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March 29

Hoseok had been acting weird lately around Yoongi.

Yoongi thought he was going to be taken back to the shelter when the man hadn't spoken to him all day, ever since Yoongi confessed, he had been in that room Yoongi is not allowed to go into which is annoying the older boy that just wants to know what is happening, he still made the older boy food but then he just went back into the room also bringing Taehyung and Namjoon with him some days.

While Yoongi was bored Jimin, Jin and Jungkook came over and they all gossiped and talk about Jin's pregnancy which they were all happy about.

Yoongi went upstairs to go and ask Hoseok, Tae and Namjoon if they wanted anything but as he got closer to the door he began hearing a conversation.

"Hoseok you're crazy for doing this are you sure you don't love him?" Yoongi heard Namjoon's muffled voice through the door followed by a giggle from Taehyung.l

"Namjoon I told you I'm doing this because I do love him, I love him so much and I want him to be happy" Yoongi heard Hoseok's voice through the door making his eyes widen as he quickly ran to the nearest bathroom.

Hoseok loves him?

Yoongi's breathing began getting quicker as he looked into the mirror as his pink cheeks, he could feel his heart in his chest.

He felt like a schoolgirl as he tried not to freak out and scream into a pillow.

Wait no

Maybe Hoseok didn't mean it like that maybe he just mean it in a friendly way.

Or maybe Hoseok is dating some other man?

And what were they doing in that room?

After Yoongi calmed down he walked back downstairs and sat on the sofa where Jimin was feeling Jin's stomach and began whining.

"I want a baby" he pouted and Jin slapped him on the back of the head.

"You can't have a baby at 18 you slut" Jin said jokingly making Yoongi bite his lip slightly but he let it go.

Jin was pregnant and hormonal and Yoongi was not sure how Namjoon was surviving with an almost 7-month pregnant boyfriend.

"You don't understand how hard it is being pregnant, my hips hurt, my chest and feet are swollen and I can't sleep well anymore, none of you would understand" Jin said and Yoongi looked down.

"I do" Yoongi said quietly making the hybrids look at him.

"What do you mean?, You're pregnant?" Jungkook asked and Yoongi shook his head making the others look confused.

"I was pregnant at 17 but something happened and I was pregnant at 18 and I haven't seen my little girl, Ae-Cha since she was 6 months old" Yoongi said making the others begin to cry especially Jin who began balling his eyes out.

"I'm so sorry Yoongiiii, I didn't mean to say it like that" Jin said and Yoongi patted his shoulder trying to calm the pregnant older down.

"It's okay hyung" Yoongi said and Jin shook his head no as he continued crying and then Jimin and Jungkook hugged Yoongi, Yoongi then began crying as well which resulted in weird looks being given when Taehyung, Namjoon and Hoseok walked into the room all sweaty after being in that room for the whole day working on something.

"What happened Jinnie?" Namjoon asked as he picked his pregnant boyfriend up and cuddled him as he tried to get the older boy to stop crying who dug his face into the younger boys neck.

"I have chocolate" Namjoon said and the older boy immediately stopped crying as Namjoon pulled a chocolate bar our from his pocket and giving it to the pregnant older who sat on the sofa and ate the chocolate happily and once he finished he began crying again, "he's tired, I'll take him home" Namjoon said as he carried the crying Jin next door.

"Why are you two sad?" Taehyung asked Jimin and Jungkook and they just shook their heads as they walked out of the house and Taehyung followed them.

Hoseok sat down on the sofa and placed his hand on Yoongi's shoulder, "Are you okay? What happened?" Hoseok asked and Yoongi just leaned forwards and wrapped his arms around Hoseok's neck tightly as he cried into his shoulder.

"I told them about Ae-Cha" Yoongi said and Hoseok nodded his head as he rubbed Yoongi's back making the older boy calm down slightly before Hoseok passed him a tissue to dry his eyes, "I trust you Hoseok, I trust you not to put me back in that place" Yoongi said and Hoseok nodded his head.

"I won't do that Yoongi, You're staying here forever" Hoseok said and Yoongi nodded his head as he continued crying, "Do you want some food?" Hoseok asked and Yoongi nodded his head and Hoseok stood up and went to make some bulgogi, After Hoseok finished making it he brought it to Yoongi who smiled and began eating it.

"Thank you, for everything" Yoongi said and Hoseok smiled.

"Yoongi you don't have to say thank you" Hoseok said making Yoongi smile slightly.

"Then what do I say to express my gratitude?" Yoongi asked and Hoseok looked at the older boy smiling.

"Just smile, when you smile it means your happy and when your happy I'm happy and that is enough for me" Hoseok said making Yoongi do his bright gummy smile as he looked at the man that had taken care of him, the nicest man he had ever met.

He was very attached to Hoseok, even though he has only spent a couple of months with the boy he realised that he couldn't live without the younger boy.

Yoongi had been hurt before and that is what has stopped him from being close to people for the past 3 years but for the first time he felt like he was loved.

Within a couple of months, he had made some of his first friends that he could trust and joke around with.

But nothing was comparable to what he felt with Hoseok, He felt for the first time ever, that he actually loved someone, that he trusted someone enough to tell them his backstory.


He loved Hoseok?

Did he just say he loved Hoseok?

Did he love Hoseok?

Yoongi thought before looking up at the man with a bright smile plastered on his face.


He loved Hoseok

I will try to publish the next chapter of They cant know either today or tomorrow as a thank you for getting over 1K reads on this


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