Chapter 5:

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A/N: Vote, Comment, and Fan!

Allison's POV

Today's Saturday right? So that means yesterday was Friday and that was the day Madison went on her date with Cody. I decided to walk my ass over to Starbucks and text Madison later I don't want to disturb her right now because I think she's with Cody.

So I entered Starbucks and got myself some coffee and sat down in one of the seats by the window. I sip my coffee and begin working on some over due homework that I have to finish, at least that's what my teachers say but I can't seem to focus, because one I have a low attention span and two this guy is giving me "The Stare."

Just to see if his hot or not I turn over to his direction, and honey he's the definition of hot well that might be just my opinion. His chestnut hair with spikes of blond in there beautiful blue green crystals also his very in shape. His wearing a leather jacket and tight skinny jeans that fit his ass perfectly. I give him a wink to let him now that I notice his stares then I quickly act like I'm focusing on my school work.

I hear footsteps coming my way, just as I suspected what would happen he couldn't get enough of what I was putting down so he came over. Looking away from my textbook to see him pulling up a chair for him across from me, a big smirk on his hot face.

"Hey there gorgeous." His words so smooth like a melody in my ears.

"Ello." I give him one of my famous smiles. "What's your name cutie?"

"The names Ryan, Ryan Banks." He winks at me.

"I'm Allison."

"Well Allison how about I take you out of here?"

Madison's POV

*ding dong*

"Ooh I wonder who's at the door." I say. Cody and I decided to go over to his house because he needed to get some stuff and I brought my homework and hopefully we could help each other on it. "So you want me to get the door?" I yell at Cody who's upstairs

"Don't you dare answer my door bitch." He hisses.

"Well aren't you a sweetheart." I muttered, when Cody comes from upstairs to answer the door. I can't quite see who's at the door but by Cody's face expression I'm guessing he knows who it is. This isn't going to end well I can tell by the expression on his face.

Cody's POV:

"Well aren't you a sweetheart." Madison mutters but I ignore her smart comment for once and answer the door.

"Long time no see Cody." The familiar voice says that brings shivers down my spine. I focus my attention to the person outside my doorstep and his none other than Ryan Banks, the boy who killed my Ella.

"What the fuck are you doing here, how did you find out where I live, where's Luke?" A whole bunch of questions go in my mind as I look at this rotten killer.

"I'm not answering any questions here, me and my lady Allison here were just walking and thought we pay you a visit." He says calmly.

Wait Allison I look over to Ryan's right to see Madison's friend Allison who's clinging to Ryan's shoulder. I stand there stunned of what I see right now.

"Allison?!?!?" I hear Madison say as she runs to the door.

"Maddy, Hi." Allison grins still having a tight grip on Ryan.

"Meet my new boyfriend Ryan."

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