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25 March
Yoongi-28 Weeks

Yoongi woke up early not feeling good, his hips hurt, he felt sick and his head ached.

He quickly went downstairs where Hoseok was sat on the sofa watching a TV show, he had already dropped Ae-Cha off at school and had breakfast, he also prepared Yoongi a bowl on fruit for when the older boy woke up.

Yoongi opened the fridge and took the fruit out before going to join Hoseok on the sofa, eating his breakfast with a spoon while Hoseok placed his hand on his stomach.

"How are you feeling?" Hoseok asked as the baby kicked at his hand making Yoongi groan.

"Not good, I feel like I'm gonna throw up and pass out any minute" Yoongi said as he kept eating making Hoseok looked at him worried, over the past few days Yoongi had begun passing out which scared the younger boy a lot.

"Yoongi I think I should get you a midwife, Jin recommend one that he used and said she's really nice, she can come here once a week to do check-ups and she can help when you have the baby" Hoseok said and Yoongi shrugged his shoulders.

"Maybe, set up one appointment and I'll see if she's okay" Yoongi said and Hoseok nodded his head just as the cat was about to stand up to go and put he empty bowl in the kitchen, Hoseok quickly stopped him, taking the bowl from his hands and putting it in the kitchen.

"Yoongi it's probably best if you don't stand up when you feel like your gonna faint" Hoseok said and Yoongi shook his head.

"Hoseok it's okay, I'm fine" Yoongi said as he stood up, Hoseok standing close to him and after a couple of seconds the cat's knees buckled before he began falling, Hoseok quickly caught him before he placed him flat on the floor and lifted his legs and after about 20 seconds the cat opened his eyes, "did I pass out?" Was the first thing Yoongi asked and Hoseok nodded his head making the cat sigh, "I don't like being pregnant" Yoongi said as Hoseok picked him up and put him on the sofa and Hoseok nodded his head as he rubbed the cats ears.

"I'll make an appointment with the midwife for later today" Hoseok said and Yoongi nodded his head as Hoseok helped the boy upstairs, Yoongi climbing into his nest which made the room look messy but Hoseok didn't care, Hoseok went downstairs and made the appointment before going back upstairs and getting in bed with Yoongi, the cat snuggling into his chest.

Hoseok woke up an hour later to knocking on the door, he quickly went downstairs and opened the door, smiling when he saw an older woman with a bag in her hands, she smiled and spoke softly, "Hi, I'm Dr.Choi, the midwife" she said and bowed, Hoseok quickly bowed back before leading the woman into the house and sitting her on the sofa as he quickly went to wake Yoongi up, Yoongi didn't want to do it in the bedroom since it would mess up his nest.

After a minute the sleepy hybrid walked down the stairs, greeting the woman who smiled at him brightly.

"Yoongi right?" The woman said and Yoongi nodded his head as Hoseok helped him sit down on sofa.

"Hi Yoongi, I'm Dr.Choi, Your midwife, I am here for yours and your babies wellbeing, now may I please ask you some questions?" She asked and Yoongi nodded his head.

"Are you still throwing up?" She asked and Yoongi shook his head no, "do you drink any alcohol or smoke?" She asked and Yoongi shook his head again, "is this your first baby?" She asked and Yoongi shook his head.

"I have a four year old" he said and she nodded her head and wrote it down.

"Did you have any complications with that pregnancy?" She asked and Yoongi shook his head.

"Okay so now I'm going to weigh you, measure your bump, take some blood and we can do an ultrasound" Dr.Im said and Yoongi nodded his head and stood up as she got scales out of her bag, she made Yoongi stand on them before writing down the results.

"Do you know how much you weighed before you got pregnant?" She asked and Yoongi nodded his head.

"I was about 59kg" Yoongi said and she nodded her head.

"You're about 70kg now, perfect" she said with a smile and Yoongi nodded his head before lying back down on the sofa.

She got a tape measure out and felt the top of his stomach finding where his uterus was and measured from his pubic bone to the top of his uterus and she nodded her head before writing it down.

"The babies fundal height is about 26cm, it's a bit small but so are you so it shouldn't really be a problem" the midwife said and Yoongi nodded his head.

"Okay so do you want to do the ultrasound first or blood" she said and Yoongi said the ultrasound so she got the equipment out as Yoongi pulled his t-shirt up.

When she turned around she smiled brightly, "you have such a cute bump" she said as she placed her hands on it and Yoongi smiled, he trusted this woman.

She quickly squirted the gel on his stomach which made the boy flinch before she used the transducer to move it around, once she found the babies face she turned the screen around to Yoongi to show him and Hoseok.

"There's your little girl, she looks okay, she's a bit far up but she should hopefully come a bit further down when it's nearly time" the midwife said and Yoongi nodded his head as they all listened to the strong heart beat.

Once she got a couple photos of the baby she put the ultrasound machine away before getting the needles and stuff she need to take blood, as she was doing this she asked a question.

"When it's time are you going to the hospital or are you having the baby here?" She asked as wiped Yoongi's arm with a alcohol wipe.

"I want to have my baby here, I don't want to go the hospital unless something is wrong" Yoongi said and the woman nodded her head as she got the needle near his arm, Hoseok grabbed his hand for the boy to squeeze and the woman began taking the blood, Yoongi immediately felt faint and Hoseok watched as the colour drained from his face.

"I'm gonna pass out" Yoongi was able to warn just as she pulled the needle out before his eyes rolled back and he fell on to Hoseok.

Hoseok quickly lowered his head and raised his legs and after a couple seconds his eyes opened again.

"Yoongi I'm gonna take your blood pressure okay" Dr.Choi said and the cat nodded his head as Hoseok helped lift his arm, the woman quickly took his blood pressure before nodding her head.

"Yoongi you have low blood pressure" she said and the cat nodded his head, "are you on any medications?" She asked and the cat shook his head, "are you dehydrated?" She asked and the cat shrugged his shoulders and she nodded her head.

"Hoseok you need to get him to drink more, I'll come back next week and do another check up and hopefully he stops passing out" she said as she began grabbing her things.

Yoongi sat up and Hoseok stood and bowed at the midwife before she left and Hoseok smiled as he turned to Yoongi, "is she okay?" Hoseok asked and Yoongi nodded his head as he lay back down on the sofa before closing his eyes but Hoseok quickly stopped him.

"You can't sleep on the sofa or you will get back ache, go get in bed, I'll grab you a glass of water and then I'll go and get Ae-Cha from school" Hoseok said and the cat groaned but sat up and Hoseok had to give him a hand to pull him onto his feet.

Yoongi waddled off as Hoseok quickly filled a glass with water and he brought it upstairs, Yoongi was already lying under the thick blankets, surrounded by Hoseok's clothes.

"I'll be back in a bit baby, I love you, make sure you drink the water" Hoseok said as placed the glass of water on the bedside table before he leaned down and placed a kiss on Yoongi's forehead.

"I wove you too" Yoongi said as Hoseok left the room.
Hiii I hope you are all having a good new year.

I got a Hamster for Christmas and I called him Mochi

And I also dyed the underneath of my hair red


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