Chapter 29:

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Ryan's POV:

(back to when Allison was killed)

"What if I refuse?" She says crossing her arms. "Then you get killed by Allison." I say casually, I really don't care either she gets killed or not no matter how cute and adorable she looks. That's just how cold I am when it comes to these things, but she would be of useful for my own desires.

"Allison would never kill me.." She stomps her little tiny foot like it's going to do something. "You think so." I chuckle, it's so cute how gullible she is. She won't make it far, she's to weak. "Because it looks like to me that she set you up."

"I'm so sorry Maddy." She cries. Oh look she's here right on time, little shit. "Ally what's wrong." Madison runs over to her putting her arm around her. "I feel horrible, they made me do it." She sobs while pointing her trembling fingers at me and Cody.

"Madison, don't fall for her tricks she's playing you, she just wants to play the innocent card." I pick Ally up and pushes her on the floor. "She's a demon, once she gets you where she wants you, She. Will. Kill. You." I have no clue why I'm helping this girl, but hey it's fun to watch them squirm.

"Don't believe them Maddy, look at me I'm your best friend." Black blood starts falling from her mouth as she crawls over to Madison. I feel myself wanting to throw up at the sight of this. Her skin on her face starts to fall off as her eyed bleed from inside out.

"Time is running out you have to kill her." Cody finally speaks up.

"Don't you dare kill me." Ally says and her skin comes off as her bony fingers touch her.

"Get off of me." She shoves her off.

"Maddy don't you love your best friend, please don't let them get to you don't kill me."

Tick tock sleeping beauty...

"Either you kill her or she kills us." I hiss, great now there's blood all over the fucking floor cause snow white thinks she's to goodie to kill a demon. Like come on bitch just do it and get it over with.

"Why can't one of you kill her then?" She narrows her eyes at us.

"Because you have to prove yourself worthy not us, we already passed our tests." I explain shrugging it off and narrowing my eyes right back. "Besides be warned that you will have to do multiple tests there's crazy tests, that's why Cody here still killing people like a maniac." I chuckle patting Cody on the shoulder, Cody shivers bowing his head in disgust before regaining himself.

My back pocket of my jeans start vibrating, shit a phone call just when it was getting to the good part. I retrieve my phone from my back pocket looking at the caller ID: Ace, fuck I guess I have to take this. I step out the room stepping downstairs and going to the kitchen before answering the phone.

"Hey girl, what's up." I smirk through the phone knowing how probably pissed she is right about now.

"Don't what's up me, you fucking peasant." She growls, I can hear the clear frustrating in her voice that I know something's up.

"Ahhh Ember how I love your voice this fine evening." I chuckle when she hisses at me. "But you know as well I do that I can't seem to function when you yell at me sweetheart." It's fun to mess with her, my smirk grows wider.

"RYAN DON'T YOU- UGH, DON'T CALL ME BY MY REAL NAME OKAY, you know I don't like it when you do. And second DON'T CALL ME SWEETHEART YOU FUCKING DOG." She breaths hard on the phone, she's probably pulling her hair.

"I'm sorry what was that Ember? I couldn't quite understand." I hide back a laugh when she growls at me once again.

RYAN YOU-" She pauses for a second. "1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10" She takes a long breath before calming herself. "Ryan, Dear..." She says calmly, her soft feminine voice more clear when she's being calm, like a soft short melody. Wish I could hear more often, but I don't haha.

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