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June 1

Hoseok woke up to the sound of knocking on the door, he got out of bed and went downstairs, opening the door to see Namjoon and a 38 and a half week pregnant Jin.

"Hoseok, I need to go into work for a couple hours, could you please look after Jin? I don't want to leave him alone when he is so far along" Namjoon asked and Hoseok nodded his head stepping out the way allowing Jin to walk into the house after he gave Namjoon a goodbye kiss.

Jin waddled into the living room and sat on the sofa sighing, happy to be off his feet.

"Did you have breakfast?" Hoseok asked and Jin shook his head no so Hoseok began making something that would be ready by the time Yoongi and Ae-Cha would get up in 10 minuets.

Hoseok finished making food and handed a plate to Jin as Yoongi came down the stairs holding Ae-Cha, they smiled and grabbed their food before sitting at the table to eat.

"Why is Jin here?" Yoongi asked and Hoseok looked at him.

"Namjoon had to go into work for something important, so we are just looking after him" Hoseok said and Yoongi nodded his head.

After Yoongi and Hoseok finished their food they went and sat by Jin on the sofa smiling at the older boy who looked at them and smiled.

"Hoseok what's that mark on your neck?" He asked poking at one of the faded hickey's on Hoseok's neck making the younger boy blush.

"I mean it's not like you can talk" Hoseok said pointing towards Jin's stomach smiled and Jin tried to smile back before groaning.

"Jin are you okay?" Yoongi asked and the older nodded his head.

"My hips and back hurt so much" Jin whined as he leaned back against the sofa trying to find a comfortable position to sit in and once he found it he needed the bathroom.

Jin excused himself and waddled to the 1st floor bathroom and after 5 minuets Yoongi began getting worried.

Jin was still in there, Hoseok was trying to convince Yoongi he was fine but the older boy knew something was wrong.

"Yoongi?" Yoongi heard Jin's voice and immediately stood up and walked to the bathroom door.

"Yes Hyung?" Yoongi asked not wanting to run into the bathroom and see something he may regret.

"Can you come in here please?" Jin said and Yoongi slowly opened the door, Jin's face was red as he cried tears of embarrassment as he tried to clean the floor, his grey sweatpants also had a massive wet patch on them.

"Jin has you water broken?" Yoongi asked and Jin nodded his head, Yoongi helped Jin sit down on the toilet seat before rushing off the find the older boy a new pair of pants.

He came back with some black sweatpants and some underwear and looked away while the older boy changed before helping the older into the living room and sitting him down on the sofa.

Jin began crying as he felt his first contraction which only lasted a couple seconds.

"Jin, I'll call Namjoon" Hoseok said as he quickly grabbed his phone and Ae-Cha, walking the small girl out of the room.

"Fuck Yoongi it hurts so bad" Jin cried as he held Yoongi's hand tightly.

"Jin you will be fine, by the end of today you will be a parent, how exciting is that?" Yoongi said trying to cheer the older boy up.

Hoseok came back downstairs, "Namjoon will be here in 15 minuets" Hoseok said and Jin nodded his head.

"Where is Ae-Cha?" Yoongi asked.

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