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24 February
Yoongi-24 weeks

Yoongi woke up due to the sun light coming thought he window, hitting him in the eyes, he looked to his left and saw Hoseok wasn't there, the cat stood up, stretching his back as he looked in the full body mirror, his baby bump stuck out on his small frame, he pulled his loose pyjama top up and looked at it with a smile as his finger moved over one of the faint stretch marks.

Yoongi quickly went to the bathroom before washing his hands and brushing he teeth before he went downstairs and sat on the sofa, Hoseok wasn't there and Yoongi was slightly confused until he saw a note under the TV.

Just gone shopping for food and we ran out of tangerines, there is other fruit in the fridge if you want any, be back soon, Love be you xxxxx

Yoongi smiled slightly before he put the note back down and walked over to the fridge, the baby was kicking him hard in the ribs, it hurt quite a bit and he swore the baby had bruised his ribs.

The baby's head was quite far back, putting a lot of pressure on his lower back making it hurt a lot while the baby's feet were at the front of his stomach, kicking his ribs and bladder the most, and sometimes when she kicked you were able to see the little movements from outside of his stomach.

Yoongi opened the fridge before he reached a packet of strawberries, he walked over to the sofa and sat back down with his strawberries before he began eating them, humming in delight as he turned the tv on, he looked out of the window and frowned at the clouds as they began to cover the sky.

Yoongi got under one of the fluffiest blankets they kept on the sofa as he continued eating the strawberries, finishing them in a couple minutes before pulling the blanket up to his chin as he continued to watch the TV show that was on.

Yoongi pretty much lost track of time but after half an hour his head quickly turned to the door as he heard it unlock and after a couple seconds Hoseok walked in, bags of food in his hands, his hair and clothes wet from walking to the house from the car in the rain.

Hoseok quickly walked out again to grab more bags, Yoongi was about to go out and help but Hoseok said he had all of it and told Yoongi to sit back down.

Yoongi stood near the door until Hoseok closed the car and locked it before walking back to the house, Yoongi moved out of his way as he walked into the kitchen with the bags.

Yoongi didn't want to seem rude but there was only one thing he wanted so he opened the nearest bag to him and began searching though it for the citrus he craved so much.

"Tangerines are in the blue bag" Hoseok said pointing at a bag on the counter as he put food away.

Yoongi quickly walked over to the blue bag and when he opened it he smiled brightly at the bag full of tangerines.

Yoongi grabbed two handfuls of them before thanking Hoseok with a kiss on the cheek before walking back over to the sofa.

"I dropped Ae-Cha off at school this morning, she was really excited and said she had a new friend" Hoseok mentioned and Yoongi nodded his head and smiled.

Yoongi had worried about sending Ae-Cha to school but Hoseok had found a private school specifically for hybrids and she started the week before, Yoongi let her go after crying loudly on the playground, gaining looks from other parents as she ran into the school corridors after being greeted by teachers.

"I hope she's okay" Yoongi said, he did constantly worry about Ae-Cha, she was his little girl and he was pretty sure he would attack anyone that even dared to look at the little girl wrong.

"She said her best friend is a bunny hybrid called Misu" Hoseok said and Yoongi nodded his head and smiled as he began eating his second tangerine.

"So how's your back?" Hoseok asked knowing that Yoongi was struggling with it.

"She still hasn't moved and it aches really bad" Yoongi whined, he had tried to get the baby to lie a different way but she seemed really comfy.

"Let me just finish putting this away and then I'll come and help" Hoseok said and Yoongi nodded his head even though Hoseok wasn't looking at him.

After five minutes, Hoseok quickly ran upstairs before he got cream and went to sit near Yoongi.

"Pull your top up and lay down and I'll give you a massage" Hoseok said as Yoongi tried to pulling his baggy pyjama top over his head before it got stuck, Hoseok laughed slightly as he quickly helped the cat.

Yoongi lay down on his side as Hoseok squirted some cream on his hand, warming it up before he began to rub Yoongi's lower back, the older boy moaned almost immediately from it feeling so good.

Hoseok smiled as he continued rubbing, Yoongi's tail wrapping around his forearm as he focused on a certain spot.

"Hoseok thank you" Yoongi said as he head went back slightly but then he whimpered in pain making Hoseok stop as he looked down at Yoongi.

"Are you okay?" Hoseok asked worried as Yoongi wrapped his arm around his stomach and Yoongi nodded slightly.

"She just rolled around, her feet are now here" Yoongi said as he placed his hand on the side of his stomach and Hoseok nodded his head.

"Is that better?" Hoseok asked, not really sure what the comfiest position a baby could be in.

"She isn't kicking my ribs anymore and she isn't as far back so yeah it's better" Yoongi said and Hoseok nodded his head and smiled.

Hoseok could see the small kicks where the little girl was and he placed his hand on that part of Yoongi's stomach, the baby kicking hard at his hand making Yoongi groan.

"Stop please, it hurts when she kicks like that" Yoongi said as he turned on to his back.

"I think I'm gonna walk around and help her go to sleep" Yoongi said and Hoseok nodded as he stood up before helping Yoongi to his feet.

Yoongi began walking around and after a couple minutes the strong kicks slowed down to nothing, Yoongi smiled as he walked back up the stairs and into his bedroom, Hoseok following behind him.

"I think I'm going to get some sleep while she is" Yoongi said as he climbed into his nest.

Hoseok nodded his head, "do you want me to join you?" Hoseok asked and Yoongi quickly nodded his head as Hoseok carefully climbed on to the bed, trying his best not to knock anything off.

Once Hoseok was lying down Yoongi was immediately snuggling to his side under the thick blanket.

It took less than two minutes until the cat was sleeping, letting out little snores as his head dug into Hoseok's neck.

"I love you Yoongi" Hoseok said stoked the cats head, playing with his ears making Yoongi purr loudly in his sleep.
Hope you enjoyed this filler chapter, I'll see you all soon

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