Chapter 7:

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A/N: Pssst, I would vote if I were you

Madison POV:

What makes them think they can force me to be this next Ella crap they can't control who I date. "What if I refuse?" I say crossing my arms.

"Then you get killed by Allison." Ryan said casually like it's normal and they see it every day, shit maybe they do, yet I still wanna wipe that devilish grin off his face. Feeling my heart freeze, Allison is my best friend she would never dream of killing me.

"Allison would never kill me.." I stomp my foot that was the last straw. "You think so?" Ryan chuckles, Ugh I hate him he needs to stop talking in fucking riddles. "Because it looks like to me that she set you up."

Right on cue Allison comes in tears roaming down her face. "I'm so sorry Maddy." she cries. "Ally what's wrong." I run over to her putting my arm around her. "I feel horrible, they made me do it." She sobs while pointing her trembling fingers at Ryan and Cody.

"Madison, don't fall for her tricks she's playing you, she just wants to play the innocent card." Ryan picks Ally up and pushes her on the floor. "She's a demon, once she gets you where she wants you, She. Will. Kill. You." What the fuck is this some kind of movie, what's my life coming to.

"Don't believe them Maddy, look at me I'm your best friend." Black blood starts falling from her mouth as she crawls over to me, I feel myself wanting to throw up at the sight of this. Her skin on her face starts to fall off as her eyes bleed from inside out.

"Time is running out you have to kill her." Cody finally speaks up.

"Don't you dare kill me." Ally says and her skin comes off as her bony fingers touch me.

"Get off of me." I shove her off.

"Maddy don't you love your best friend, please don't let them get to you don't kill me." I don't want to believe them, but somehow I know their right.

"Either you kill her or she kills us." Ryan hisses. I don't know what to do all these voices in my head and blood all over the floor filling up so I can't see my shoes.

"Why can't one of you kill her then?" I narrow my eyes at them.

"Because you have to prove yourself worthy not us, we already passed our tests." He explains shrugging me off and narrowing his eyes right back. "Besides be warned that you will have to do multiple tests there's unlimited tests, that's why Cody here still killing people like a maniac." He chuckles patting Cody on the shoulder, Cody shivers bowing his head in disgust before regaining himself.

Cody comes closer to me I can feel him breathing on my ear.

"Are you willing to kill someone for my love?" Cody hisses at me, handing me the gun. "If you really loved me you would kill for me." he says.

"I do love you" I say calmly, what did I just say do I really love him? "Then kill her." He yells I look at my best friend struggling for dear life. Would I really kill my best friend, just to win his affection. But if I don't she will kill me, I don't want to die yet I don't want to be a killer.

"Don't do this Madison, you're better then this, put the gun down please." Allison pleads as she touches her heart as a symbol of hurt, but it goes wrong as her fingers grow into claws going straight through her skin.

"SHOOT HER!" I hear Cody say in my ear.

My fingers start to tremble as I hold up the gun, aiming at my best friends head. If I kill her I would be doing her a favour, right? So she doesn't have to deal with all this pain. My fingers find the trigger, then there's a loud boom.

Allison lays lifeless on the floor blood striking from her head, her eyes wide open. I killed my best friend...

"You did very good." He says while nibbling on my neck. "Oh Cody, I'd do anything for you." My hand slowly let go of the gun, feeling the sensation of his touch.

"You will regret killing her." A deep low voice says, I look in the direction of where the mysterious voice came from.

It came from Allison well what's left of Allison but Allison isn't Allison someone else owns her body, my best friend is gone but the devil still around. Something tells me it's not leaving without a fight. My gun that I dropped is gone it went down into the black blood no where to be founded.

"Maddy, get out of here." Cody hisses at me he shoves me away from him, close to freedom. "No I'm not leaving you, I can help." I grip his hand my eyes focused on Allison's body coming to Cody, but I realized something Ryan vanished.

"Didn't I say get the fuck out of here?" Cody scowls before Allison jumps on him choking him roughly. "CODY!" "Madison please get out of here, I want you to make it."

"We can both make it Cody please let me help." His hand slips from me and he pushes me making me stumble in the hallway, I hear the door shut in Cody's room. "NO, NO, NO" I scream rapidly pounding on the door and trying to unlock it but it's locked. "NO CODY." I cry as I fall to my knees pressing my ear to the door. I hear Cody grunt in pain then there's silence.

That's when I broke down, his really gone and so is Allison, but Cody died so I could live he knew only one of us would survive and he wanted it to be me. I don't know how long I just cried there feeling so helpless, worthless and unloved, feeling like I had no one.

Cody's POV:

"We can both make it Cody please let me help." I know to well that we both won't make it, so I want her to live happily with a man that can make her feel wanted. I slip away my hand from her grip and push her making her fall. I quickly close the door and shut it, I don't want her to see me die she doesn't deserve all this the least I can do is this. Immediately I hear Madison cries and pounding on the door, but I don't open the door she must escape I can't take losing another person that I love, so this time it will be me. I just hope in a couple of years she will forget this.

I feel a slight pain in my chest looking down seeing the devils claws inside me, I grunt in pain slowly falling to my knees but before I close my eyes forever my hands capture the gun under the pool of dark red blood. I shoot the demon and with my last dying breath watch it fall to the ground and turn into ashes, I float into darkness with a smirk on my face.

( It's not over yet omg is Cody really dead I don't know c: well I do but I'm not telling more to come soon but not very soon BYE )

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