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Okay I put a lot of effort into this chapter so please leave some comments and votes it will be very appreciated and I will love you forever!


Yoongi-34 weeks

Hoseok drove Ae-Cha to school early that morning so she could get ready for her big part in the school play before driving back, since Yoongi got the okay it was all he talked about, he was so excited to see his baby perform.

When he got back Yoongi was in bed with Mi-Cha lying on his chest breastfeeding as another hand held his stomach.

"You have an hour and a half to get ready, I'll go make you breakfast and then you need to get changed" Hoseok said and Yoongi nodded his head, smiling brightly at the boy who returned a smile before going downstairs to clean the kitchen before beginning making his and Yoongi's food.

He walked back upstairs after 20 minutes with a plate of eggs and toast for the boy who quickly ate it all.

Hoseok helped Yoongi go through the clothes that would still fit him which wasn't a lot, jog pants and a very loose shirt Yoongi didn't look the best but he was pregnant with triplets and he felt he could have a pass.

Hoseok brushed his hair and rubbed lotion on his huge belly and swollen feet before kissing his face making Yoongi blush as Mi-Cha sat on the bed clapping her hands excitedly as she squealed, making murmuring "MAHmaa" which Yoongi smiled bright at.

Vminkook was going to look after the baby while the boys were out so when the door was knocked on Hoseok just told them to let themselves in which they happily did, spreading out in the living room with their bags and babies as Hoseok brought Mi-Cha downstairs to join them before giving them some basic information which they all nodded and agreed to as Mi-Cha quickly crawled towards the other children.

Hoseok then went to go and get Yoongi, picking the boy up like he weighed nothing and walking downstairs with him.

The boys smiling as the two boys left to go and watch the play.

Hoseok gently lowered the hybrid into the car and quickly fastened his seatbelt before closing his door and going to get in the driver's side.

They were about 15 minutes from school when Yoongi felt a slight pain in his stomach, it didn't bother him that much and it just felt like the babies had kicked hard and it was gone just as quickly as it came.

They eventually arrived at the school and they were brought into the main school hall where all the parents and children were.

Yoongi and Hoseok quickly found seats at the front as they saw Ae-Cha, the little girl smiling brightly and waving at them, plaits in her hair that Hoseok had only recently learned how to do and in a dress the school had borrowed her she looked really pretty.

Yoongi couldn't stop smiling as they waited for the play to start the pain came back a little bit more stronger this time, his hand rubbing the spot as the lights in the room dimmed.

The play started and Ae-Cha stood up, she went to say something but nothing came out Hoseok and Yoongi leaned forward and began encouraging her with their hands and smiles as she looked around and after a couple seconds she took a deep breath before saying her line loudly, Yoongi pretty much bouncing in his seat from excitement as she smiled confidently.

She was playing the main role so she spoke for more than half the play, as Yoongi ignored the pain in his stomach getting worse and worse.

It was getting towards the end of the play when Yoongi began realising the pattern with the pain he was feeling and he felt cold.

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