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Trigger warning-rape and abuse

March 15

"It started when I was 17, I was adopted for the second time by a man that went by the name Jae-Hyun, At first he was nice but after living with him for a month he....r-raped me, I w-woke up handcuffed to the bed and I-I couldn't do anything to stop him" Yoongi said as he began to shake slightly and Hoseok nodded his head as he looked down to the floor shocked at what he just heard.

"Every day I would wake up and it would happen again, I tried locking the door but he had extra keys, I tried staying awake and one time I hid in the bathroom but he broke the door down and beat me up until I passed out" Yoongi said as tears began falling down his face as he recalled the memory.


Yoongi POV

I sat in the bathroom crying as Jae-Hyun kept banging on the door and shouting at me to come out, I had called the police multiple times but because I'm a hybrid they wouldn't do anything.

I began crying louder as cracks began appearing in the door and after a minute the door fell to the ground and Jae-Hyun walked up to me and picked me up by my collar before throwing me against the wall and kicking me in the leg, I fell to the floor again as I begged him to stop but he punched me in the face and that was the last thing I remember before everything went black.

back to the present

"Is there anything else?" Hoseok asked and Yoongi nodded his head as he cried harder.

"He also had a wife, she hated me at first but after she saw what he did to me she helped me a lot, when she would find me beaten up, crying my eyes out she would put me on her lap and comfort me, she was also the one that convinced him to take me back to the shelter but a couple of weeks after I was with him I began feeling ill and she made me take a pregnancy test, which came back positive, I didn't want a baby since I was 17 but I soon miscarried after he threw me down a flight of stairs" Yoongi said and Hoseok began crying silently as his heart ached to hug the older boy.

"And then 2 months later I had my 18th birthday and I went into heat for the first time, he raped me again and then returned me to the adoption centre 2 days later....but a month after I was there I found out I was pregnant again, I didn't want to get rid of it and 8 months later on November 5th I went into labour and after 4 days of labour with no painkillers on November 9th I had my baby girl who I called Min Ae-Cha but because of the policy that the adoption centre has, after 6 months she was taken away from me and I haven't seen her since, I tried getting her back but I can't because I'm a hybrid, the only way to get her back is for you to go and get her, she hasn't been adopted since only people that own or are her relatives can adopt her because she is so young" Yoongi said and Hoseok nodded his head and held his arms out for Yoongi who got in them and cried hard against Hoseok's shoulder, "I just want my baby girl" He cried loudly as Hoseok comforted him.

"It's okay Yoongi" Hoseok said as Yoongi climbed into his lap and he rocked the older boy who began quieting down 25 minutes later before eventually falling asleep.

Hoseok picked Yoongi up and carried the older boy to his bedroom and he sat on the edge of the bed.

"I love you, I won't let anyone ever hurt you again" he said quietly while he looked at Yoongi's cute puffy face that was covered in tears.

Yoongi woke up 3 hours later and went downstairs and he didn't see anyone, he frowned slightly before going to sit on the sofa and watch a k-drama, after 2 hours he went looking for Hoseok and then he knocked on one of the doors and Hoseok opened it smiling, "You can't come in here right now Yoongi, do you need anything?" Hoseok asked and Yoongi shook his head no and Hoseok closed the door making Yoongi pout as he walked back down the stairs and continued to watch his k-drama.

Yoongi did want something but he was too awkward to ask for it, he wanted hugs and comfort but Hoseok was busy.

After an hour it got too much for Yoongi who walked back up the stairs and knocked on the door and Hoseok answered again.

"Yes Yoongi, do you need anything?" Hoseok asked and Yoongi walked forward until he was pressed against Hoseok who wrapped his arms around the older boys waist

"I'm so sorry Yoongi" Hoseok said as he rested his chin on Yoongi's head and rubbed his back comfortingly.

"Hoseok could you come downstairs?" Yoongi asked and Hoseok nodded his head as he closed the door behind him and followed the hybrid down the stairs and sat on the sofa.

Yoongi had a headache after crying so much that morning, when he sat by Hoseok he rested his head on the younger boys chest who played with his hair.

Before Hoseok remembered something, he began touching Yoongi's ears and Yoongi began purring loudly as Hoseok continued.

After a couple of minutes, Yoongi realised what was happening and sat up red-faced.

"My ears and tail are sensitive" Yoongi mumbled making Hoseok giggle as the cat looked at him with a pout, "it isn't funny" Yoongi said as he lay back down on Hoseok.

"It's cute" Hoseok said making a deep blush creep up on to Yoongi's cheeks as he looked back at the TV.

Hoseok continued to slowly play with Yoongi's ears causing the cat to relax as it purred loudly.

"Thank you Hoseok, you are the first person I have trusted in years, you make me feel happy, thank you so much" Yoongi said making Hoseok smile as he looked down at the smaller boy.

"You don't have to thank me Yoongi" Hoseok said and the older boy nodded his head as he slowly turned his head back to the TV.


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