6: How I became Mary

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"Why? Do I not seem okay?" He offered me a kind smile that was more polite than sincere. I mentally facepalmed at my own stupidity. I was so lost in his dark hazel eyes that seemed to be holding back and hiding so much more than the timid, polite and respectful man we all knew. It felt like he was holding back. I didn't know if it was because I was a fan that had the power to deliver information to the rest of the fandom or if it was just generally him being conservative. Then again, as much as he showed up in variety shows and started live streams, we never really knew him on a personal level. We didn't know any of them. Around us, they always acted as bubbly and cheerful as they are on screen. But there was a gut feeling cutting through me telling me that there is definitely more to them than what meets the eye. I realized I was so lost in my thought that I didn't answer him. I returned the polite but not so sincere smile.

"I know that it isn't my business but I can read people." He looked at me strangely. "I mean, people's behavior." He nodded suspiciously. "I just saw something in your eyes but I know it's none of my business, so I will take back the question." I smiled politely and tilted my head into a bow. He smiled nervously.

"You could have asked in spite of whether it was comfortable or not. You have the chance to do so." He said timidly.

"Just because I have the chance, doesn't mean I have the right." I said as I was brushing loose powder as the final touch. "Plus, I told you that I am here for you if you ever needed to vent and lock up your secrets away from everyone and I meant it. It is up to you whether you take me up on that offer or not." I said with a straight face referring to the birthday letter I had sent a year ago. I knew the feeling of having so much to hold within you but not being able to open up about it to the ones who are close to you. I knew that venting to a total stranger can help. It's basically a free therapy session. He looked up at me stunned. "Close your eyes." He widened them.

"What?" I laughed. I raised the face spray.

"I don't want the setting spray to get into your eyes but if you wanna risk it.." It was the first time I spoke to any of them comfortably. Well, other than Mark. But even with Mark, it wasn't like this.. Comfortable, face to face. Jaebeom let out a breathy laugh and closed his eyes. I sprayed his face and fanned it a bit. "Okay, you're good to go." He stood and leaned over to the mirror looking satisfied.

"I actually don't look like a vampire with this foundation color." He said impressed.

"You might as well be." I whispered unconsciously. The man literally never ages. If he did, it would be backward. Actually that implies on all of them.

"What did you say?" He chuckled and I realized that I thought about it out loud.

"I mean, with the flashes out there and the way the photographing company choses to edit your photos. You might as well end up looking like one." I giggled nervously. He smirked.

"That is one of the reasons why I personally loved your fansite. You never whitewash our actual skin color." I smiled. That was the first time I was actually complimented and not teased about that stupid fansite. "I better get going. Guess we'll meet up afterwards." He bowed lightly and disappeared towards the flashing cameras.

A while after, they were done with the shoot and surprisingly, they finished earlier than the day before. I was updating my website when I heard them thanking the staff for their hard work and barged into our room to get rid of all the cosmetics. Yugyeom ran up to my chair like the giant baby he is. "Noona. You like Korean bbq, right?" He asked and I laughed along with Hannah. We couldn't stifle our laughs. The boys all looked confused.

"Gyeom do you even know how old we are?" Hannah asked him while helping wipe Jackson's makeup.

"Aren't you older?" He asked innocently. I stifled a laugh.

"Only by a few months. I'm a few days younger than Bambam. Do you call him hyung?" I asked him and he looked horrified as if he murdered someone.

"I'm sorry, I assumed you're older. I didn't mean to offend you." I shook my head. "I'm just so used to having everyone working around us being older than I am. Unless they were interns." He was explaining passionately making me pity him.

"Honey, it's okay." I paused to look at him and pat his shoulder and went back to wiping off his makeup gently then apply moisturizer. As much as I loved all the 7 men differently, Yugyeom was the huge baby that I always thought about taking care of him. He seemed innocent, despite of the way he moves so sinfully and the way he stares into fan's souls seductively when he notices a fansite on stage. He smirked and brought me back to reality.

"Honey?" He asked and I looked at him oddly. He raised his brows and it hit me. I just called him that. I shut my eyes tightly hoping to erase the moment. "I love how you're already getting comfortable." I felt my hand shaking while I was rubbing in the face cream. I then shifted my gaze towards the others and one smirk caught my eyes. I hated how powerful that smirk was. How dangerous I knew it was but I still fall for it every single time. I swallowed thickly with eyes fixed on his smirk. Just then he noticed I was rudely staring. The smirk grew to a grin as his tongue peeked in the corner of his lip before he bit on that soft lip that I melted once I touched it to even his lipstick before. I had to peel my gaze off of that hypnotizing lip. For the love of god, how am I supposed to befriend these people when all they do is make my heart race as if I was about to go into a cardiac arrest.

He finally spoke pulling me back from daydreaming. "I think she is showing her true colors." Jinyoung chuckled as soon as he ended that sentence and so did the others. I guessed they were referring to my reddened face.

"Okay. You guys need to change." I said after swallowing thickly and avoided all sorts of eye contact. The assistants were already scattered out of the room after they finally zipped up the bags and headed to their cars.

"So eager for us to undress?" A raspy hoarse voice whispered into my ear making me jump and turn to that owner. He was smirking.

-For the love of the lord above, what is up with their smirks. Don't they know their affect on people?-

"It's entertaining." Jinyoung said. I gave him a quizzical look. "You get embarrassed easily. It's fun seeing you squirm all shy and cute." I tried to keep a straight face but the blood in my entire head felt heated, even my ears were burning.

"You guys. It's not fair what you're doing." Hannah finally spoke. I hoped to god she would make a joke and release the tension that thickened the air. "Mary here cannot take a compliment without turning into crimson red." My eyes widened and I hoped no one understood her reference. The boys chuckled but looked a bit confused which made me relax a bit knowing they did not understand what Hannah meant by saying Mary when referring to me.

"Wait, MARY?!" Mark almost yelled.

I spoke too soon..

Oh shit. This is too much. They're gonna think that I am a freak.

"It's getting really hard to breathe here. I'll meet you guys out front." I said before basically fleeing the place. I really wanted to run, drive far far away from them. I knew Hannah had only good intentions but did she forget that we had an American with us? We called him our homeboy for a reason. Dear God. I hoped he wouldn't explain that term to the rest.

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