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April 9

Yesterday was when Hoseok brought Ae-Cha home and Yoongi hasn't left her side and she even slept in his room last night, he didn't want to leave her alone again.

Hoseok had told the others that he had a surprise so they were coming around about 12, it was 10 in the morning when Yoongi woke up and he opened his eyes and saw Ae-Cha lying on his pillow and he smiled widely when he remembered that yesterday wasn't a dream.

"Ae-Cha~~" Yoongi said and the little girl yawned and sat up before rubbing her eyes before looking at Yoongi and smiling.

"Mommy" She said excitedly as she hugged Yoongi's chest before Yoongi picked her up, " 'm hungry, is daddy makin food?" She asked making Yoongi look at her questioningly.

"Daddy?" He asked as he began walking towards the kitchen which had an amazing smell of food.

"Hobi is daddy" She said and Yoongi slowly nodded his head before entering the kitchen and sitting her down at the table where she almost screamed at the pancakes in front of her out of excitement while Yoongi walked up to Hoseok and talk to him.

"Did you tell Ae-Cha to call you Daddy?" Yoongi said quietly and Hoseok shook his head no in confusion as he flipped a pancake.

"I told her to call me Hobi" Hoseok said and Yoongi nodded as he looked over at the 3-year-old who was eating the pancakes and fruit as quickly as she could.

"Well, when I woke her up this morning she asked what is 'Daddy' cooking" Yoongi said showing air quotations when he said daddy and Hoseok just shrugged his shoulders as he handed Yoongi a plate of pancakes and took his own and placed them on the table as Yoongi sat down and ate.

"What do you want to do today Ae-Cha?" Hoseok asked and the little girl looked up at him and smiled.

"Can I do colowing daddy?" She asked and Hoseok nodded his head and after she finished eating she quickly went to go and grab some paper and coloured pencils as she went to lay on the carpet in the living room and draw a picture.

After Yoongi and Hoseok had finished eating they went and sat on the sofa and began watching the C-drama that Jin had recommended.

As the episode continued Yoongi slowly got closer and closer to Hoseok before the younger boy was hugging the cat, none of them said anything as they continued watching the TV show smiling, After one episode had finished Hoseok was about to start the next one when Ae-Cha ran up to them with a piece of paper and handed it to Yoongi, and Hoseok placed his chin on Yoongi's shoulder as he looked at it and smiled.

The drawing was of 3 stick people with labels, 'Daddy' was pointed at the biggest stick figure, 'Mommy' was pointed at a smaller stick figure with some cat ears and a line for a tail and  'me' was pointed at a tiny stick figure with ear and tail as well.

Yoongi smiled as he stood up and went to find some blue-tac before sticking it on the fridge making Ae-Cha smile before running back to her pencils and paper and began making another drawing.

Yoongi sat back on the sofa a little closer to Hoseok than when he first sat down and by the second episode Yoongi was laying on Hoseok again as he smiled.

And then a knock on the door made Yoongi jump as Hoseok stood up to answer it, Jin and Namjoon walked in, "So what's the surpri-" Jin cut himself off as he looked into the living room to see the small girl laying in the floor drawing a picture, "Is that?" Jin asked and Yoongi nodded his head smiling.

"Ae-Cha can you come and say hi to Jin and Namjoon please?" Yoongi asked and the little girl nodded her head and walked up to Namjoon who picked her up and held her close to Jin for the older boy to see and Jin soon broke down in tears and he went to go and sit on the sofa as Ae-Cha rushed over and tried to get Jin to stop crying but paused when she saw his baby bump before placing her hand on it making Jin cry more.

"What this?" She asked as she moved her hand around Jin's stomach and she even felt some of the babies kicks.

"Jin is going to have a baby" Hoseok said and she nodded her head kind of understanding.

"She will be your best friend, she is going to have cat ears like you" Jin said and she smiled as she hugged Jin's bump.

"Friend? when will friend come out?" She asked as she continued feeling the kicks.

"In about a month or two" Jin said and she nodded her head and smiled before kissing Jin's bump making the emotional pregnant man cry again.

"How is baby in your tummy?" She asked making Jin's eyes widen as he looked towards Yoongi and Hoseok for help but the parents just began giggling as they waited for Jin to answer the question.

"When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much they can make a baby which grows in the mommy's stomach for 9 months" Jin said and Ae-Cha nodded her head.

Then there was another knock on the door and Hoseok quickly went to answer it again and Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook walked in and looked around before Jimin gasped and they all looked over to the living room as they all tried not to scream.

Ae-Cha walked up to them and smiled before saying 'hello' making the 3 boys almost die from cuteness, Taehyung picked her up and smiled at her, "What's your name?" He asked and she smiled back.

"Ae-Cha" she said making Jimin and Jungkook gasp as they just realised.

"Taehyung I want a baby" Jimin whined making Taehyung turn pink.

"Jimin we can talk about this later" Taehyung said dismissively but Jimin stomped his foot.

"No Tae, I want a baby" Jimin said as he looked up at the younger man who looked back down at him.

"Okay, Jimin we can 'talk' tonight if you will stop for now" Taehyung said and Jimin nodded his head with a pout on his face as he took Ae-Cha from Taehyung.

"Namjoon please can I stay at yours tonight?" Jungkook asked and Namjoon nodded his head unable to say no to the cute bunny hybrid, Jimin walked up to Jungkook holding Ae-Cha.

"Look how cute she is Kookie" Jimin said as he passed the giggling Ae-Cha over to Jungkook making him smile widely.

After hours of everyone hanging out Jungkook followed Jin and Namjoon to their house while Taehyung and Jimin went to there house leaving Ae-Cha, Hoseok and Yoongi.

I'm sorry
I feel like my writing has gotten worse
I'm trying really hard to update my books and make them worth reading but I feel like I cant do that at the moment but I will keep trying

Everyone, please stay safe and healthy💜💜💜


Hybrid | Sope | M-Preg |Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora