Chapter 17:

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Cody's POV

My eyes open to fast making my eyes run uncontrollably out of my sockets, it's dark outside and in the room. I hear a soft snoring sound on my right, remembering Madison coming back to stay. I hold her in my arms looking over her sleeping figure to look over at the clock it says 4:30 am, I hate waking up to early.

Cuddling her tightly and trailing kisses up her arm to her hand, she smells so good I love her flowery scent. What I really love is that she's wearing my t shirt that fits her curves perfectly, no one can look better in my clothes then her.

She looks so tense up in her sleep right now she's stiff, her black hair spreading all around her pillow her eyes tightly shut. I know she has a lot on her mind I want to soothe and relax her badly, to feel every inch of her perfectly fit body. It's wrong having dirty thoughts at a time like this but the things I want to do to her, I've been holding myself back for to long.

"Shh, and let the pleasure take over your body." Madison's seducing words rambling in my head.

My body starts to tingle from the sensation that soon takes over and fills my body going into my blood system, my hands starts lifting my shirt off her small body halfway so I can look at her perfect figure.

God she's so beautiful inside and out, I want her for my taking I wish for her to be mine forever. I can't stop now it's much to late to control the energy now, it's the time to get what I've been waiting craving for, for so long.

My fingertips smooth over her parted lightly chapped lips tracing over the lines and all, even the flaws about her make her even more perfect.

My hands trailing down to her undergarments pushing them to the side so I can see.




I woke up from the dream my whole body sweating, of course it was just a dream I would never do that to her just yet I have to resist her. Madison doesn't know that I don't believe in sex before marriage, but she doesn't have to know if I just resist. I brush her hair off her forehead and kiss her on the cheek before hugging her close and shutting my eyes.

Madison's POV

I yawn opening my eyes slowly as the light makes me blind with it's touch, but it kinda feels like sun kisses of that includes burning my skin. Cody's breath hot on my ear as he sleeps close to me with his arms wrapped around my waist, I quickly remember what happened last night and feeling a bit of discomfort in my chest.

Why must I feel this way about him when there's so many other fish in the sea?

Because there's no one like the fish in the sea in front of you.

I mentally growl to my conscience for being right once again. I touch his soft cheek watching how his pursed lips turn into a faint smile, as I'm closely observing his astonishing face I see one faded dimple on his cheek it makes him look even more cute I wonder if he has another one on the other side, I'll have to check when he wakes up.

I put my head upon his hard chest along with my hand listening to the soothing rhythm of his heartbeat that automatically starts beating faster when I come closer to him, I find it so cute that his still feels the tingling feeling like me. I'm glad the spark isn't gone between us.

"You smell nice." Cody's muffled tone sounds from the pillow, making me jump a little and he laughs in response. He pulls me back to him closing any space between us. "Don't be scared it's just me beautiful." He breaths on my ear softly nibbling on it making me giggle. "God I love your laugh and smile." He nudges his head in the crook of my neck.

"I love your dimples." I poke the two of them on both sides of his cheek then I kiss them lightly. "You're so adorable." I say grinning, he adds moist to his lips. "I know." he winks, smirking to only show a little work of his white teeth.

"But you." He lifts up my chin making me look at him in the eye, his blue orbs shining like the heavens above. I swear to God his a freaking angel here to walk the path to my heart which he already stole right away.

"There is no words to describe how beautiful you look when you sleep and snore, when your in my shirts looking just so perfect." He says, he leans in to capture my lips unto his, his head tilting slightly for more access inside.

My hand fiddles the trim of his shirt trying to get him to take it off for me so I can look at his fit body. He ignores my request and distract me from the shirt by nibble on my bottom lip pleading for access. I denied it if he denies mine I deny his, he growls at me biting my bottom lip. I gasp my mouth opens slightly just for him to quickly enter his tongue inside.

My hands lower to the ends of his shirt lifting it up for him to take off, but he never does. I'm starting to grow impatient I rip the fabric off him and on his toned body, right after that Cody lightly pushes me away.

"Madison, baby it's not the right time." He voice is huskier from the kiss his shallowed from the impact.

"It never is the right time, is it." I hiss turning my back to him, I don't want to look at him anymore. "You act like you don't want me, like I have some disease!" My stomach feels queasy at the thought, I'm not like the other sluts his met in his life time. He'd be the to have a disease if he had sex with one.

"That's not it babe, and you know it."

"Then what is it Cody? WHAT IS IT?"

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