Chapter 45:

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Madison's POV:

I run out the house as fast as I can, running up the street trying to get from it all. No matter how fast I run I can't seem to get the image out of my head, the scene with them kissing keeps repeating  in my head and I want it to end! I can hear footsteps running behind me, I know their his, but he needs to go away.

"Leave me alone, you fucking bastard I hate you!" I scream into the air picking up my pace but his still hot on my heels.

"Please just hear me out." He practically begs grabbing both my wrist and pinning me to a nearby wall, I squirm fighting to get away while trying not to look him in the eye.

"Please just leave me, you already hurt me enough." I sob the tears finally streaming down my face like a thunderstorm fucking hell stop crying.

"Fuck, I never wanted this to happen..." He trails off breathing in.

"Yes you did, I bet you fucking knew all this time Ella was alive!" I punch him square in the face over and over screaming: "I hate you, I really thought you loved me." He keeps letting me punch him making me more angry because he won't pick a fight with me.

"I know I deserve this but... " He digs his nails in my wrist stopping my fist. "You must listen to me."

"What makes you think I want to talk to you!"

"Does it look like I give a single fuck." He growls violently in my ear, I shiver whimpering when his nails sink deeper in my skin. "Fuck kissing her is nothing compared to kissing you." He whispers biting my neck.

"Then why would you even think about kissing her if you only want me, you had your hands all over that bitch!" I scream when he shoves his teeth in my neck.

"Don't, just don't say things like that." He cups my face staring at me threateningly.

"I can't believe this you're still in love with her." He shoves me against a wall shoving his tongue in my mouth while pinning my hands on the cold brick.

"I thought I wanted her back, but I just liked the thought of being with her again. I love you not her,  I fucking swear."

"Then why did you leave me alone!"

"Because she wants to kill you, I was trying to protect you, you must-" He stops midsentence at the sound of footsteps walking closer, my heart is bursting out through my chest.

"Well, well, well looks like I found the two of you in a dark alley, how lovely." The voice is pure evil as her brown eyes glow devilishly by the streetlights, a knife clear in her hands as she twirls it around. Her face is cracked with newly formed blood, as blood also drips on her knife.

"I've waited so long." She breaths her voice not matching her goddess glow, but my eyes stay on her knife. "To be with Cody again, then I find out a bitch took my place."

"Ella don't you think you should think about this first before you make any hastily decisions. " Cody spins around facing her pushing me behind him, protecting me.

"Hmm...." She touches her chin pretending to look up at the sky and think with a raised eyebrow.  "Thought about it, now time to strengthen my blood thirsty soul." I touch Cody's shoulder feeling him tense from under me.

Why do I always have to be pulled back toward him.

Because you love him and believe every word he says, for some reason I can tell he wasn't lying about what he told me and it makes me panic yet relieved.

"I tried to stop this urge, your family tried holding me back saying: "Madison is right for him and blah, blah, blah." She fakes a whine before laughing bitterly. "Such fools, I killed them all with one flick of my wrist with this knife here." She twirls her knife that's glowing with red gushing blood.

"You killed my fucking family?!?!?" I watch Cody break down his eyes bursting with tears and it sickens me to the gut to see him in this state, I step in front of him eyeing my opponent fiercely.

"She didn't kill all of us, just mom. " Ember comes into view her clothes rip and bloody as she leaps on one foot carrying a very bruised and damaged Jason, I gasp covering my mouth as I see black and blue across their skin.

Surely she hadn't done this all by herself..

"I told my gang to fucking make sure all of you were dead!" She hisses in frustration. "No matter makes it more of a challenge, and that makes more fun." The I'm guessing is the gang comes in a group of Alpha males, the defintion of dangerous and twice the size as Cody along with skill.

"You thought you escaped us." A men with a eyepatch on his left eye but his right piercing wolf like blue-grey eye is very much visible, I'm guessing his the leader of the group.  He grabs Ember by the collar, she struggles against his hold trying so hard to protect herself and her brother.

"Leave them alone!" I run towards them without thinking taking my pocket knife I stole from my dad's secret drawer out of my boot, I strike my knife at the man but he catched my wrist smirking evilly. I take this moment to shove Ember and Jason aside closer to Cody.

"Awe look at the little feminine hero." Ella chuckles as the leader presses my back against his chest wiping his arms around my waist digging his nails in my hips,  I whine biting my lip. She brings her knife to my neck pressing so deep on my skin slicing it.

"Let's play."

A/N: Only two more chapters ):





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