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Yoongi-12 weeks

Today Yoongi was going to get an ultrasound just to make sure that they were developing well and were healthy.

Hoseok dropped Ae-Cha off at school, quickly went to the shops to get Yoongi tangerines and raspberries before he came back.

Yoongi was still in bed sleeping so Hoseok went and gently woke him up, the boy whining as Hoseok began kissing all over his face before giggling.

"You need to brush your hair and teeth" Hoseok said and the boy nodded his head as sat up and Hoseok gasped making Yoongi look at him.

"You're bump is so cute" Hoseok said as he put his hands on it, it seemed like they popped out overnight and Yoongi swore he had doubled in size as he stood up and looked in the mirror, yep he definitely couldn't hide it now.

"Come on" Hoseok said, grabbing the boys hand gently and walking into he bathroom with him, Yoongi bushed his hair while Hoseok had his arms wrapped around his waist, his hands rubbing the bump continuously.

"Why are you so obsessed with it" Yoongi giggled as Hoseok still felt the bump.

"It's so amazing, you're carrying our baby, you're so amazing" Hoseok said, kissing Yoongi on the cheek before Yoongi told him to go out so he could pee.

Hoseok went downstairs as made sure the house was clean, putting away some of Ae-Cha's scattered toys before he heard Yoongi walk downstairs, Mi-Cha in his arms, the baby half awake, whimpering for food as Yoongi went and sat on the sofa, propping his pillow under the baby so he didn't have to hold her up the whole time before pulling his top down, she quickly latched as Yoongi turned on the TV quietly.

After a couple minutes the girl was finished as Yoongi was going to burp her but Hoseok walked over with a bag of tangerines and Yoongi quickly swapped the baby for them.

"How long until she gets here?" Yoongi asked as Hoseok picked up Mi-Cha, burping her so the hybrid could peel a tangerine.

"About half an hour, You need to start drinking water so the picture shows up more clearly" Hoseok said and Yoongi groaned.

Hoseok got him a pint of water and put it on the coffee table in front of the boy who drank as much as he could before he began eating a tangerine.

About 20 minutes later Yoongi was laying on the sofa, his feet swollen and trying to repress the urge to pee, he looked down at his stomach and felt the bump and smiled.

"Mi-Cha's having her nap" Hoseok said and Yoongi nodded his head, "You're bump is already so pretty!" Hoseok said happily and the boy smiled as he leaned down and kissed the hybrid on the head just before there was a knock on the door.

Hoseok's stood up and quickly answer the door to see Dr.Lee the woman smiling as she picked up her bags before walking in.

"So another baby on the way?" She asked and Hoseok nodded his head as Yoongi sighed.

"It seems that way" Yoongi said and she chuckled softly as she set up all her things.

"Okay first I'm going to feel your tummy, is that okay?" She and and Yoongi nodded her head as he pulled his top up, showing the rounding bump off, Hoseok sat on the edge of the sofa so he could hold Yoongi's hand.

"How far along do you think you are?" She asked as she began pressing on the hybrids bump, the boy groaning.

"About 12 weeks I think" Yoongi said and she nodded again as she quickly wrote in her notebook before she began getting the ultrasound machine ready.

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