Chapter 35:

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Ember's POV:

"Welcome back my sweet little angel of a daughter!" My mom bear hugs me while pulling me inside quickly like I could escape any minute.

"Hey mom, I missed your presence." I speak calmly carefully putting my arms around her giving her a quick hug before letting go.

My mother always has been beautiful, her natural flush cheeks and gorgeous blue eyes that could enchant any man from miles away. I always admired her stunning beauty, I remember dressing up in her clothing at a young age pretending I was a young beautiful her.

Deep down I knew it wasn't possible. My eyes always were duller to a grey color and my hair never was my mom's angelic blond color but a dull boring brown. I was always forever stuck looking the identity of my father, Cody was always matching my mom's looks with a stern expression, but he was still just as gorgeous.

"Jason come down and meet your sister!"

"What, who's Jason? You and dad had another child before you broke up?" My eyes widen when I look at the little one, his an amazing mixture of mother and father. I feel more insecure then ever, like I don't belong, his blue eyes stare at me, his black raven hair getting in his face ever so slightly.

"Sadly yes, but his a wonderful little bundle to have around the house so I don't complain." She smiles down at her son who is now my brother while ruffling up his hair.

"Aw mom come on not my hair, I had it the way I wanted it!" He groans shaking his head from side to side before positioning his short bang out of his eyes.

He raises an eyebrow at me after me having stared at him for a long period of time, I send him a shyly smile not really knowing what to say.

"You're not my sister." He scowls softly crossing his arms, no matter how calmly he said it his words still stabbed my heart. But I don't blame him, I've always been an outsider.

"Jason!" My mother smacks him in the back of his head making him whine, I just keep smiling but it gets more faded by the minute.

"I'm just stating the facts mom look at her, she looks nothing like us she's an oddball." Jason mutters rubbing the back of his head, his wearing all black which matches his eyes perfectly, black is definitely his color. His skinny leather jeans with chains along with his black band merch shirt of Pierce The Veil.

"It's okay mother, I understand where his coming from I am a oddball." I bite my lip pushing pass them while carrying my bags.

"Ember sweetie come back." She yells at me, I shake my head running up the stairs to my old room.

It's still looks the same.

I guess my mom couldn't dare take all this stuff down without breaking into tears, I wouldn't blame her but I did it for my safety. A small tear falls down my face when I smile looking at my favorite stuffed unicorn I left behind on my bed. I close the door and set my bags down, sitting on my bed grabbing the unicorn and sniffing in the scent.

"You've been washed recently." I whisper realizing how stupid I sound talking to something that doesn't even have a beating heart. I remember at a young age when I use to tell this unicorn all my secrets and hugging it so tight when I cried myself to sleep.

"Ember, can I come in?" My mom knocks on the door, I rub my eyes along with some new tears.

"Of course, come in." She steps in touching my shoulder and giving me a sad toothless smile.

"I'm so glad you're back hun." She whispers hugging me again. "I thought you were gone forever, I'm so sorry that you had to go through so much shit I was a terrible mother." She shakes under me as I pat her back.

"It's okay, I know it wasn't your fault." My voice is weak having to force out the words I want to say.

"No, it was never okay and I never saw that."

"Mom stop beating yourself up about the past, I have returned to you and that's all that matters now." I remove her from me with both my hands on her shoulders, she looks at me with a puffy red face.

It shocks me when I see all those tears, but no that's not what shocked me the most, what shocked me is how pretty my mom looks even with red skin and puffy eyes, her blue eyes still shine and her hair still glows. I use to pray that one day my mom's features would rub off on me, but as the years went by I turned into a girl version of my father.

And I hated it.

"Let's just try to focus on building our family back together." She wipes her eyes with her sleeve before laying her hands on mine, I just nod at her, my plan to get to meet Cody comes to mind. Well it's not a plan basically just having a wonderful meet and greet with my long lost brother, but also to find Ella and kill her myself.

"What do you want me to do with my relationship with Jason, it seems like he hates me more then anything."

"No I'm sure he doesn't hate you hun, I think his getting worked up over the whole "Oh you have a sister who run away thing." All you can do now is try to talk to him." She places a hand on my shoulder as we sit in silence for a while.

"When do you think it would be best to try to talk to him?" I ask when she begins to lift herself up from my bed and heading towards the door.

"Whenever you think the time is right." She spoke wisely like a breath of fresh air before she exits my room leaving me to my wild thoughts inside my head.

Cody's POV:

"I'm going to go take a shower." Madison pecks me on the cheek, that warm feeling of her lips on my skin hits me like a heat wave making my mind go insane.

"May I join you?" I pull her back to me by her waist lightly kissing her lips, there so soft and feminine my heart only beats for her heavenly taste.

"No because for one I'm taking a shower because of you." She backs away from me, her cheeks turning rosy after she thought about she said, she covers up her face with her hands as she turns her back to me.

"So what your saying is I make you feel like a dirty-naughty girl?" I smirk drawing invisible circles along her hips.

"Yes you always do!" She squeals when I position myself behind her and pulling her on my lap, she mutters something I didn't quite understand under her breath.

"I haven't even done anything to you." I breath softly pulling her strands of hair behind her ear as I breath down her neck, she shivers under me at my curious fingers go underneath her fragment of clothing. "Yet..."

"Oh gosh how embarrassing my shower is calling my name I gotta go pick up the call, I-I m-mean bye!" She pulls away from my embrace running to get her clothes and running in the bathroom.

"Hurry up so I can take you to the park down the street!" I yell as I hear loud noises in the bathroom.


"You heard me, don't make me come in and join you." I chuckle as she squeals when I shake the doorknob she locks it quickly making me smile like a goofball.

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