Chapter 33:

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Madison's POV:

I just got done talking on the phone with the police, they would be here shortly. If I have to be completely honest here, I can't believe I built that much confidence to call the police on my father. I mean yeah I thought about it, but I'd always would back down from it.

Usually when I was around friends or people from school anywhere public actually I would keep my feelings in, I've repeated this so many times that it came a daily routine for me. Since it was a daily thing I actually believed everything was fine, but when it was time to go home that feeling was gone.

The only time I wasn't scared to go home is when Allison was with me, she always made everything better. Her bubbly entertainment and grateful attitude made everything a little brighter, but now she's gone and it's because of me.

But she set me up, and I didn't even know it.

It was either me or her, but why do I have this painful feeling that it should've been me?

*Knock Knock*

"Open the door, it's the police!" A booming voice echoes across the whole house, I jump in utter fright for them interrupting my thoughts.

"No please, don't I can't if I open this door your going to take him away from me!" I sigh hearing my mother's pleading voice, we both know she's not going to win this battle.

"Ma'am if you don't open the door we won't hesitate to knock it down." The police officer explains knocking on the door more demanding. I slowly shake my head when I hear my mom yelling. "No go away, leave me alone." She yells repeatedly, I decide to lift myself up from my bed.

"Looks like my mom's going to jail too." I mumble to myself fighting the smirk off my face, I'm suppose to be sad about this. I literally skip down the stairs like a little kid about to receive candy after being good at school. I pass my mother lifting my foot up before she can grab my ankle to stop me.

"Not this time mother, it's over now." I whisper grabbing the handle of the doorknob and turning to her, she shakes her head at me as I nod mine. I turn away from her glare to open the door.

"Good evening officer......" I trail off looking at the medium height and size male officer, his pointy ears and nose making him look somewhat like one of Santa's elves as his dark brown eyes stare at me with no expression, typical police officer....

"Sydney, Officer Sydney." He tries to sound tough but fails as his voice cracks, going through puberty I'm guessing.

His must be a trainee because I swear the other voice I heard was more firm and not weak and vulnerable.

I open the door wide letting him inside while raising an eyebrow, soon after a huge body builder like man comes through the door, my eyes widen when he nods at me and enters. His got shaggy brown hair with grey icy eyes you can't miss, they eat your soul out.


"Sorry his just a trainee, I'm trying to show him the ropes, I'm Officer Deen." He looks upon me his eyes piercing me hard, I nod feeling myself falling backwards but it's just my imagination.

This dude means businesses, Jesus Christ.

"Who's the owner of this household?" He demands looking at me, my mom, and my barely conscious father, I point at my mom not daring to meet her eye contact.

"What happened here Ma'am?"


I roll my eyes looking around the house, I see sparking blue eyes stare me down, Cody hiding in a corner. I walk over to him and sit right beside him we just sit in silence for a while watching my mother argue with the Police and defend when they try to take my father away.

"This is hard for me." Cody bites his lip, I stare at him as he continues to eye the police officers, the fear in his eyes bring me at shock.

"Nah I'm sure you can take that tough guy out if you wanted, he looks like a big teddy bear." I joke trying to ease the tension away from the current situation.

But he doesn't find my joke funny at all, and when he lays his eyes on me he looks so exhausted and it frightens me that I have to cover my mouth and swallow my gasp.

"It's exhausting sometimes, you know..." He chokes up burying his head on his knees as he cradles himself in a ball, I frown he looks so defeated. "Knowing something other people don't know about is so hard, and I feel so guilty for doing all those things to people, sometimes I wish I could just turn myself in to the police."

"Cody you can't do that, they will give you the death penalty right on the spot." I whisper taking my hand in his and squeezing it tightly.

"And that's what I sure enough deserve." He hisses removing my hand from his, I sigh closing my eyes trying to find peace with the world.

"LET HIM GO YOU MONSTERS." My mother screams, I can hear stuff being shoved and pushed along with broken. I hear a huge crash but I don't dare open my eyes, all I know is the grandfather clock stopped ticking.

"We might need backup this women is fucking crazy!" The squeaky trainee says, he sounds like his struggling to do something, but the officer just laughs.

"Miss I'm going to have to ask you to calm down before we put you in a mental hospital." Officer Deen demands his voice sounding like death that I whine when it pierce my ears, I shut my eyes tighter trying to block out the sound by covering my ears with my hands.

"I think we heard just about enough of this." Cody picks me up in a swiftly move and carries me back up the stairs, I bury my head in his chest smelling his scent and hearing his raging heartbeat.

"You're not a monster Cody, I seen the good you, the loving you and I know your sanity is still there because you can feel my love." I mumble when he sets me down on my bed, he cradles me like a child kissing my head softly.

"Thank you," He whispers against my hair. "For staying with me."

"I said I would didn't I?" I smirk grabbing him by the collar and placing a soft kiss on his lips. He smiles at me running his fingers through my hair, I close my eyes listening to the humming tone coming from his closed lips.

I let out a small sigh when he kisses my neck once on each side before hugging me lovingly.

"I can't stop loving you." He whispers as he lays down on his back pulling me down with him. He gets the covers with his feet then dragging them up to us by his hands.

I feel my eyes going heavy at the sound of his steady heartbeat, I yawn as he cuddles me.


"Shush, go to sleep princess."

And just like that, I fell asleep.




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