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After losing my niece and losing Jackson because he went into hiding after Ollie betrayed the pack, Crawford and I moved into the Mikaelson Compound.

"AGHHHHHH!" I hear Nik yell and something break.

"I better go check on him." I tell Crawford who's getting ready for today.

"Alright, I love you." He pecks my cheek.

"I love you too." I smile at him.

I walk slowly into Nik's painting room.

"Well, then, you'll be pleased to know that I've located the last of the twelve rings forged with your blood." Elijah tells him.

"Then, it's time!" Nik says ecstatically.

I walk in and join the conversation. "Perfect, I can get revenge on the people who killed my niece. I'm worried about Hayley though." I tell them.

I see Nik tense up. "I share your worries as well, sister." Elijah nods.

"Let me know when we start with taking back our home." I smirk at them and walk out.


I walked back in the house to see Crawford, Nik, and Elijah standing in the dining room. "I didn't know you three were waiting for me."

"Don't worry, sister. We have our plan." Elijah tells me.

"We have the Guerreras where we want them. We have them waiting, we have them worried, and now, we know they're an army with no defenses against an Original." Nik tells us.

"Let alone three." Crawford adds.

"We don't know that for certain." Elijah says.

Nik shrugs at him. "I'm willing to gamble."

"It's too risky! The stake didn't just disappear, someone has it." I tell him.

"One enemy at a time! In the end, we'll slay them all." Nik shrugs a second time.

Nik sits down at the table and tenses. "It's starting." I say.

"Tonight, we just have to plant the right seeds, and for that, we need help."


Hayley joined us to further discuss the plan.

"We're taking the twelve original rings. Now, four of them sit on the hands of the Guerrera brothers. One on Oliver, one on Francesca, three with the home security detail, and the rest scattered amongst her lackeys. Now, each ring is distinguishable by its setting-- gauche, like those that wear them." Elijah informs us.

"If they believe they can get their hands on the stake, they will come for me when I am weak. Each ring you retrieve will strengthen me, but I will still at a disadvantage." Nik let's us know.

"Ergo, any hope of our success depends entirely upon our working together." Elijah glances at Nik and Hayley.

I look at both of them. "The two of you can no longer afford to retreat to separate corners." I tell them harshly. I've gotten tired of them not talking.

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