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23rd December
Yoongi-15 weeks

Yoongi woke up excited and scared.

Today he was going to find out the gender of the baby.

But Yoongi didn't like hospitals at all, especially after the amount of time he had to spend in them.

Yoongi and Hoseok woke up early, at 8 am to get ready since their appointment was at 9, after they got changed they quickly ate breakfast and Jin knocked on the door, he was going to stay there just in case Ae-Cha woke up.

Yoongi and Hoseok had to quickly leave since they were running a bit late and Yoongi sat quietly in the passenger seat as Hoseok began to drive away from the house.

"You will be okay baby" Hoseok said and Yoongi nodded his head as Hoseok placed his hand on his thigh.

"We can go clothes shopping after if you still want to" Hoseok said and Yoongi nodded his head.

The drive lasted about 20 minutes before they were pulling up outside the clinic.

Hoseok walked in first, holding Yoongi's hand as the hybrid followed in behind him with his hand wrapped protectively around his stomach.

Hoseok quickly signed in and before they went to sit down.

Yoongi sat in the hospital chair, biting at his sleeves as he kept his arm around his stomach looking at everyone in the room and his eyes quickly following any sudden movement.

"Yoongi baby, it's okay, you're safe" Hoseok whispered reassuring things in the hybrid's ear but Yoongi was still scared and once a nurse called his name, Hoseok helped in our of the chair and pretty much had to pull him done the corridor.

"Okay you should lay on this bed, the doctor will be in a minute" the nurse said before leaving.

Yoongi kept biting his sleeve as Hoseok helped him lay down on the bed.

A doctor quickly walked in and smiled at them both, Hoseok smiling back as Yoongi looked her up and down nervously.

"Hi I'm Dr.Lee and I'll be doing the ultrasound today" she said and bowed and Hoseok bowed his head back as Yoongi continued watching her intensely.

She went and sat near the edge of the bed.

"It's okay, to be nervous, I get a lot of Hybrids that don't like hospitals but I'm here for your benefit" she said and Yoongi nodded his head, "Can you lift your t-shirt for me" she asked and Yoongi slowly nodded his head as he lifted his t-shirt a tiny bit only exposing the bottom part of his bump.

The woman's lips pressed into a line and Hoseok lifted Yoongi's t-shirt a bit more.

"Can I touch your stomach?" She asked and Yoongi slowly nodded his head as Hoseok grabbed a hold of his hand, Yoongi quickly grabbing it.

"Your uterus is the right size it should be, I'm going to do the ultrasound now" she said as he grabbed the cold gel and put it on Yoongi's stomach making the Hybrid jump.

She quickly rubbed the gel around before turning the machine on and pressing the traducer onto Yoongi's lower stomach.

They stayed silent as she got all the measurements and checked the heart and everything was okay, "it's a hybrid, you can see the developing tail and ears here" she said as Yoongi looked at the screen seeing the little bumps she was talking about, "do you want to know the gender?" She asked and Yoongi nodded his head.

"You seem to be having a little girl" she said and Yoongi smiled brightly and nodded his head as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Aww baby" Hoseok said as he wiped the tear off Yoongi's cheek with his thumb.

Dr.lee quickly wiped the gel off Yoongi's stomach and gave Yoongi a couple of the photos and Yoongi smiled brightly.

"Thank you" he said as he bowed and walked out of the room before quickly being followed by Hoseok.

Once Hoseok and Yoongi got into the car, Yoongi immediately began talking about the bedroom he wanted for the little girl and Hoseok smiled and said he could get whatever he wanted.

"We should tell Ae-Cha when we get back" Yoongi said and Hoseok looked at him before agreeing as he arrived outside of some clothes shops, they were getting some new clothes for Yoongi since the hybrid mostly word tight-fitting clothes, nearly all of them didn't fit.

Hoseok walked around holding Yoongi's hand as the older boy looked through some t-shirts that would go down to his thigh and loose-fitting hoodies before going to buy some joggers and comfier shoes.

Once they were paid for Hoseok quickly ran to put that stuff in the before running back as Yoongi walked into a kids clothing store.

The hybrid immediately walking over to the brightly coloured baby clothing and onesies, picking out every colour from the rainbow as he smiled brightly as Hoseok nodded his head every time Yoongi held something up for approval.

Hoseok also bought a couple of outfit for Ae-Cha before they checked out, deciding they would get furniture later on.

Yoongi was smiling the whole way back home, excited to tell Ae-Cha that she was finally getting the sister she kept asking for.

Once they got home Yoongi tried to grab a bag but Hoseok stopped him and told him he could do it and that the Hybrid should go inside.

Yoongi walked inside to see Ae-Cha eating cereal with Jin and once the little girl saw Yoongi she smiled brightly as she stood up and ran over to the hybrid hugging his leg.

"So what are they?" Jin asked with a smile on his face.

"Do you mind if I go and tell Ae-Cha first?" Yoongi asked and Jin shook his head as Ae-Cha followed Yoongi upstairs behind him, Yoongi walking into Ae-Chas room and sitting down on the bed.

"Baby mommy has something to tell you" Yoongi said as he grabbed one of the photos and handed it to the little girl making her giggle.

"What is it?" She asked as she turned the picture around trying the figure out what it was before she gasped as she finally realised, "it's a baby mommy" she said with a smile.

"Well done baby, you are going to get a sister" she said and Ae-Cha screamed loudly in excitement as she stood up on the bed and hugged Yoongi around the neck, Yoongi hugging her back tightly as he smiled.

They soon went back downstairs and Jin was immediately there asking what it was.

"It's a girl Hyung" Yoongi said and Jin smiled brightly.

"4 girls, maybe more with Jungkook, we need some boys" Jin said and Yoongi nodded his head and smiled.

"Maybe next time" Jin said with a smirk on his face as he looked at Yoongi and Hoseok before they realised what he said.

"Hyung we are still not sure if,, you know" Yoongi said and Jin nodded his head and put his hands up defensively.

"I was just saying" Jin said as his phone began to ring.

Jin answered it, "Hiya Joonie,,, what did you do?,,, How did that happen?,,, How bad is it?,,,I'll be a minute" Jin said with a sigh, "he's broken the fridge and spilt everything, I need to go, see you both soon" Jin said and Yoongi and Hoseok smiled and waved as he quickly ran out of the house.

The family of three, soon to be four smiled brightly, Yoongi had a family and friends that he could trust which was all he ever wanted.

Hybrid | Sope | M-Preg |حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن