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Please don't forget to vote and comment sinc with hekps keep me motivated and keeps the book going (I read your comments when I'm sad  aswell X)


Yoongi woke up early in the morning, the triplets moving around his stomach was uncomfortable and he really couldn't go back to sleep so he watched the sunrise from his bed and watch how the light cast over Hoseok's beautiful sleeping face before going to read a book.

After he finished a couple of chapters he picked up his phone from the bedside table, taking it off charge as it turned on he looked at his notifications and Jin was right at the top.

Jinnie Hyung
Hey Yoongs, I went into labour so yay but I'm guessing you're asleep right now, Namjoon's parents took Su-Jin, see ya when you wake up, hopefully with my baby!! xx
1:24 am

Yoongi looked at the time and it was 5:21 am so he text back.

Heyy just saw your message, how is everything?
5:22 am

Yoongi texted back and it was pretty much seen immediately as Jin began typing a response.

Jinnie Hyung
Wow you're up early, the babies must be keeping you awake! Baby girl is not here yet, just waiting to dilate fully, I'm at 5cm! I'll see you later xx

*Photo attached*

Jin sent a selfie of him in a hospital bed showing a thumbs up but he looked tired, his hair all matted and Namjoon in the background completely asleep, mouth hanging open making Yoongi laugh.

Yoongi went back to going through his phone as the babies moved around constantly until he hear Mi-Cha cry at about 7 am, Hoseok was up instantly, quickly kissing Yoongi on the cheek before rushing to go get Mi-Cha.

Yoongi waited for a couple of minutes before Hoseok brought the girl to him, she was only whimpering now because she was hungry, she needed changing and that's why she was crying, the same thing happened every morning.

Yoongi still breastfed her but she was slowly moving on to solid foods now so she would be ready when the triplets come, he only fed her in the morning and at night but during the day she would have baby food and formula but her teeth began growing in which was beginning to get uncomfortable.

They both lay in bed quietly watching her and smiling, Ae-Cha woke up not soon after and crawled in between the two, wrapping one of her arms around Yoongi's big stomach, the babies all moving around to try and kick at the touch making the little girl giggle.

After about 20 minutes Hoseok took the children downstairs so he could get Ae-Cha to have breakfast and Mi-Cha could crawl around.

After both of them were occupied he would help Yoongi go downstairs and put him on the sofa.

"I'm gonna take Ae-Cha to school, can you watch Mi-Cha or should I take her in the car?" Hoseok asked as Ae-Cha went to go get dressed.

"I'll watch her, Just put her in the bouncer for me" Yoongi said and Hoseok nodded his head, picking the little girl up who squealed as she was placed in the bouncer that was securely set up in front of Yoongi.

Hoseok soon left with Ae-Cha leaving the two to themselves, Yoongi watching her and pulling faces as she bounced up and down happily squealing, she loved the bouncer.

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