19 (M)

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September 8

After Ae-Cha had finished eating the breakfast that Hoseok made her, he walked her over to the Vminkook house with her suitcase.

She was going to stay there for the next week while Yoongi was in heat.

After Hoseok had dropped her off he walked back into his house and went to the kitchen where he grabbed Yoongi's and his food before walking to the bedroom the older boy was in.

Yoongi was half awake as he tried to look at his phone before Hoseok passed him the food and got in bed with him.

"Thanks" Yoongi said leaning over and kissing the younger boy on the cheek.

After Yoongi had finished eating he lay back down and cuddled up to Hoseok who put his plate on the side.

"Yoongi we need to talk about what's going to happen" Hoseok said making Yoongi looked up at him.

"So I will do what I done you're last heat and bring you food but I'm going to stay with you if that's okay?" Hoseok asked and the cat nodded his head, "I also got something from the shop that I think could help so I was wondering if you would let me use it on you" Hoseok said making the cats ears perk up as he looked at him confused.

Before Hoseok pulled out a bag from under the bed and pulled out a small object.

Yoongi continued to look at it confused before Hoseok pressed a button on the remote he held with his other hand causing a loud buzzing sound to come from the device making Yoongi's eyes widen as his cheeks turned pink before he slowly nodded his head.

"Okay and also, do you want me to use protection?" Hoseok asked and Yoongi shrugged his shoulders.

"I think I would prefer it if you did but if you didn't my heat wouldn't last as long, I just don't want to get pregnant at the moment" Yoongi said and Hoseok nodded his head.

"Maybe I can get you a morning after pill or some birth control" Hoseok said and Yoongi nodded his head agreeing.

Hoseok lay down in the bed watching some movie on the TV at the end of the bed and after a couple minuets Yoongi began groaning.

Hoseok looked down the see the older boy who held his stomach tightly as he face scrunched up in discomfort.

"Yoongi baby are you okay?" Hoseok asked and Yoongi shook his head no as he groaned in pain.

"Just the normal preheat cramps, I'll be fine" Yoongi said as it slowly began to stop.

"I'll go get you some pain killers and a hot water bottle, do you want some chocolate aswell?" Hoseok asked making Yoongi nod his head quickly as the younger boys rushed off the go and get everything.

Hoseok came back 5 minuets later with a hot water bottle, glass of water, pain killers and a massive chocolate bar making Yoongi smile widely.

Yoongi put the hot water bottle on his stomach, took the pain killers before beginning to eat the chocolate bar.

"Do you need anything else?" Hoseok asked and Yoongi nodded his head.

"Could I have some of your clothes to nest please?" Yoongi asked and Hoseok nodded his head as grabbed some of the clothes he had worn and placed them on the bed, and once Yoongi finished his chocolate bar he arranged them around him before pulling Hoseok into his arm.

When hybrids are in a vulnerable state they like to nest, nesting includes surrounding themselves with things that smell like someone close to them which makes them feel safe and comfortable.

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