7 (M)

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March 8th

All Hybrids have heat cycles, they have their first heat on their 18th birthday and then every 6 months after that, so hybrids get their heat twice a year, one of their heats will also, always start on their birthdays.

Hoseok woke up made food and brought it into Yoongi's room for the cat that was still sleeping, Hoseok sat on the edge of the bed and smiled as he moved Yoongi's hair out of his face, "Yoongi" He said quietly making the cat whine as he opened his eyes with a pained look in his eyes.

"Yoongi I know you're in pre-heat so what do you need and I can get it for you" Hoseok said as he placed his hand on Yoongi's head, the older boy was quite warm and his cheeks turned pink with what Hoseok said.

Pre-heat was what happened before a hybrid when into heat, it was normally very painful, uncomfortable and tiring.

Yoongi turned away embarrassed and tried to pull the blanket over his head but Hoseok stopped him, "Yoongi talk to me, I wont judge you at all now what do you need?" Hoseok asked and Yoongi thought for a moment.

"Can you get me some toys? and a hot water bottle" Yoongi said and Hoseok nodded his head.

"I'll make you a hot water bottle and then go shopping" Hoseok said before exiting the room and coming back 5 minutes later with a hot water bottle that he handed to Yoongi before going to the shop.

Hoseok came back an hour later with a couple of bags of things that he got for Yoongi before walking up to the cat's room and knocking on the door, there was no response so Hoseok knocked again and after the 3rd time of knocking with no response Hoseok slowly walked into the dark room and when he turned the light on he was surprised with what he seen.

Yoongi was laying on his bed covered in Hoseok's clothes and blanket which surrounded him as he was curled up in a little ball in the middle sleeping while holding the hot water bottle to his stomach while he was also cuddling Hoseok's pillow, "Yoongi?" Hoseok said quietly and the cat didn't move so Hoseok went closer, "Yoongi wake up" Hoseok said a little louder and the cat slowly woke up and rubbed his eyes before looking at Hoseok with a pout.

"I'm tired~" Yoongi whined as he looked at Hoseok who sat down on the bed and looked at the cat before the hybrid began freaking out, "Oh my god I'm so sorry for taking your clothes you just smell nice" Yoongi said making Hoseok chuckle.

"It's okay Yoongi, I have a couple of things for you" Hoseok said as he passed the cat the bag and Yoongi looked into it before blushing madly.

"Umm thanks" Yoongi said and Hoseok nodded his head as he stood up.

"Do you need anything else?" Hoseok asked and Yoongi shook his head no, "Okay so when you go into heat tomorrow I will bring you food at 10 am, 2 pm and 6 pm and I will knock on the door before I come inside and I will stay in the room until you finish it and I will do that every day until your heat ends okay" Hoseok said and Yoongi nodded his head.

"You will also need to bathe and I'm not sure if you can do that by yourself while you are in heat so I will help you with that as well" Hoseok said and Yoongi nodded his head again.

"Hoseok if you're comfortable with it and I ask as well, you can help me but the furthest you can go is a hand job okay?" Yoongi said and Hoseok nodded his head as his cheeks turned a bit pink.

"Can I keep your clothes in here?" Yoongi asked and Hoseok smiled and nodded his head.

"Are you staying in here for the rest of the day?" Hoseok asked and Yoongi nodded his head, "Okay I will bring you food at 6, text or shout me if you need anything" Hoseok said and Yoongi nodded before the younger boy left the room.

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