Chapter 47:

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Madison's POV:

3 years later.....

I guess you could say this is where the story ends, everything I worked for down the drain. All the love I gave, and for what? To die inside because of a single passing, of my once breathing lover. Everyone's gone and it's all my fault and I can't say sorry enough because there's no air through their lungs and it makes me hurt to remember.

I just got out of jail for a crime I never committed, and Ella ran away from the scene to fast and when she was found, the suicide note said it all. She left me to suffer with all the people she murdered and I got locked up for it. And as far her sidekick with the eyepatch, he was never found.

Ember's dead.

Jason's dead.

Ella hanged herself.

And Cody put his life on the line to save mine.

It took me a long time to do this, my fingers are clenching the flowers in my hand, my hand turning white as I stare at my lover's grave. I stumble down on the ground placing the flowers in the ground around his tombstone.

"I'm sorry I didn't come visit you sooner...." My voice gets choked up and I can't breath.

"I miss you so much." I tear up hiding my face in my hands, it starts to rain so I put my hoodie on just sitting in mud getting my clothes wet and sticky on my skin but I don't care, I just want to see him.

"Ella was found." I whisper talking to the wind. "She committed suicide." I breath heavily hugging myself, my teeth clatter but I don't move an inch.

"Please come back." I yell to the top of my lungs. "Come back! Please I can't do this on my own I need you, I crave you." I scream digging my nails in my ground not caring that my hands all muddy.

"Why did you leave me, you fucking jerk!" I break down throwing mud at his tomb clenching my fist, I stare at the tombstone finally seeing big bold letters and I calm down wiping the stone.

The tombstone reads:
                                             Cody N. Templeton
                                    You'll Never Escape Your Fate

Along with his birth date and death date.

"Oh baby, I won't say goodbye." I whisper digging in my hoodie pocket for my gun. "I'll just say hello." I bring the gun to my head putting my finger on the trigger....

"Bring me home darling."





23 year old Madsion Anderson found dead by the grave site in London, her head laying peacefully on the grave of Cody N. Templeton. The source of the weapon in her hand fallen on the ground as the gunshot from the left side of her head dripping making crimson red along the grave.

Another life lost to suicide

But at least she can rest tonight.

The End.

The games kill us all and Luke and Ryan still remain.

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