Chapter 32:

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Madison's POV:

We all just got done cleaning the mess we made, after all this I want to go away from here. I thought seeing my parents again would be a wonderful experience, but boy was I wrong.

"I hope you know we're leaving as soon as possible." I speak up over the awkward silence.

"The next flight home isn't until three days from now." Cody mutters tapping away on his phone, his head lowered to only see his lock of blond curls. I groan in disgust, I'm stuck in this hell hole for three more days.

"Look Madison, honey, your father's very sorry about what he did."

"No I'm not don't put words in my mouth Caroline." He grumbles wiping the blood off his lip and face, Cody's holding rather tightly to the wall with his jaw clenched.

"You know what," I chuckle walking over to my dad but Cody grabs my wrist. I whisper to him "I got this" and pull him off of me, I step in front of my father, not even caring about height difference. "I don't have to take your bullshit anymore, and I'm not going to let you hit me whenever you feel like it because I'm not like mom." I smirk devilishly before my to my fist swing a punch at his face repeatedly, he hit me a few times but I end up jumping on him and trying to claw his face open.

At some point I hit him in the balls earning a groan from him, my blood is pumping to the max and it feels good. It feels good to finally win something so small.

"Little Bitch!" He shoves me across the dinner table, the plates on the table fall on me, I hiss my head pounding.

"Hey!" Cody grunts knocking my father over before coming over to my aid. "Are you okay?" He whispers holding put his hand for me, I gladly take it getting back on my feet.

"I think so." I groan, my head is a bit cloudy and dazed and I feel blood all around me, on the floor and all. My walking skills aren't very steady.

"Cody watch out!" I say to late before my dad grabs him by the neck while his distracted, Cody struggles to get out of his grip.

I must think fast, so I grab a vase from the table and slam it on my father's head. He lets go falling to his knees then just completely blacks out.

"Stop it, just stop!" My mom screams sobbing in her hands. "Why can't we just be a normal family for once." Everyone stays silent sinking in her words, I bite down on my bottom lip sucking in dry blood all around. I know this might sound extremely rude but, I'm not sorry for the trouble I'm causing. Mostly because my father deserved what he got coming to him, and most importantly I'm tired of letting people walk all over me like I'm trash. It's tiring trying to please everyone, I mean what's the point.

"Why didn't you call the police?" I ask putting my hands behind my back, I narrow my eyes at her, I'm feeling a sense of fear in her eyes but she hides it immediately.

"What?" She whispers fiddling with the hems of her apron looking down at her feet intensely.

"All these years of abuse from him and you never once called the police, you let him hit you whenever he felt like it that's fucking pathetic." She looks up at me her eyes bloodshot red from her tears.

"Because I can't live without him!" She bites down on her lip just when she finished talking. "Don't you see, you're repeating what me and your father had. Open your eyes, you need to escape each other before it's to late."

"No, no shut up you're wrong you know nothing." My ears start to ring, I put my hands over my ears screaming bloody murder.

What's happening, I don't understand, I can't think.

"Oh but I do, time repeating itself, you're in the exact same place I was about 15 to 20 years ago." I shake my head at her not wanting to believe her, I won't believe her.

Cody would never hurt me, he would never lay a hand on me. We're not like my parents and we never will be.

"Shut up! Just shut the fuck up! I'm calling the police whether you like it or not, so don't even try to fucking stop me." I storm right passed her into the family room but I feel a heavy tug on my ankle.

"No Madison, please you can't do this to me!"My mom cries holding on my ankle on the ground sobbing up at me.

"And why shouldn't I!" I hiss, no matter how much I wanna kick her, she's still my mother so I lightly shove her away but a bit harsh off my foot.

"Please just hear me out." I roll my eyes giving in watching her lift herself off the ground. She lightly wipes her eyes trying to put herself back together.

"I'm waiting." I cross my arms while tapping my foot, she is taking bloody forever.

"Okay, okay!" She huffs fixing her hair and breathing deeply. "You know the games you were explaining to me right?"

"We're listening....." Cody steps in the living room leaning on a nearby wall with his arms and legs crossed.

"Well you know how you two fought so much that you wanted to make each other jealous so you to started flirting with your friends." My eyes widen as I look at Cody, he to wears the same expression on his face.

"How do you-"

"Or when Cody pretended to be someone his not and he pretended to be dead." She grins when she sees my shock face, was she watching us the whole time?

"I know this because me and your father already lived this life, you're running out of time." Everything goes silent for a moment, just hearing the ticking of the old grandfather clock near us.

Is this what it feels like to go insane?

To finally become mental until I would lose all control?

What if she's right?

What if I end up like the people I called my family at some point?

"Why were you stalking me, I mean were you stalking me this whole time? I thought I was making it out by myself in the world, but you were watching over me this whole time!" That can be the only reason why she knows everything she knows involving me and Cody, I wouldn't believe any other way.

"You're fucking sick, you know that?" I whisper slightly choking on my own words. "You're just fucking sick!" I shove my mother until she falls backwards on the couch before storming out of the family room, going upstairs.

"If the police start banging at our door you better answer it, or I'll turn you into the police as well." I salute my middle finger at them, I walk into my room purposely slamming the door harshly.

Fucking Bastard Of A Mom.

I'll try to update as soon as possible but till then I'll see you in a few billion years

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