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Today was the day the triplets were finally coming home, Yoongi and Hoseok were so excited after being the only ones to visit them in the last week they were excited to finally introduce Ae-cha and Mi-cha, and for the boys to see as well, Ji-Hwan had improved a lot now and all they all needed was rest and time in Yoongis nest and that's all Yoongi wanted as well, Hoseok made sure he had all the car seats ready and that they were tightly secured, commenting to Yoongi about how he's going to have to get a bigger car making Yoongi giggle,

"Yeah, so no more babies or we will need a minibus" Yoongi laughed, and Hoseok nodded, agreeing.

"Or You can learn to drive?" Hoseok suggested and Yoongi shrugged his shoulders unsure and they climbed into the car to go to the hospital to pick the babies up.

Yoongi whined slightly at the seat belt going over his sensitive swollen chest and Hoseok may or may not have had fun with the last week since Yoongi didn't want his milk to dry up before he had the babies in his nest, he had been breastfeeding a lot but it was not enough to stop his chest from aching.

Hoseok drove to the hospital and the boys walked to the place where their babies were, all wrapped up and ready to go home, Hoseok and Yoongi carefully strapped the tiny babies into their carriers after the nurses had checked them over one more time, arranging a check-up for the following week and then they were ready to take their babies home, Hoseok picked two of the carriers up while Yoongi picked up Ji-Hwan, the little baby looking up at him making Yoongi tear up as they walked to the car, Hoseok quickly secured all the babies in, double checking before he gently closed the car door to not wake the sleeping hybrids, the drive home was quiet, Hoseok holding Yoongis hand in his as they drove home.

As they were parking Ae-Cha ran out of Jin's house, Namjoon chasing after her but he was just too slow for the little girl who ran up beside the car, jumping up and down excitedly, Yoongi quickly climbed out to hug the girl who was squealing, Jin waddling out of the house after with his big belly to also come squeal at the new babies, Jimin Tae and Jungkook quickly came outside as well with their three babies and Mi-Cha as Hoseok invited everyone inside to see.

Everyone followed inside as Yoongi and Jin sat on the sofa the boys sat on the floor around them, Ae-Cha climbed on Yoongi's lap to sit she she could get the best view.

Everyone was cooing over the sleeping babies and Ji-Cha was the first to open her eyes, the ears on the top of her head twitching as she looked around but not able to actually focus on anything.

"Hey baby girl" Hoseok said as he leaned down and unstrapped her from her car seat before picking her up gently.

Hoseok's eye's shined so bright looking at the little girl making Yoongi smile brightly.

"I want to hold!" Ae-Cha said as she put her hand out to her little sister.

"Let's go wash your hands hunny" Jimin said as he took her over to the sink and picked her up, she quickly washed her hands before excitedly running back over to the sofa and sitting down, moving her arms so she was ready for Hoseok to put Ji-Cha in her arms.

Her face immediately beamed as she looked at her new sister, "she's so cute mommy!" She said and Yoongi mailed and nodded.

Mi-Cha was sat on the carpet Taehyung keeping a hand on her back so she didn't fall backwards, and she seemed to be happy, giggling at the new babies.

Jin gently picked up Ji-Hwan, the small baby not fussing as he opened his eyes wide, the dark blue orbs looking for his mom and when he saw him his mouth opened slightly.

A loud cry broke through the quiet room as Ji-Hyun woke up, his face scrunching up as his teary eyes opened.

"Oh baby" Yoongi said as he picked the chonky boy up, he kept crying loudly, his ears back as his little fingers clung on to Yoongi shirt.

"Is he hungry?" Hoseok asked and Yoongi nodded his head as he looked around the room.

"I'm going to go feed Ji-Hyun" Yoongi said as he stood up and walked off to go upstairs.

Yoongi walked into the calm room before turning the lamp on and carefully climbing into his nest, he used his pregnancy pillow to lean against and wrap around his waist so he wasn't holding the baby up the whole time before he pulled the top of his shirt down and guided the little boy to it, the baby latching immediately.

Yoongi sighed contently as his head leaned back and he was finally able to really after a stressful week he was happy to be in his nest with his baby, and soon his other babies would join him, he couldn't help but smile at the thought as he looked down at the hybrids dark head of hair, brushing it forward with his fingers.

And then a tiny little purr began coming from the baby making Yoongi's heart melt before tears began falling down his face, he was so happy.

They stayed like that for 20 minutes, the baby falling in and out of sleep as buthe nurses before the door creaked open and Hoseok stuck his head in, smiling at the view, he was carrying Ji-Cha and Ji-Hwan in his arms and he walked over to gently deposit them in Yoongi's nest making Yoongi smile.

"They left about 5 minutes ago, do you just want to stay in your nest?" Hoseok asked and Yoongi gave a tiny nod.

"Okay let me go get Ae-Cha and Mi-Cha and he can all have a family nap" Hoseok said and Yoongi nodded his head, that sounded so amazing and after a long and hard pregnancy that's all Yoongi wanted.

Yoongi began adjusting his next so there would be enough room and making sure the babies had there own space away from any of the blankets and pillows.

"Mommy!" Ae-Cah said kinda loudly before she put her finger over her own lips, remembering the babies.

"Come in baby" Yoongi said as he patted the space next to him and Ae-Cha carefully climbed onto the bed, Hoseok's walking in a minute later with Mi-Cha in his arms, fast asleep.

"Put her here" Yoongi said tapping a spot near his thigh and Hoseok gently placed her down.

"And you come round back to snuggle" Yoongi said as he got on his side, checking all the babies as Hoseok walked around the bed before climbing in behind him, carefully climbing in before spooning the boy, his hands rubbing gently over his soft tummy making the boy purr gently as he fell asleep, everyone following behind him.

A bit fona short chapter but here I am, sorry for the wait everyone, writer's block hit hard and I've been working late so I hope you enjoy this and I hope to be back soon

And thank you all so much for 150k

I love you all


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