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December 4

For the past month Yoongi had slowly been warming up to Hoseok and the others and would come downstairs when they are all around now, Hoseok was his favourite and then Jin since they had so many things in common but Yoongi did find Jin's dad jokes pretty lame.

Today was Jin's Birthday and today was the day that Yoongi would be going to the Namjin house for the first time, Yoongi decided to dress in a soft black jumper that went down to his thighs with some black skinny jeans and Hoseok dressed in a flowery jacket with a white t-shirt underneath along with some blue jeans.

Hoseok and Yoongi walked next door to Jin and Namjoon's house and knocked on the door and waited before Namjoon opened it and smiled inviting them inside.

Yoongi looked around before going to sit by Jin Jungkook and Jimin on the sofa and Hoseok went to sit with Namjoon and Taehyung.

"How far along are you now Jin?" Jimin asked as he felt the older boys small bump smiling.

"I'm 12 weeks so 3 months and me and Namjoon found out yesterday that they are also going to be a hybrid and a girl" Jin said making all the hybrids smile as Jimin and Jungkook placed their hands on Jin's bump.


"So Namjoon how's Jin?" Taehyung asked and the older boy who looked tired.

"Well he is very emotional and his hormones are crazy at the moment like he won't leave me alone" Namjoon said making Hoseok and Taehyung giggle, "And at the moment his favourite thing to eat is chocolate but after he eats it he shouts at me about how fat he is going to get if he continues eating it" Namjoon complained making Taehyung laugh.

"So..Hoseok what about you and Yoongi?" Taehyung asked looking at Hoseok who gave him a questioning look.

"I don't know what you are talking about, we have only been together for a month and there are a couple things we need to talk about but I'm waiting for him to come to me in his own time" Hoseok said making Taehyung and Namjoon nod their heads.

"So what about you, Jimin and Jungkook?" Hoseok said making Taehyung blush.

"We are all dating" Taehyung said making the other boys look at him surprised, Taehyung had never talked about wanting to date them before but now it was happening, "We got together in October after Jimin's heat" Taehyung said making the others look at him.

"Did you two...You know" Namjoon said making Taehyung turn a deep red as he shook his head no.

"He said he is going to wait until I turn 18 and we are talking about doing the same for Jungkook" Taehyung said making the older boys nod their heads.

"Well Taehyung you have 26 days left, please try to not get Jimin pregnant" Hoseok said making Namjoon laugh as Taehyung blushed harder before muttering out a 'I wont'.


"Guys I have something to tell you" Jimin said as he looked at the other hybrids, "Me, Kook and Tae are dating" Jimin said making the others smile as Jungkook blushed a tiny bit.

"Oh my god how long have you been dating?" Jin asked as he smiled brightly at the two hybrids while his hand rested on my small bump.

"Since my....you know in October" Jimin said making Jin immedietly slap his shoulder.

"YOU HID IT FOR THAT LONG??" Jin shouted as his continued lightly hitting Jimin on the shoulder as the younger boy tried to shield himself while giggling before Jungkook got in the way not allowing Jin to slap Jimin anymore making Yoongi laugh slightly

And then once Jin stopped trying to hit Jimin the younger boy peeked around from Jungkook and looked straight at Yoongi with a mischievous look in his eyes, "So Yoongi" Jimin said and Yoongi looked at him, immediately nervously, "do you like Hobi?" Jimin asked and Yoongi shook his head no as he turned a bit pink.

"We have only lived together a month, I don't think there are any feeling" Yoongi said and the other hybrids nodded their heads.

"If anything happens please come and tell me immedietly, instead of hiding it like these two" Jin said and Yoongi nodded his head not wanting to upset the pregnant older.

"Wait Jimin you said you got with Tae and Kook in October, did you two... you know?" Jin said as he looked at Jimin who shook his head no.

"We are waiting for Tae to turn 18 before we do anything and we are thinking of doing the same with Koo"Jimin said as Jungkook pouted slightly at the though of having to wait nearly 2 more years.

"Jimin I swear to god please don't get pregnant" Jin said and Jimin nodded his head laughing.

"But why, I think me Kook and Tae could look after a baby" Jimin said making Jungkook smile slightly at the thought.

"I know Jimin but you need to wait a bit before committing to having a child, you have only been dating Tae and Kook for 2 months and you already want a baby?" Jin said making and good point and Jimin shrugged his shoulders.

He really wanted a baby, even since he was a child he had thought about how big he wanted his family to be, he wants at least 3-4 children by the time he's 30.

Taehyung on the other hand wasn't so keen on having a baby yet, he did want one but at the moment he also needed to focus on his job, he worked 5 days a week, 10 hours each day and he was struggling to spend time with Jimin and Jungkook and if they had a child he does not know what he would do.

Jungkook was neutral on the idea, he didn't mind if there was or wasn't a baby, sure he wanted kids but he was definitely too young to be having any, but he did want kids maybe when he is 20, but by then he knows Jimin would have had a couple.

Jungkook felt closer to Jimin than Taehyung, of course he loved them both a lot but Jimin was a hybrid too, he was a fun person to gossip and talk to and spend time with and the older boy helped him a lot.

Jungkook always thought that we would be forced to date a human since that is the fate of many hybrids and he thought it was going to be the case when Taehyung's mother came and got him and Jimin.

He remembers cowering in the corner of the car, scared of the puppy hybrid, he laughs at the memory of being scared of Jimin since the older boy had became such an important person in his life.

The only thing he is scared of now is loosing those who mean the most to him since when he was younger he lost both of his parents and was found by the shelter where he grew up for 12 years.

"Jungkoooook are you okay?" Jimin said waving a hand in front of Jungkook who had zoned out staring into the corner of the room before shaking his head as he looked around again.

He looked upset causing Jimin to immediately hug the younger boy.

"I love you Kookie" Jimin said kissing the younger boy on the lips only to have a pillow thrown at them by Jin.

"Hey stop it" Jin said as he grabbed another pillow ready to throw it if the younger boys did anything else making them all laugh.


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