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Hayley went home to go see Elijah. I decided to stay here with Jack and Elias. I texted Crawford to meet us here.

"Kara!" I stood up and hugged him.

"Jack needs you right now." I let him go. Elias stands next to me and Crawford stares.

"Who's this?" I laugh and look up at Elias.

"This is Elias. He is my first and only sire. I saved him from his abusive father at 16. His mother had cancer so we both took care of her until she passed. I raised him as my own and turned him on his 23rd birthday. I stayed with him until I had to leave him. He just found me earlier today. So Crawford, meet my son, Elias."

I smile at Crawford. I look up at Elias.

"Elias, meet my husband. Crawford. Jackson's little brother." I can tell that Elias is pretty hesitant.

Crawford slowly walks to him. Crawford hugs him and Elias tenses up before his sighs and hugs back.

"It's nice to meet you." Elias says as they step away from each other.

"Likewise." Crawford smiles.

"Go talk to Jack. We'll be here if you need us." I kiss Crawford and he walks to the shack.

"I can tell how much you both love each other." Elias says as we sit back down.

"Yeah, he's my soulmate." I smile.


Jackson, Crawford, Elias, and I were watching Ollie's body burn from the dock.

I hadn't said anything because I know the boys need quiet to mourn the loss of their friend.

Elias and I were sitting on the edge of the dock while both Crawford and Jackson were sitting down at the table by the shack. They were drinking whiskey.

"I'm so sorry, Jack. Crawford." I hear Hayley whisper.

Jack angrily stands up. "This is bull, Hayley! Crescent tradition says you have a funeral at dawn, and no one is here!" He screams.

I stand up and Elias copies me. I go over to stand next to Crawford who was standing up now. Elias stands behind me.

"That loyalty..." Jackson stops.

"Loyalty's gone." Crawford finishes.

Jackson goes to walk away but Hayley stops him.

"We're standing around moping over Ollie's body when there's a war to be fought. I understand that you have to grieve, Jack. You waited for me, so I'll do the same for you. But, our people need their Alpha." She grabs the bottle from his hand and walks away.

I walk over to him and hug him. "It'll be alright, Jack." I let go and Elias pats his hand on Jack's shoulder.

Elias joins me. I look back to Crawford to see him hugging Jack. He then lets go and runs over to us.


We all made it to Marcel's loft with Aiden who joined us.

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