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January 16

Yoongi never liked the winter, it was too cold for him which resulted in the older boy staying under his blanket in his warm bed all day while Hoseok brought his things like food and hot chocolate.

It was snowing outside and the floor was covered in about 6 inches of snow and Hoseok walked into Yoongi's bedroom smiling.

"Yoongi can we please go outside?" Hoseok asked and Yoongi immediately shook his head no at the crazy idea of going out in that weather, "come one it will be fun, everyone else is out there but us two" Hoseok said making Yoongi sigh as he moved the blanket off him making his shiver as he immediately felt freezing.

Hoseok grabbed Yoongi some thick clothes for the older to put on which he did making his look puffy like a marshmallow after wearing about 4 layers of clothes with a scarf, gloves and hat leaving only his eyes peeking out.

Hoseok quickly got a coat on and walked outside first only to be immediately pelted with snowballs making Yoongi take a step back.

"Come on Yoongi" Yoongi heard Jungkook say and Yoongi shook his head, he knew what would happen if he went outside.

Eventually, all of them stood in front of the door showing Yoongi they had no snowballs making Yoongi hesitantly walk outside, even with 4 layers of clothes Yoongi was still cold and he went to stand by Jin who no one aimed snowballs at because they knew what would happen if they hit the pregnant hybrid, and honestly, the thought terrified them all.

Then Yoongi began to hear giggling coming from behind him and he turned around to see Jungkook carrying a snow ball that was bigger than his head and he was walking towards Yoongi making the older boy immediately try to sprint back inside but then Yoongi realised the door was locked and after a couple seconds of trying to open it Jungkook got closer so Yoongi began running around the front garden screaming while being chased by Jungkook making everyone laugh.

Eventually Jungkook caught up to Yoongi and threw the massive snow ball over the older boy making him groan as he picked up a handful of snow and threw it back at Jungkook's face which also hit Jin and Jimin starting a snowball fight between everyone who was trying to get the biggest snow ball to throw.

After over an hour they all went into Hoseok's house shivering cold and soaked, Hoseok turned on all the radiators as he made hot chocolates for everyone before bringing them to Yoongi and Jin first who smiled and thanked him.

After a couple of minuets, everyone was under blankets sat in the living room with a hot chocolate watching TV when Jin suddenly gasped loudly making everyone look at him confused as he grabbed Namjoon's hand and placed it on his stomach.

After a couple of seconds, Namjoon smiled widely, "she's kicking" Namjoon said making Jimin and Jungkook immediately ask to feel.

After a couple minutes of Namjoon feeling the little kicks, Namjoon's hand was replaced with Jungkook's and the younger boy smiled as he felt a lot of kicks.

After Jungkook's turn Jimin placed his hand on Jin's stomach and only feel one kick before it stopped making Jimin pout and Jin laugh.

"I guess she's tired" Jin said as he put his hand on his stomach which had grown quite a bit in the last couple weeks.

"Taehyung I want a baby" Jimin said making the younger boy shake his head.

"Jimin we can't at the moment" Taehyung said making Jimin look at him upset.

"Why?, We have enough money, he have spare rooms for it please Tae" Jimin said and Taehyung still shook his head no making Jimin stand up and storm out the house angrily.

"Jesus Tae, are you sure he's not already pregnant" Namjoon asked and Taehyung shook his head.

"I don't think he is, shit okay I got to go, Jungkook do you want to come? or you can stay here for a bit" Taehyung said as he stood up to go after Jimin.

"I'll stay here Tae" Jungkook said with a sigh and the older boy nodded his head while putting his damp coat back on and walking out the door after Jimin.

"Kook do you know why Jimin is acting like that?" Jin asked and Jungkook shrugged his shoulders.

"He used to act like this a bit but after his heat, it just got worse, baby fever I guess" Jungkook said and the others nodded their heads.

"Do you think he is pregnant?" Namjoon asked and Jungkook shook his head no.

"I would be able to tell, when a hybrid gets pregnant other hybrids can sense the change almost immediately, he isn't pregnant" Jungkook said and the others nodded their heads.

"What about when I told you I was pregnant?" Jin asked thinking it was a surprise to everyone.

"Me and Jimin could tell, we were whispering about it when you went to talk to Yoongi for the first time" Jungkook said making Jin nod his head and pout.

"How can you tell?" Namjoon asks, interested in how hybrids could sense pregnancy.

"When a hybrid gets pregnant their scent changes withing the first couple days, it goes sweeter" Jungkook said making Namjoon nod his head satisfied with the answer.

"So you, Kook and probably Yoongi knew my boyfriend was pregnant before me great" Namjoon says sarcastically making Jin pout and Yoongi shake his head.

"I didn't know until I was told, remember before I met Jin I didn't know what his scent was like to begin with, he just smelt really sweet compared to Kook and Jimin" Yoongi said making Jin smile and hug him.

"At least it was a surprise for a couple people" Jin said making everyone giggle as Yoongi tried to escape the older boys embrace.

After a couple hours everyone went home.

"I'm going to get back in bed, night Hoseok" Yoongi said and Hoseok nodded his head as he sat on the sofa and sighed once Yoongi left the room.

He didn't know what to do.

He loved Yoongi.

For the first time he loved someone.

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