Chapter 37:

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Jessica's POV:

"Every night's a party when I'm in the place!." I shout making everyone cheer raising their glasses at me. I've been drinking for the past few weeks that I can't even tell when I'm sober or drunk during the day anymore.

"Jessica don't you think you had enough alcohol for like ever." Brianna whispers grabbing my wine bottle from my hand and putting it on the table, Brianna has been watching over me making sure I don't do anything I might regret.

"Leave me alone I'm trying to enjoy my youth!" I stand up tripping over my own feet and falling in a pile of broken glass, a strong stinging pain goes across my arm ripping my long sleeve shirt.

"You clumsy idiot, you're lucky that your arm just got cut and not your head!" She comes behind me to help me sit up properly.

"Stop yelling goddamn you're hurting my ears!" I groan my eyes growing heavy, the music seems to be going slower then before. "Woah I never heard this remix before."

"Get up!" She demands yanking me by the arm and pulling me back on my feet. "Put your arm around me."

"What, no I can walk perfectly fine on my own thank you very much!" I push her away beginning to take a step forward, my world begins to spin and there's different color lights everywhere. "Fuck how much did I drink?" I question out loud wrapping both my arms around her neck.

"I don't know I lost count after your twentieth one." She mutters tugging me up the stairs with some difficulty, no matter how drunk I am I spot out a familiar figure by the bar. His head is bow down on the table and he looks like hell, but I still recognize him all the same.

"Luke?" I whisper before everything turns into ash and flames, looks like I'm getting a badass hangover in the morning.

Brianna's POV:

"Luke?" I hear Jessica whisper before putting her full weight on me, I nearly fall over due to all her weight going across my back.

"Jesus Christ women help me out here and walk a little." My loss of short breath makes it difficult to speak, my lungs are begging for air while my legs are dying for me to fall to my death.

Not more than a second that passes by that I suddenly hear her snoring, her breathing hot breath on the back of my neck. I finally get up the stairs and struggle towards Jessica's room, pushing the door open with my foot ans slightly losing my footage.

"Dammit." I huff slamming her on her bed, half of her body lays on the bed while her feet are in the air.

"Jessica." I slap her waiting for her to respond, she mutters at me turning her head away. "Jessica!" I slap her again much harder this time, still no reply. I sigh pulling on my hair before dragging her by her feet to the bathroom.

"What have you've been eating women, Jesus Christ." I shriek when I bump into the sink scaring myself, I lift her up by her underarms hovering her body against the sink.

With me standing behind securing her so she doesn't fall backwards during her drunk state, I turn the faucets on making the water just the right temperature that I feel is right pulling the water stopper up so the water levels up to the very top.

"Either you wake up or drown." I pull her her bobcat haircut dunking her face in the water, I then let go of her hair waiting for her to come back up.

After a few seconds I begin to worry even though I see bubbles of her breathing out of her mouth, the bubbles suddenly stop.

"Jessica you better not be fucking with me!" My voice beings to get higher at the sign of panic, I knew she shouldn't of drunk that much.

"I don't want to be a murderer!" I sob falling to my knees and placing my face in my hands, what's going to happen to me? I don't want to go to jail, it's her own damn fault she drunk so much tonight.

"Jessica you fucking idiot, you die doing something so foolish what would your family think if they saw you now!"

Jessica's parents died to protect her, her parents were in debt and at the time she was still so young. The tax collectors said if they wanted to live to see another day they would spear their only child and send her to the king to be a servant, and as well as a sex slave. Her parents begged foe another option, but the next option would be death upon them.

Jessica told me how she remembers her mom coming into her room one night to wake her up, she also told me how she saw the fear in her mother's eyes as she cried looking at her. She whispers for her daughter to hide in the attic and guides her towards it.

Her mother promised she'd be right back before shutting the chamber, Jessica was confused and scared along with being alone in the darkness.

Not soon after when her mom left there's a pounding at the front door. All your Jessica could hear is muffled voices and glass breaking, tables shifting.

Hearing four loud bangs then silence, and that's when Jessica knew her mommy wasn't coming back.

"They would mostly be disappointed in me for choosing a lifestyle like this." Jessica low slur mutters scares me, I look up at her wet face from the water I put her in. Her makeup is dripping down her pale cheeks as she smiles at me sadly.

"Why do you do this to yourself? I whisper watching her slide against the cold marble bathroom on the wall.

"I honestly don't know." She sighs lifting her arm that was slashed and pulls out the glass slightly whining. "Maybe it's to forget that I am alone in this world, and how much I miss them." She pulls her sleeve down checking for more glass, but my eyes wander to different newly scars on her wrist.

"I thought you said you stopped self-harming?" I reach out for her arm before she can lift up her sleeve up and pretend I never saw.

"I did, for a while then I started again." She bites down on her lower lip as I trace my fingertips along her scarred skin.

"Oh, Jessica." I look up at her with a mixed expression still rubbing her skin.

"Please don't tell anyone." She pleads, I sigh looking back down at her arm as I watch her tears fall on her scars.

"Please don't pity me." Her body begins to tremble from under me, I don't reply to her I just lower my head. My lips come in contact with each one of her many cuts as I lightly kiss them all.

It pains me watching her turn so vulnerable before my very eyes, I hadn't seen this side of her since I first met her. I thought she was doing okay I use to check her arms daily and they were approving, I knew I shouldn't of stopped checking them.

She places both of her hands on either side of my cheek to slowly lift my face to look up at her, her hair is damped and her hazel eyes look tired.

"I'm sorry." She chokes out, I nod smiling at her and she smiles back painfully. "

"Thanks for watching out for me, and taking care of me." She continues, again I nod.

We sit in silence for a while, my thumbs come in contact with her cheeks wiping the mascara off her face gently. I sense her leaning in to my touch, I slightly tilt my head as she comes closer. With our hands on each others faces we both lean in for a kiss, she kisses me sloppily and I do the same.

We're both to drunk to even remember this tomorrow, I pull her closer to me putting hands on her waist deepening the kiss.

Hopefully no one finds out about this.

But yet a drunk person actions tells of a sober person's thinking.

Woah this book is already close to 8k reads when it just hit 7k I hope your still feeling the rush of this book, because it's almost coming to an end this like the middle of the story you could say.

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