Chapter 3:

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Madison's POV

"You realize you have to say sorry, right?" Allison says staring at me as if her life depended on it, Allison and I are walking home after a long day of school.

"Why must I say sorry, that dick bumped into me." I hiss.

"I don't give a shit." She hisses back and right on cue I see Cody walking down the street.

"Let's go." Allison growls as she lends me to the jerk.

"Hey Cody, I'm Allison and this is Madison she has something to tell you." She states. "Don't you Madison." She stabs me in the rib and I whimper in pain.

"Sorry Mister Jerk." I say while rolling my eyes, not making eye contact with him. I feel a cold hand touch my chin and turn my head, he's close to my face I try to back up but crushes his lips to mine firmly.

I try to fight back but after a while I give in to his soft lips and kiss back. He grins in the kiss and releases soon after. "I will accept your shitty apologize if you let me take you on a date." He says his hand moves to my cheek.

"What N-"

"She would love to." Allison answers for me while giving me a death look. "Great, I'll pick you up at?" Allison hands him my phone number and address and he walks away without a sound.

Allison's POV:

This is so exciting girl meets mysterious boy,  I would love to have that as a love story but sadly he likes Maddy and not me.

"I can't believe you did that to me, aren't you suppose to be my friend?" I hear her groan.

"I am your friend, so since I'm your friend I help you get boyfriend, simple." I say as a matter of factly.

"But of all people why must you make me date a freaking jerk like him." She whines.

"I don't know what your problem is, it's obvious that he has a reason for being the way he is, it's all part of the adventure." I say brightly, It's a beautiful adventure and mystery being interval bit by bit and that's true love right there.

Me and Maddy went shopping for clothes for her special date tonight.

"Can you at least come with me?"

"No can do then it wouldn't be a date now would it." I tease. "Now go put on your dress I want to see it on your bum." I say trying to keep a straight face but failing badly and started giggling.

"Fine." I hear her say stuff to herself that I can't quite pick up as she goes into the bathroom to change for her date, I'm so happy Maddy going to find love I can tell his the one for her.

I can't wait to find my true love...


"I'M COMING!" I run down the stairs and open the door. "Hey Cody come on in Madison's still getting ready." He nods coming inside, I gently close the door after he walks in and passes me.

"Can I get you anything?" I ask nicely as I slightly smooth my skirt out. He shook his head as I stand there uncomfortably as my face flushed lightly of the awkward moment. The silence is quickly ended as soon as Madison walks down the stairs.

Cody's POV:

I hear clicking of heels meeting the wooden floor as I look up to see Madison, in a dazing blue dress and black high heels her makeup is well done as her black waves down to her shoulders her green eyes breathtaking. I quickly stand up trying to take in the gorgeous beauty that's standing in front of me, her plump lips pink as they part slightly.

"Wow." Is the only thing that could come out of my mouth.

"Hey lover boy.." I hear Allison whisper in my ear. "Kiss her." She says then slowly walks away.

My hand connects to her cheek lightly stroking it. "You look so beautiful." I breathed, seeing blush form in her cheeks makes her look even more attractive. I start leaning on closer as I do so I see her eyes are already close, breathing in my scent. My lips brush against hers before I softly kiss her after letting go soon after.

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