Alive and Kicking

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Crawford and I were coming in from being around the Quarter when I saw bloody paw prints.

We heard shouting from Elijah and I just looked at him.

"I'll go see what's wrong." I tell him. He nods as I speed to where my brothers are.

"Niklaus! The mother of your child deserves much better than just fine!" Elijah shouts with anger.

They both glare at each other.

"You'll take her to the Bayou. Find any remaining wolves. Perhaps her people can reach her. Now, more than ever, she needs a connection to something, some of her humanity, some degree of dignity." Elijah storms out, he passes me but doesn't say anything.

I look at Nik who's considering Elijah's words. He looks up at me and smiles.

"Flower, I didn't hear you come in." I nod and step further into the room.

"Crawford and I just got home, we went on a small walk. I'm guessing that the blood next to fountain is witch blood." I tease.

"Yes, it is. I took Hayley to the cauldron last night to get some revenge." I smile at him.

"Don't listen to Elijah, you're helping Hayley the only way you know how. Let me know when we go to the Bayou." I smile at him then walk out.


Hayley, Nik, Crawford, and I headed to the Bayou shortly after Nik and I had our conversation.

We got there and proceeded to look around for any wolves.

"I told you, this place is deserted." Hayley states annoyed.

"No, their scent is fresh. They're hiding." Nik says as he, Crawford, and I look through tents.

"Which means somewhere nearby, we will find the remnants of your pack." Nik stops in front of her.

"...And then what? It's not exactly like they're going to welcome us. If there's one thing these people hate more than vampires, it's hybrids." Hayley tells him.

"They accepted me and I'm a tribyrid." I tell her.

"What they hate is their lack of power. Hence the willingness of their brethren to deal with that witch in exchange for rings! But, she hasn't gotten to your lot yet, so, we need to get to them first and ensure they align with us." Nik tells all three of us.

"Awesome. All we gotta do is find them." Hayley says with skepticism.

"A task I leave to you. Go on!" We all look at Nik in confusion.

"Well, you're a hybrid now, with heightened senses unlike anything under the sun... besides me." He smirks.

"Actually, Nik. I'm more powerful than you so, technically it's unlike me." I tease him.

Hayley rolls her eyes and closes them. She sniffs the air. We all watch her but then she opens her eyes and sighs.

"This is stupid." Hayley tells Nik.

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