Crescent Wolf Party 2

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Most of the party had moved in the backyard. I was out back with Hayley when we walked inside to clean the living room a bit.

I hear more cans and cups being pciked up. I turn around to see Crawford and Jackson helping us. I run over to Crawford and kiss him. "Hey, baby." I let go and hug Jackson.

Jackson looks at Hayley. "I seriously doubt you invited us here to wait on us." Hayley looks at him.

I smile at her. "Hayls, this is Crawford and Jackson. Crawford, my boyfriend and Jackson his older brother."

Crawford waves at Hayley while Jackson just smiles at her. "It's nice to meet you again.

Hayley points at him. "You're the wolf who's been watching me."

Jackson nods. "I gotta keep my eye on you. Precious cargo and all."

Crawford stands me in front of me and wraps his arms around my waist. I continue to listen to Jackson and Hayley.

"Right. Gotta protect the miracle baby." Hayley laughs breathlessly.

Jackson shakes his head. "No, that's not what I meant. I don't care about the baby." I gasp and reach over to punch his arm.

He winces and rubs the spot I punched him. He looks at me then back at Hayley.

"Sorry. that came out wrong. I mean, of course I care. You're a Labonair. A baby, that's a big deal. But personally, my interest is with you." I turn my head to look at Crawford who's just looking at me calmly.

"You don't even know me." Hayley tells Jackson. She then looks at me with a frown. I shrug my shoulders at her. I have no clue what he means.

"Our parents knew each other. They were of the same people, but not the same bloodline. Now, you know how pack hierarchy works, right? Everyone has their part to play. and... we had our part, too."

I get off of Crawford to face both him and Jackson.

Hayley looks at my frown then back at Jackson. "Clearly, Kara doesn't know what you're talking about. What part was that?"

Jackson and Crawford look at each other then back at the both of us. Jackson sighs and looks at Hayley. "...You were supposed to be my wife."


We ended up moving to the living room. Jackson sitting down at the piano quietly playing. Hayley standing next to him while I sat on the couch and Crawford was standing up against the wall.

"So as much times as I've been with you Crawf, you didn't think to tell me that because of your wolf laws that Hayley was supposed to be your sister-in-law." Crawford sighs and walks over to me.

"I know, Jackson just wanted to be the one to tell her and If you knew I thought she would get mad at you if you knew and didn't tell her." I grab his arm and make him sit next to me.

I bury my head in his chest. "It's okay, I understand." He kisses my forehead as Jackson looks at Hayley.

"I know it's a lot to take in." Jackson tells her.

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