorry for acting so casually around you. I hope you're not uncomfortable." I shook my head again.

"No. Not at all Mrs. Im-.." She interrupted me.

"You can call me eomuni or eomma. All the boys do. It's weird when you use formalities." She laughed lightly patting my shoulder. I nodded. "Again, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. We've heard so much about you, we already consider you as close as the other boys." I bowed respectfully. "Aigoo! stop being so formal." I giggled and nodded. "Come, I prepared a delicious meal. I hope you eat fried rice for breakfast." My mouth watered if I were to be honest and I think she noticed because she laughed lightly and pushed me into the kitchen. "I love a girl that can eat. I feel sorry for those who starve to keep a certain image. As long as you're healthy, happy about yourself and taking care of it, who cares about people's opinions and the outer image? Right?" I laughed nervously and nodded awkwardly. She probably didn't know I was a makeup artist. I literally enhance people's faces and images for a living.

"Will you stop pestering her? Let's just eat." Her husband said, dropping the level of awkwardness to a bearable limit.

Breakfast with them was comforting, something I hadn't had my entire life. I never had a family breakfast in such a warm atmosphere, I felt warm while around the boys or Hannah or Ian but never with my parents. I felt sad but absolutely thankful for them. I cleared up the plates and tidied up the kitchen after our meal as the sweet couple were having their personal conversation. They were whispering and I tried to keep myself busy with the chores because I didn't want to accidentally eavesdrop. "We should go now, I filled the fridge with the boy's favorite side dishes. Enjoy them, okay?" I felt like I used their kindness.

"If you don't have anything to do, you can stay. I mean, I'm already spending the day alone." I didn't want them to think that I was just some spoiled brat eating their food and kicking them out of their son's apartment. Also, I didn't want to be alone and wait for my tears to attack me.

"We do have work to do. Maybe we can come some other time?" She said as she smiled sweetly. I nodded.

"Of course. It would be my pleasure. Truly."

"Then, we'll see you later dear." She hugged me tightly and her hug felt as warm as my own mother's. I hugged her back with the same amount of affection. She let out a breathy laugh and whispered in my ear. "Please stay safe, take care of yourself and my sons." I nodded as we parted. I waved at them as the elevator door closed. I sighed afterwards, they were the sweetest couple, the most genuine parents and they didn't make me feel like I was a charity case. I loved the feelings I had when around them, the warmth, the love, the soft feeling that I didn't know how to explain. I was really thankful.
I don't remember how long I was drowning in my own thoughts before I felt my phone in my pocket as it buzzed, pulling me out of my thoughts.
Jae: [I see you've met my parents.]
Me: [Yup. I was horrible. I was rocking the homeless look, which even you did not see.]
Jae: [Yet..]
Me: [I threw a full bag of tissues at your dad! Oh my god. I wanted to bury myself.]

There was a slight pause after he read the text.

Jae: [I'm glad it was a bag since it was my dad you hit but next time you see someone unfamiliar, try throwing something sharper or heavier.]
Me: [Like father like son. Your dad said the same thing.]
Jae: [He may be my step dad but I was proudly raised by him. I'm glad his sense of humor rubbed well on me.]
Jae: [They love you.]

I felt my heart flutter. I didn't know why. A deep breath of relief was released, I had no idea why I felt pressured. But then again, I was living at their son's apartment. That was probably why I felt like I needed their approval. Right?

Me: [I only met them this morning but they made me feel like they knew me for years. What did you tell them about me?]
Jae: [I have to go now. Thankfully, it's the last full-day schedule. We'll see when we get back home okay?]
Me: [Sure.]

I couldn't help but wonder why he spoke to his parents about me. I knew there was a slight chance he really liked me but I didn't think I was worth mentioning. I shrugged off my thoughts, took a shower and decided to actually unpack. It was a good distraction from my emotional breakdown, but it was also a necessity. I had to face the reality that I wasn't going back to my old apartment, that the penthouse was my home for the time being.
I didn't feel it but time flew by and the boys walked into my messy room. "Oooh electronics." Bambam said and went to open that box. I wanted to stop him but it was too late, the box had Jaebeom's gift and.. "What do we have here?" He pulled the object out and I jumped on the bed face down. There was no point in trying to take that away from his grip. A, he's way taller than me. B, everyone saw it already.

"Awwwhhh, you use that to pleasure yourself?" Jackson cooed and I groaned into the pillow. I really wanted to disappear. I may have gotten used to them and the sex topic but not to this extent.

"But that's not even the best kind." Bambam said frankly and I rotated my face just enough to look at him annoyingly.

"How would you know?" I wished I hadn't asked. I immediately regretted my question because a sly smirk appeared on all their faces.

"Oh baby girl that's a specialty of mine." I swallowed thickly but probably looked stupid because they started laughing almost immediately.

"You really were drunk out of your mind huh?" Jaebeom asked through a smirk. I didn't understand what he meant. "We spoke about our kinks and specialties in bed. Bambam is good with toys." I didn't say anything. My lips pressed into a thin line as I tried to avoid eye contact.

"I could offer you a few of mine if you'd like." Bambam said through another smirk. Jaebeom looked at him curiously but I wouldn't say he looked angry. He was more interested than agitated, which surprised me. "In fact, let's have fun. All of us." Jackson chuckled and Jinyoung looked at me darkly, a smirk spreading on his face ever so slowly. I didn't want to look at Jaebeom, afraid of how he would react. But when I did, he brushed his thumb against his lower lip as his gaze pierced darkly through my soul.

"Oh this is going to be a fun night." Jaebeom chuckled as he looked me up and down and I felt like all 7 godly men undressed me in their heads as their gazes were fierce, as if I was their prey.

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