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April 7th
Yoongi 30 weeks

For the past week Yoongi had been really stressed, he was hardly taking care of himself and Hoseok had to do everything for him like bring him food and even feed him at some points.

They also took Ae-Cha out of school for the time being just for safety reasons.

The boy had slowly began coming back around to everyone but he still needed time alone.

When a letter was delivered to the door Hoseok quickly picked it up and opened it and it was a letter with a court date, Hoseok asked Yoongi if he wanted to go and the boy nodded his head.

Hoseok quickly got themselves a good lawyer and Yoongi provided some evidence, getting his hospital records from the times he had to get stitches to the time 3 of his ribs were broken, he also had some of the photos from when the events happened which he give to the lawyer who nodded his head.

Yoongi didn't want to share his baby girl with that monster, especially after what he had done to him, he couldn't imagine what would happen to Ae-Cha if she was left in the care of that man.
April 13th
Yoongi-31 weeks

The day quickly came, Yoongi felt sick to his stomach but he was finally ready to face this monster with Hoseok by his side.

They left with Ae-Cha and Jin in the backseat, the court had told them to bring her along since they were going to be discussing custody and Jin was going to be looking after her when she wasn't needed

When they arrived Yoongi was shaking, he was nervous and he felt sick to his stomach.

Hoseok quickly pulled the boy into his arms, holding him tightly to his chest as he whispered things into his ear, encouraging the hybrid and telling him everything was going to be fine.

Jin stayed with Ae-Cha in one of the backrooms, looking after her and giving her games to play to keep her entertained.

The judge walked out in front of them both and they waited since Jae-Hyun still hadn't shown up, the man's lawyer on his phone, trying to get in contact with him when the man burst through the doors, walking up to the front and sitting next to his lawyer.

Yoongi couldn't even look over but he knew they man was staring at him as a lady got a chair for Yoongi to sit on.

"Min Yoongi, why won't you let my client see his daughter?" Jae-Hyun's lawyer asked addressing Yoongi completely as the man smiled.

"Because I see him unfit and I don't trust him to look after her after what he did to me" Yoongi said and the judge nodded his head as he looked at Hoseok's lawyer.

"You said you had photos of the injuries sustained from him didn't you?" The judge asked and the lawyer nodded his head as he shown them to the court, Yoongi looked down at the table, he couldn't stand to see them photos, they brought back so many horrible memories, Hoseok grabbed a hold of his hand and squeezed it tightly.

"These are really bad, what do you have to say to defend yourself Jae-Hyun?" The judge asked looking over to the man who smiled.

"He was asking for it, he would try to attack me when we were having sex and he made me and my wife split up" Jae-Hyun said as his lawyer tried to make him shut up, quickly realising he had chosen the wrong side.

"He raped Min Yoongi, none of it was consensual" Hoseok's lawyer stated immediately making the man turn angry.

"He was asking for it!!, he used to sleep naked!, and then he went into heat, you should have seen him throw himself at me" Jae-Hyun said and the Judge looked at him astonished.

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