Chapter 31:

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A/N: A few weeks later.... New chapter yay!

Madison's POV:

He. Has. A. Sister.


How is this even possible, he never mentioned a sister..... or did he and I wasn't paying attention? No the word sister never left his lips, so why wouldn't he tell me he had one?

Our relationship is a hot mess!

What other stuff is he keeping from me!?!

I should've gave him up when I had to chance to I mean seriously...

"What do you mean "Cut the crap mom" I'm serious!" Mrs Templeton narrow her eyes at her son.

"I don't have a fucking sister, you crazy bitch!" He yells with his hands shaking, I touch him but he flinches away.

"Yes you do, her name Em-"

"Get out."



"Fine but if you meet her in the streets, I warned you." She exits full on rage her heels clinking down the stairs in anger.

"Thanks Mrs Peterson but me and my son Jason are leaving." That's the last thing you hear before a door slamming closed.

"Cody...." I stroke his arm gently, his breathing is coming in harsh puffs and veins striking. His short temper always seem to surprise me, those icy blue eyes coming back to haunt me. I don't like cold Cody, I like sweet adorable cute Cody that doves me with sweet innocent things and makes me smile.


"That's not true I-"

"Save it for when I give a shit why don't you!"

"O-okay." I sigh in defeat lowering my head down in shame, I know he doesn't mean it, that his just mad at his mom but it still hurts so bad.

"Madison I didn't mean I promise baby, please I'm sorry." He chokes out stroking my cheek with his cold fingertips.

"No it's fine, really, I understand." I whisper turning away from his touch, I don't want to fall into this game anymore it's frustrating and saddening.


"Save it for when I give a fuck, why don't you." I hiss repeating the exact same words he said to me not to long ago. He opens his mouth to say something but then closes it in a thin line. "That's what I thought." I say jumping out of the bed and slipping on some fresh clothes.

I walk out the bedroom soon after going downstairs for everyone to see my drenched face, my eyes have black circles from crying silently without Cody knowing. My tired face and lack of feeling of bones almost says it all.

"So let me guess, he hit you but you're still madly in love with him." My father says rolling his eyes, mocking me.


"No he didn't, quit thinking so low of him!" I hiss making my way to the the fridge searching for food.

"The dinner's in the top shelf baby." Mom whispers fiddling with her fingers, I nod at her grabbing the food and setting it on the table.

"Are you sure, you're just lying to protect him." My father lifts himself up from the chair.

"He only hit me once but he did it by accident, okay?" I grumbled grabbing a plate from the cabinet.

"Accident my ass!" He steps over to me looking at my face. "He hit you right square in the face, a week or two ago as far as I can see."

"Leave me alone, you act like you didn't hit mom more then once when I was a kid. With Cody he didn't mean to. You had me scared to go home everyday after school!" I yell shutting my eyes to bat the tears away.


"YES YOU DID, YOU WERE PROBABLY TO DRUNK TO REMEMBER!" I yell crossing my arms, he steps closer to me until his in my face.

This is a really bad time to be short, well short being five foot six.

"WHAT YOU GONNA HIT ME LIKE YOU HIT MOM, I REMEMBER WALKING TO MOM AND YOUR ROOM AND SEEING HER CRY!" I choke up tears falling down my face. "She would cry I never understood what was happening cause of my young age, but I remember hugging her wishing she would stop." I shut my eyes tightening my fist. "She would have purple and blue bruises along her body because of what you did." I point a finger at him, he grunts his teeth together.

"You're a fucking monster, I forgave you all these years for what you did because I thought you would change, but you didn't."

"SHUT UP!" He smacks me across my face hard, my face tilts sideways and my cheek flaming red from the contact.

There's this wind of fury storming pass me, my hair whipping in my face from the speed. In no time at all Cody has my father by the neck, his tall figure hovering over him.

"I tried really hard to respect you and your wife since you're her parents." He growls tightening his hand. "But if you put a hand on her all my respect for you is gone." He punches my father over and over, my mother gasped coming over to me.

"Stop him!" She pleads at me.

"Why should I! He deserves everything his getting!"


I sigh walking over to Cody and My father slowly and carefully, putting my hand on Cody's shoulder trying to figure out a way to stop him.

"Cody," I moan twirling his hair with my finger before nibbling on his neck.

"Let go of him babe." I whisper against his skin. "It isn't worth it." He hesitates for a second before dropping him to the ground.

"Thank you." I whisper getting out of the crook of his neck, he wraps his arm around me looking me in the eye.

"I'm sorry Madison."

"Sorry doesn't cut it, try harder." I say pulling away from him. "I'm still mad, so you're going to have to earn it back."

"I'll try everything in my power, to get you back."

Next Update: Soon but not soon enough




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