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December 30

Christmas has come and gone and now it was Taehyung's birthday, Yoongi woke up in his bed which he didn't remember falling asleep in, He remembered falling asleep on the sofa in some jeans but now he was in his bed in pyjamas.

Yoongi didn't know what happened but he didn't question it as he sat up and went into the shower, after that he dried his hair and got dressed in some jeans and a black shirt and went downstairs where Hoseok was in the kitchen cooking.

Yoongi sat down on the table and Hoseok turned around and smiled, "You're up a bit early" Hoseok commented and Yoongi hummed, "Do you want to help me cook?" Hoseok asked.

"I don't know how" Yoongi said making Hoseok look at him surprised.

"Come here I'll show you, we are making pancakes" Hoseok said and Yoongi nodded his head as he slowly walked up to the oven where there was an empty frying pan and a jar of pancake batter that Hoseok had made.

"Okay pour it onto the frying pan" Hoseok said and Yoongi did it carefully as Hoseok helped in move it around, After about 45 seconds the pancake began burning and Yoongi began panicking but Hoseok grabbed his hands and helped him flip it over, it was slightly burnt but it would still be edible, Yoongi looked up at Hoseok when he saw that the younger boys hand was resting on his making his heart flutter, but Hoseok removed his hands thinking the older boy was uncomfortable.

After the other side of the pancake had finished cooking Yoongi slid it onto the plate and smiled after finishing cooking his first official pancake, "Well done Yoongi, do you want to do another one?" Hoseok asked and Yoongi quickly nodded his head yes as he made more pancakes smiling every time he finished one making Hoseok giggle at how cute the older boy was being.

After both plates had 3 pancakes on them Hoseok added fruit and walked to the table with his and Yoongi's plate while Yoongi put the rest of the batter in the fridge before joining him, Hoseok immediately began eating it and smiled, It wasn't the best pancake he had ever had but it was good for a first try and he could see Yoongi watching him nervously, "It's amazing Yoongi, don't worry" Hoseok said and Yoongi smiled before eating it and smiling.

"We are going to Tae's today since it is his birthday" Hoseok said and Yoongi nodded his head and after breakfast, they watched a bit of TV before going next door to Taehyung's. 

When they arrived Jin and Namjoon were already there and unlike Jin's birthday, there was alcohol at this one.

It was early so no one had drunk yet but as it slowly got later everyone but Yoongi, Jin and Jungkook were drunk.

Jungkook was giggling at Taehyung and Jimin dancing around while they kept trying to make the younger stand up and dance with them which he did eventually.

Namjoon lay across Jin's lap and kept trying to poke the older boy on the nose which was beginning to piss the pregnant boy off who kept trying to swat his hand away making the drunk boy giggle.

And Hoseok sat by Yoongi, holding his arm as he was trying not to fall asleep on the older boy, Hoseok's face had gone red and he had a permanent pout on his lips even though he had only had 2 glasses of wine.

Jin and Jungkook couldn't get drunk for obvious reasons and Yoongi just didn't want to.

After a while of them all dancing around Jimin began kissing Taehyung and after a couple of minutes of that the two boys ran to the nearest bedroom which resulted in Jungkook begging to stay at someone else's house and Hoseok agreed before falling asleep on Yoongi.

Jin helped Namjoon stand up and helped his boyfriend get home, and Jungkook and Yoongi then helped Hoseok up and took him back to his house as noises began coming from upstairs.

Once they got back to Hoseok's house Yoongi helped the younger boy who was kinda awake upstairs into his bedroom and tucked him in before leaving the room and turning his light off on the way out.

Yoongi then showed a place for Jungkook to sleep which was next to his room before Yoongi went into his room, got changed into some fluffy pyjamas to keep him warm before falling asleep under the warm blankets.
December 31

Hoseok woke up and groaned loudly as his head throbbed, Hoseok looked at the alarm clock beside his bed which was beeping insistently making Hoseok headache worse before he turned it off and looked at the clock, he was surprised to see it was 11:24, he quickly rushed downstairs to make food for Yoongi but was surprised to already see the older boy in the kitchen with an apron on cooking.

Hoseok sat down on the chair and looked over the table to see Jungkook, "I'm using the leftover mixture from yesterday, I hope you wanted pancakes" Yoongi says as he places a plate of pancakes in front of Hoseok who smiled widely.

"Thank you Yoongi" Hoseok said and Yoongi nodded his head as he handed a plate of pancakes to Jungkook before pulling a chair and eating his own plate of pancakes.

"After this, I'll go back, thanks for letting me stay here" Jungkook said as he finished eating the pancakes and walked out of the front door.

"Why did he stay here last night?" Hoseok asked confused as he continued eating the delicious pancakes.

"Tae and Jimin decided they were going to do some things and Jungkook didn't want to listen to them" Yoongi said making Hoseok laugh.

"I'm sorry for getting drunk last night, I'll be more responsible next time" Hoseok said as he looked down and Yoongi shook his head no.

"Hoseok you were having fun how could I stop you?" Yoongi asked and Hoseok shrugged his shoulders.

"You should have done something, I can't remember anything from last night" Hoseok said placing a hand on his head.

Yoongi stood up and grabbed some ibuprofen and a glass of water before handing it to the younger boy, "Thank you" Hoseok said as he took the pills before moving to lay down on the sofa smiling slightly.

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