Goku X Miyuko Tsukino OC Lemon 2

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Requested by StarGoddess12. This is a sequel and I apologized for the long delay because I messed up reading requests. Anyway enjoy this sequel. Takes place years later and time skips.

Four years have passed since the birth of their first-born son Gohan. A happy family of three, living their normal lives. He grew up into a smart four year old and will make his parents proud by being both a scholar and a fighter. But so many things happened to them: the fight with the Saiyans, death and revival of Goku, reviving their friends and defeating Frieza after Goku achieved his super saiyan form.

Also, they were recently fighting against the androids that were described by Bulma and Vegeta's son Trunks from the future. At first nothing will happen, but then Goku was feeling ill due to a heart virus. So he rested and recovered days later thanks to the medicine Trunks brought and well cared by his own wonderful wife.

But things escalated when another android known as Cell came from an alternative future timeline. Miyuko can sense her husband and her friends' kis since Cell absorbs their kis since his imperfect form. But now that he's a bigger threat, she cannot think of finding jobs if her world and her family are in danger. 

She left the house and headed to Kami's Lookout; just in time to join her family into a family training session. Only a year to train in the chamber, equivalent to a day, Miyuko and Goku spend every minute and hours training Gohan. Since he's a half-Saiyan and half-Draconian, they will never know what kind of power their son wields.

Each parent took turns training Gohan, then rests and eats meals, then back to training. It felt like months training. While Gohan spars with his son for improving his ki and achieving super saiyan form, Miyuko would help her son try to gain control over his rage, turn it into a source of power, and harness the control of her race's special ability: Dragon Force. 

Miyuko first used her ability back when she was Gohan's age when she was training with Hikari. It took her two years to perfect the power in her grasp and finally achieved it. Using Dragon Force for real emergencies, Miyuko was able to defeat one strong foe who threatened to kill her mentor, right before meeting Goku. 

But she notices that Gohan is holding back his rage since he is a sentivitive boy and has no desire to kill, he was afraid to lose his loved ones for making one mistake. But she did encourage him to try harder and resume their training. But once a day passed, they all made it, both Goku a Super Saiyan 2 and Gohan a Super Saiyan, while Miyuko felt her ki increased by a 1200.

Trunks explained to them that the present Cell is destroyed, but has more worries since Cell absorbs android 17 and android 18, turned into a perfect monstrous android. Cell is cocky since he drags about being perfect and plans to rule the universe. But he thought he should do that once he gave Earth and the Z-Fighters their last chance to fight by creating the Cell Games already broadcast on the news channel. Goku felt like this would be easy for him.

But Miyuko knows that it's going to be a tough obstacle and have a feeling that Goku will sacrifice himself to save their world. She cannot stop him, she does want their son, their world, and their future saved. So, she and her family with Krillin spend a few days together such as fishing, driving through the city and visiting the Kame House. Since Goku and Miyuko dropped their son and friend off, it's just the two of them for the last day.

Hours later, Goku went on an errand for a short hour. He came back home and told her that they found the new Kami for their planet; and Goku went out again to bring Gohan and Krillin to stay with their friends at the Lookout until the Cell Games. Miyuko secretly smiled as she watched Goku teleport. She hums as she finishes the dishes, "So glad Gohan's away, now to plan out the night~", she mutters.

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