Chapter 28:

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A/N: Stop right there! And vote your favorite chapters it only takes a second haha bye

Unknown POV:

I've been searching for my love, the love of my life, the one that stole my heart forever. I've been asking around for so long asking if they seen him around, but they keep telling me he moved away. I actually went to his house to see if the rumors were true, but the house was empty. That's when I felt my whole world crushing down in front of me, his really gone, I thought he'd still be here. The tears trickle down my cheeks, I promised myself I wouldn't cry but I was dying to see him.

It's been several years and I missed him, I wanted to see his lovely face again, to touch it, to kiss it. I will find my long last love if it's the last thing I do, I promised him I'd stay with him forever and that's what I'm going to do.

I walk down the cold streets looking for someone, anyone who might know where he might of moved to, and I think I know just the person. I walk to the house I called home before shit went down, I knock the door down to tired to try to knock.

"Oh my God it can't be..." The women gasp holding her hand over her mouth scanning me over in complete shock, this place is just how I left it, shitty and worthless. Can't say I missed it, makes me want to spit on everything in this house.

"Yeah, Hey mom." I grunt clearly annoyed, she beams at me going straight for a hug which I clearly don't want. I'm only focus on one thing and one thing only. "Alright alright enough hugging let's get to the chase." I say pushing her slightly off me.

"I'm sorry, it's just my baby girl is finally back with me, I thought you left me forever." She starts tearing up, I roll my eyes looking around while wrinkling my nose. Same old worn down couch and ugly photographs, my mom looks like a complete mess up with her grey hair showing more then when I left. No wonder dad left her, she's a mess. I study her grandma like gown and her dark marks around her eyes, I'm surprise she isn't one of them lonely cat ladies yet.

"Okay mom cut it out please." I whine crossing my arms over my chest.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry sweetie." She wipes the tears on the corners of her eyes.

"Where's Cody mom?" I get right to the point, narrowing my eyes at her.


"I'm serious mom!"

"He wasn't acting the same since you left, he started making some bad decisions and I feel you just need to forget about him now." She explains grabbing my wrists and pulling me over to the couch. "Now enough about him, tell me how your still alive."

"My murder was a set up mom." I begin making her eyes go wide. "They made me look like I was being murdered so no one would look for me, then they made a fake doll or something and made it look like me with blood and scratches on it." I explain playing with my fingers. "They then kidnapped me and held me captive."

"But Luke and Ryan went to jail." She says confused running her fingers through my hair as I press my head on her shoulder.

"Luke and Ryan weren't the only one in the act."

"Luke and Ryan are out of prison now." She blurts out, shit once they figure out I escape their going to be searching for me like police dogs, I gotta find Cody quick. After all I don't want to turn into one of their sex toys again, I experienced so much torture and pain all I want now is for Cody to hold me again.

"Mom, I gotta find Cody."




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