What the hell?!

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Both Rebekah and Hayley left me at the house by myself. I decided to change because I know this family, something will happen. I was practicing more spells trying to find one to break Hayley's hex.

I hear my phone beep. I look at see that Hayley was caught by Marcel's night walkers and Bex needs back up.

I speed over to Bienville Park, I catch Rebekah in the corner of my eye. I nod at her. We see Hayley splash her cup in one of the vampires faces. Bex and I speed over. She breaks ones neck while I use a spell to pull the others heart out.

"Now, that is no way to treat a pregnant lady." Bex looks down at the vampires. "I do hate bad manners." I saw as the heart drops on the floor. Hayley stares at us in shock.

Nik met up with us and dragged the bodies in the front yard of the plantation. "This is why I told you never to leave the house. Werewolves are banned in the Quarter. I had a plan, and your little nighttime stroll put it all in peril!" I had saw one of the vampires move and walked over to him. "Leave him!" I stop and stand next to Hayley.

"You've done enough, don't you think? Leaving a trail of bodies like a road map to my door?" I roll my eyes as he looks at Rebekah.

"If I hadn't overheard this lot bragging about werewolf heads, everyone here would be screwed. And don't give me that crap about having a plan. You've had all the time in the world to execute a plan, and no one's seen you do a damn thing!"

"Elijah and I made a deal to protect your child, so that it could save you from your selfish, rotten self. But you obviously don't give a damn about the child or Elijah or me, because what have you done to honor it?" I yell at him. I'm beyond pissed at my brother.

"I have done everything. Let me spell it out for you, shall I? From the day I arrived, Marcel hasn't trusted me. From Day One, he's had his vampires ingest toxic vervain which, as you know, little sisters, protects them from my mind control."

He glares at us. "I needed a spy, someone on the inside with me who Marcel would never suspect. So, I created a Day Zero and got there first. Marcel had just lost six vampires, thanks to your little murder spree, and he needed new recruits. So, I made the new one mine, before he'd had even a drop of vervain."

He looks at Bex. "But we all know the real way to a man is through his heart, so..."

Nik grabs the vampire from the pile by his collar. "And this one – I'm gonna drain him of vervain, compel him to believe his mates found religion and moved to Utah, so that he can explain to Marcel why he lost three more vampires tonight."

I roll my eyes as we all follow him inside. "Does anyone have any more questions? No? Good, because I have a question. Hayley, what were you doing in the bloody French Quarter in the first place? Answer me!" He gets in her face.

I glare at him as Bex defends Hayley. "Leave her be." Hayley gets fed up with Nik.

"You wanna know what I was doing? I was buying poison, so I could put your little baby out of its misery." I gasp at Hayley's reveal.

Nik speeds over to her and pins her to the wall. Hayley starts gasping for air. "Nik! NIK!" Bex screams. I raise my hand and throw him about 5 feet away from her.

"Keep your hands off her! She is pregnant, for God's sake! All of this bluster about not wanting the child, and then the second she tells you she's ready to get rid of it? It's okay to care. It's okay to want something. That's all Elijah was trying to do, all he's ever wanted for you. All we've ever wanted." Rebekah tells him as I comfort Hayley.

He sits on the steps while I comfort Hayley and Rebekah sits next to him.

"I gave Elijah to Marcel." I look at the back of his head. "What?" Rebekah and I both ask.

"Marcel was nervous. It's bad enough one Original returned to town, but two? His crew was getting antsy. He wanted Elijah gone, so... I gave him a peace offering." I realize Marcel doesn't know about me.

"You bartered our brother?" Bex asks hurt. "I have a plan. Gain Marcel's trust, dismantle his empire, honor Elijah and Kara's wish that that baby be born. I am executing that plan the only way I know how. If you don't like it, there's the door. See if I care."

He stands and walks inside but stops next to me. "Flower, great throw." I laugh a bit.

After all the commotion, Rebekah and I wanted to sit on the back porch. We hear the door open and Hayley sits in between us. "I know you don't know me very well... but thanks. I appreciate what you both did in there."

Bex and I grab both her hands. "Us girls have got to look out for each other." Hayley smiles at me. She then looks between the both of us. "What is it with you three? You both say you hate him, but the way you deal with him, it's so clear. Even when you hate him, you still love him."

I glance at Bex to answer it for the both of us. "I guess when you spend a thousand years with someone, deciding to quit them is like losing a part of yourself. But sometimes the hate is just... so powerful. Emil wasn't the only boyfriend of mine that Klaus killed. He did it again, and again, and every time I found someone to care about. He just kept doing it until, finally, I stopped falling in love. He said he was protecting me from my mistakes, that no one was ever good enough for his little sister. Until one day, someone was."

She tells us about how her and Marcel fell in love all those years ago. I wish I was awake. I would have helped my sister keep the happiness she deserves.

"If you know Marcel has Elijah, why don't you just get him back yourself?" Rebekah sighs.

"Because, if either of us cross our brother, there's still a coffin downstairs with our names on it." I nod at that. Hayley keeps her eyes on the both of us. She leans down and pulls something that's covered in a cloth.

She removes the cloth and we see that it is two daggers. We look at her in shock.

"Oh, my god."

"Holy Hell!"

"I found them under your coffin, Rebekah. So, if a couple of antique steak knives were the only things stopping you two from getting Elijah back, then here you go." I smile at Hayley as Bex looks at the daggers in awe. Bex smiles at Hayley then Hayley smiles at the both of us.

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