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Jackson and Crawford came over to check on Hayley and I. Crawford and I were messing with my belly while Hayley and Jackson were upstairs talking.

"Your belly has gotten bigger." Crawford smiles while he rubs my stomach.

"It is, I called Bonnie and she said that the baby is growing faster than normal. We think it's because we are both supernatural." I smile at him.

Crawford kisses my belly and I feel a kick.

"Crawford, the baby just kicked!" I laugh and place his hand in the same place.

We stay still for a couple of seconds and the baby kicks Crawford's hand.

"Hi, baby. Your mommy and I love you so much." I smile at Crawford's words.

Hayley and Jackson walk down.

"Uncle Jack, your niece or nephew just kicked." I tease.

Jack comes over and I place his hand on my belly.

"Hey, kiddo. It's Uncle Jack." He talks.

The baby kicks again.

"Oh my gosh!" Hayley places her hand there.

"Hey, baby, It's your Aunt Hayley. I can't wait to meet you." I smile as the baby keeps kicking.

I look up and see Aiden with the wolves.

"What's Jerick doing here?" Jack asks Hayley confused.

"Aiden rounded up the most influential wolves so they can talk." Hayley tells us.

"...About what?" I ask.

Hayley gestures to the door.

"About them."

I see Marcel leading his vampires into the compound.

Marcel turns to to Hayley and I. I smile as he nods.

I feel the tension radiating from Jackson and Crawford. The two groups walk up to each other leaving some room between each other.


I was in Kol's room helping him unpack in his new room.

"Settling into your new accommodations?" Nik's voice booms.

"Well, I would have preferred my old room... Seeing as it's filled with a dusty nursery and a hybrid, I thought it best not to complain." Kol tells him smugly.

"Hey, be nice." I place my hand on my stomach. Kol and Nik smile at my stomach.

"I still can't believe it." Kol says.

I smile up at him as I see Nik pull absinthe from behind his back and hand it to Kol.

"I brought you something in honor of your return to the fold. I believe it's your favorite, or, at least, it used to be. La Fée Verte!" Nik gives it to Kol.

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