Chapter 20:

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Madison's POV

I flip over the next page, a separate sheet of notebook paper falls on my lap. What possibly could be inside? After that last paragraph I really don't want to know more of his personal thoughts, I open the paper anyway despite my heart's protest to go against it. The handwriting is different then Cody's it's more girly and cute, this is Ella's isn't it, fuck.

It doesn't have a date on it for when she wrote it so that doesn't help me at all.

Cody, your a pure star. Your eyes glow like the summer Sun, you make my good girl image change to a side I never knew and it's thrilling and very exciting. Never in my life have I pictured myself with you the school's bad boy, I thought of you as a punk which you are but your very lucky I'm attracted to that.

The handwriting changes to Cody's again are they passing notes during class?

I never pictured myself with a girl like you either, your a pure bookworm and you have nerd written all over you not to mention we use to each other. That is until I saw you at that party with a miniskirt on and a tank top, you had me lovestuck instantly before I even knew it.

My teeth grit together a low growl coming in between my temples, my breathing becomes untamed as I rip the paper into two. I don't want to know how they met and shit or how fucking hot she looks in a miniskirt, I'm not gay I don't go that way. If anything this is making me insecure and jealous even more over Ella.

I need sometime to process all this before reading more about the before life. I fiddle my fingers with the trim of my purse, putting the book where it belongs, deep in my purse.

My eyes soon close, I need rest before meeting my parents and dealing with drama.




"We're about to land in California, hold on tight folks." My hearing is zoomed out the sound only coming out as distance hums, strong build hands touch my shoulders shaking me sheepishly to wake.

"Madison wake up we're in California." Cody says nervously his voice a bit lower and huskier that sends chills throughout my body, I can't seem to open my eyes due to the bright lights and my arms and legs won't work under my command.

"Carry me please?" I beg forcing my arms up to go around his neck, he chuckles soundly lifting me up and cradling me like a child with my arms tightly on his neck to hold on.

"You have my suitcase?" I ask quietly. "And your purse." he responds. "Can I carry my purse?" I know the book is deep in there but I can't risk the chance.

"Uh sure?" I can hear the suspicion in his deep tone but he hands me my purse anyway, which I take with one hand and putting up to my shoulder before hooking both my arms back onto his neck feeling on the texture of the hair on the nape of his neck. Hearing his footsteps hit the airplane floor for a couple of blocks, the sunlight burns my closed eyes as my eyelids turn a reddish orangeish color.

"Are you still mad at me?" Cody hesitates a little.

"Not as mad as I was before." I bury my head on the croak of his neck lightly kissing it sending goosebumps on his skin.

"As much as I love you getting comfortable on my body, but the thing is you have to look for your parents." He jokes, I groan opening my eyes to the flashing colors. My eyes adjust to the lighting making me see clearly at the making figures at the airport, I don't recognize any of them as my loving parents just plain strangers looking for family and friends just like me.

"I don't see them yet." I clear my throat, something's clogging up my system, probably a sore throat I need to remember to get some cold me medicine for it later.

"I don't even know what your parents even look like so this should be fun." I smile up at him, him smirking at me in return. The familiar black messy waves along with the familiar some of home hits me, I found my mom.

"Mom!" I yell removing my arms from Cody, he puts me down to my feet as I rush over to the blackhaired lady that I call mom. "Mom." I cried again tackling my mom into a bear hug. "Madison, oh my God my baby finally returns." She hugs me tightly breathing in my scent and sobbing on my shoulder.

"I've missed you so much." She sniffs up her cries letting go to me to wipe her brown eyes. "I missed you to." I stick my hands to my sides, my posture stiffening because of my remembering of what I must explain. Seeing my mom in the living flesh again and seeing how broken and scarred she is from being so far away from me makes me see how not ready I am to tell her everything, it's lot to take in for her and me.

"Where's Dad?" I look over her shoulder expecting to see my father.

"I'm sorry sweetie but he couldn't make it, his boss making him work overtime he won't be back until later on tonight." I nod at her in understanding, my dad always had to work a lot so I barely saw him when I lived here. I know it wasn't his fault but I always didn't like when he had to leave because I knew he wouldn't be back for a long amount of time.

"It's okay mom, I understand." I sigh trying to gain the confidence to say more but failing badly, I feel a hand intertwine with mine closing our hands together. I already know it's Cody as he lifts our hands up and kissing my knuckles with his soft lips. My mom looks back and forth between me and him in confusion, she taps her foot and crosses her small arms waiting for me to explain myself.

"Um mom, this is my boyfriend, Cody." I tighten my grip on his hand trying to stop my terrible shaking.

"You mean THE Cody Templeton that's suppose to be dead." My mom starts ranting in the middle of the airport like I was afraid she was going to do. She always reacts over the simplest things, but this one is major enough to give her a heart attack.

"Mom please, calm down can we talk about this at home? Let's not create a scene at the airport." I can already feel stares all around the room watching my mom go crazy, I don't want this kind of attention.

"Young lady you have a lot of explaining to do when we get home." She huffs storming out to her car, we follow her the weight being pulled on my shoulders again.

"It was be okay, things will work out." Cody strokes my hair and pulling me closer to him. "I hope so." I pray that this is a start of a new beginning.




At the House:

"He never died.." I speak once we arrive inside setting my purse and suitcase on the fireplace. "And you just figured that out after 5 years of suffering." She palms her face in deep frustration.

"How could you let him back in your life after all the pain he put you through Madison." She slams her fragile hands on the table pointing over to Cody.

"Because I love him, and you will look pass anything for someone you love." I regain back the exciting confidence that I'm glad I finally had, I never got to speak my true mind with my parents and here I am arguing with my mother.

"He made you kill someone, he needs to be lock in prison!" Her hands trembling, she comes closer grabbing Cody by the collar. "You're sick, you need to be murdered you made my precious daughter a killer." She yells shaking him roughly and slamming him into the dry wall.

"Mom stop, please have a heart." I plead coming to Cody's aid. "Love is blind." I choke up tears, I'm glad Cody's keeping his cool towards my mother for a good first impression.

"Either you take us or I leave." I growl standing in front of Cody as defense. "I'm not going to let you control me I'm old enough to make my own decisions." I stomp my foot.

"Just promise me, you won't take another life away, both of you promise me that and I can go through with this." she breaths lowering her head.

"Mom.. you know I didn't mean to and Cody just didn't have anyone to guide him through life." Cody stands up holding onto my shoulder.

"You have to tell her about the games." He whispers quietly just for me to hear. "Or she'll never understand."

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