Chapter 9:

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A/N: Comment and vote for me (I doubt you would fan so just forget it)

Warning: sexual activity skip if you can't take it

How come I hadn't seen the resemblance before, it was so obvious I mean really Cole, Cody am I that stupid for pete sake their names sound alike. They even have the same anger issues, the same way of touching me to make my heart beat out of my skin. I knew it was to good to be true that I moved on that fast, but how could he play two parts and act like a jealous bestfriend and of the "boyfriend" it just doesn't match up.

"But you kept talking bad about yourself at the party." My mind is wiped with so much confusion it's eating me alive. How is Cody here when his suppose to be underground with a tomb above him. "I know, the only reason I did that was I was telling the truth through my Cole character telling things I couldn't say."

"He used you Maddy." His words from before are back in my head. "So you did use me." He nods lowering his head in an act of shame. "And to think I defended your ass." Fury is the only thing I feel right now. "Please hear me out, I know your angry but-"

"But what, tell me what Cody, I would love to know you dirty bastard." I killed Allison for this ass and this is how I get repayed, he uses me he probably doesn't even care about me. Everything that comes out of his mouth is probably all a fucking lie to.

"Just let me explain myself so you can understand then you can hurt me with words all you want." I take a sharp breath, my heart feeling crushed. "When I shut the door that day." He pauses to take a shaky breath. "I wanted to help you not to get more hurt then you already are, I wanted you to move on and have a happy life without me." He lifts his head up to revolve a puffy red face with tears on his beautiful face, I just stare at him with no emotion.

It feels like the tables are being turned, most of time it would be me crying to my knees and him looking at me with his cold glares and death eyes. "Life doesn't always work out the way you want it to." I speak colder then intended, I feel cruel a bloody worthless killer, I wonder if Cody felt the same way when he had those dark blue eyes. "I know that, but when I felt the demons claws go inside me I thought for sure I was going to die, but I woke up from my darkness feeling completely drained from all my blood I was weak, helpless, and alone."

A image in my head comes up, seeing Cody on the ground helpless and weak from loss of blood waiting to die a painful slow death. That makes my whole cold ego shutter into a million pieces, a tear falls to my face feeling my face flesh in a instant. "After a while I couldn't stay conscious for long so I ended up blacking out again no matter how hard I tried to fight the will to sleep." He puts the pad of his thumb on my cheek wiping the salty water dripping from my eyes.

"When my mom and little brother got home I was half conscious I could hear them call me, but I couldn't talk, my mom saw me and called 911 immediately crying waterworks and all."

I couldn't bare this story, it's to much, I couldn't hold it in any longer my breathing become shaky and I hiccuped a few times. I feel so weak crying in front of him like a little child, I don't even want to know what I look like right now. "Hey hey shh, don't cry." Cody presses me close to him, I dig my claws into his torso. "It's so unbearable." I managed to choke up, he shhes me again comforting me with the warmth of his body I missed so much.

"I know baby, I know but I have to let this stuff out." He draws small circles on the small of my back, I nod so he can continue. "A couple of hours later I was rushed to the hospital I had gained back blood, but all I could think about was you, and how you trusted me and I used you I told myself I'd make it up to you. So I ended up pretending to be someone I'm not, I was willing and still am willing to change for you that's the only reason I did all of this shit."

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