Chapter 2:

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Cody's POV

"Ok hell I'm ready for you." I sigh to myself as I head downstairs to the kitchen, my mom and little brother are laughing like the little bitches they are. "What's so fucking funny!" I snap my voice booming through the kitchen they stop laughing and turn to me, my mom walks up to me.

"Well looks like my baby woke up on the wrong side of the bed last night." She says in a baby voice and kisses my cheek, I groan in disgust as I wipe it off with a wet rag and soap, the last thing I need is people bothering me even more because of lipstick on my face.

"Mom I'm leaving." I hiss as I walk to the door.

"But sweetie don't you want some breakfast?" She asks but I'm already out the door, slamming the door behind me. I walk up to my mustang, I jump in and start the engine as I start riding off to school.

I really fucking hate my mom, Ryan, and damn Luke, I hate my mom for making me move to this trashy town and for Ryan and Luke for killing my lovely Ella.

I will get my revenge for her she would of wanted this.

God I miss her.

Madison POV:

"Today's going to be such a big day." Allison says excited, her brown hair in a long ponytail going all the way down her back, her light brown eyes bright with happiness no care in the world. I can't help but smile at her, she acts like a little kid... most of the time.

"See that's the spirit, big old smile for Cody." She says in a bubbly tone. That's when my lips go in a tight line, just by the thought of that show off.

Me and Allison unlock are lockers that are which right beside each other, and grab are textbooks. We close are lockers and start walking to first period.

"So are you ready to talk to Mr. Dream Boat?" Allison teases. Before I can respond to her smart comment my head hits something rock hard, I fall down along with my books. Whoever I hit has no manners because they aren't helping me up, I curse under my breath and start picking up my books. I slowly get up to see a tall muscular but very lean dude with blond hair and dark blue eyes in front of me, this must be Cody.

"Do you need something?" I growl rudely.

"Watch where your fucking going next time why don't you." He hisses.

"What the fuck you run into me, jerk." I hiss back, I shove him and walk away not bothering to hear what he has to say back.

"Woah what was that? What happened to befriending plan we talked about?" Allison says. Shit I totally forgot about that, well there goes my first impression.

"I'm sorry, but his such a dick." I say as me and Allison walk to our first class.

Cody's POV:

No one's stood up to me like that, no one but Ella, but she looks nothing like her, Ella had dirty blond hair and beautiful brown eyes, she only has piercing green eyes and black hair, but yet she so much like Ella. She could be the girl I'm looking for to be my next Ella. I must have her,

I always get what I want.

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