Chapter 21:

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Madison's POV

I was afraid this would happen, this is like one of my worse nightmares plus I'm still learning about the game as well so I can only tell her so little. But I hate hiding stuff from my parents more then normal, I use to tell them everything so keeping secrets from them is most difficult.

Come on Madison, just breath and spill.

I breath in dramatically trying to contain myself properly.

"Mom there's more." My sound is hoarse and very shaky, with Cody rubbing my back for comfort I tell her everything I know. She listens in understanding and shock with a bit of scared also, once I'm finish telling the story and going through the past I come back to the present.

"The past is repeating itself." I hear my mom quietly mutter for us not to hear, what does that mean? She's starting to worry me more then usual.

"What are you talking about mom?" I come over to her hugging her from behind. "Please tell me, your making me confused and worried." My voice mumbles low into her ear, she's shivering under my touch and shaking her head from side to side.

"Why does my baby have to face what I faced so long ago, why must there be a demons curse on this family I thought I got rid of it!" She starts sobbing into my shoulder, and I just watch her holding her tight and letting out fresh tears.

Has my mom gone insane as well?

"Mrs. Peterson are you saying that the source of the games started with you?" Cody rumbles from a distance, his hands by his side his face expressionless at this moment.

How can he not shed a tear all the time? He is truly my rock and savior, and I love him to pieces. He only cries at the thought of losing me though, I know how broken he is.... he just doesn't want others to know.

"Yes it did, but we never found out what caused it, we didn't think it would move on to the next generation." She sniffs, her fragile body clinging unto me for dear life, I try to stay strong for her even though I have tears of my own to shed. I wipe my tears away, I will do this I will be strong for my mother.

"Can we stop it in anyway?" I ask.

"No." My mother hiccups.

Are you serious? There's no way to stop this, so you mean for the rest of my life I'm stuck living in a fucked up world trying to survive, with Cody by my side. I wish this all was a terrible long nightmare that will end any minute now, but it's just plain hell. I'm trying so hard to feel no pain, to hide them all and leave a empty face.

"I have to talk to your father when he gets here please go get some rest you to you had a long day, we can deal with this tomorrow." My mom lets go of me and points to the direction of the stairs for us to go.

"Mom, are you sure?"

"GO!" she yells.

Cody grabs me be the wrist and walks me over to the stairs, I look behind me looking at my mother in pure defeat. This isn't like her, and it makes it seem like this is the end.

Cody's POV

I didn't expect this is happen when we arrived here in California, but I should of expected it this is the city of hell in my option. The source is Madison's mother and father they had done something in there lifetime when they were are age that made it pass on to our generation, if we can't stop this the whole world will be turning into challenges. I don't even want to think about having kids if they have to face the same thing I'm going through that would just be selfish of me, but I always wanted a kid of my own to teach right from wrong and I might never get to feel that experience now.

Madison is just as torn to pieces as I am, she's trying so hard to contain herself but we both know she can't be strong forever. To hear that your mother passed a curse on to you and that you have to face it for the rest of your life because of your mother's mistakes is pure defeat, I don't see how she's still standing up.

Once were at the stairs she falls to her knees can't bearing to walk any farther, I spoke to soon on still standing. I grab her by the waist and put her over my shoulder, she must of finally figured out what this actually means. I carry her up all the stairs, there's all these doors I don't know which one leads to her bedroom.

"Second door to your right." She croaks pointing her trembling fingers in the direction, I walk over to the door and opening it. The house looks how I remember it, still the same bright green on the walls with pictures of famous celebrities and her family the same queen side bed. I set her down on the bed, putting her head lightly on the pillow while swaying her hair off her forehead and kissing it.

"How do you do it?" She groans, my face close to hers and a smirk playing on my face. "That's not what I meant, don't be cheeky."

"Then what ever do you mean?" I crawl over her and sit down beside her on the bed, ruffling my hair making it get messier then it already was.

"How do you show no emotion even though your the one that's hurting the most." She touches my skin on my cheek with her delicate fingers, I shut my eyes feeling every touch every movement she does.

"Well after a while you take in so much pain that you don't feel nothing but numbness, you can't feel more pain when you already had enough of it." My eyes open staring back at the emerald eyes in front of me, she nods at me not wanting to say anything else about the subject.

Always expect the worse become my phrase to face life, because when things are going great it goes wrong. Pain is something that went into my blood vessel it's like part of who I am now, and it just a fire that lost it's flame now. But don't get me wrong I do feel deep inside somewhere I'm not sure where but I know it's there, because if it wasn't there I wouldn't have felt that way when Madison wanted to leave me. I never let my feelings go out on the outside, I always use to feel them on the inside but I ignored them for a reason of not wanting it.

"Cody there's something that I must know, and that you must know also." She takes a breath sitting up on the bed. "I don't want anymore secrets in our relationship." She places her feet on the cold floor untieing her shoelaces and walking downstairs.

What the bloody hell is she doing?

A few minutes later she comes back with her leather suitcase and a baby blue book tucked under her arm tightly, she plays a nervous smile on her face before placing the suitcase by her closet and sitting back down on the bed beside me.

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