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I had tried to clean up my face to the best of my ability when I reached Grandma Mary's

"Kara, is that you?" I hear ask.

I smile at her. "Yes, it's me Grandma Mary."

She hugs me and I hug back. "I was wondering when you were gonna come see me again."

I laugh at her. "I'm always around Grandma Mary. I've just been consumed with your grandson." I point at my belly.

"Do you know the gender yet?" She asks excitedly.

"It's a boy!" I tell her.

"Oh yay!" She places her hands on my belly.

"I'm just chopping vegetables for dinner later."

Grandma Mary was chopping potatoes when we felt someone at the door.

I turned to see my hybrid big brother.

He smiled at me then looked at Mary.

"What do you want?" Mary asks with a knife clutched in her hands.

"Well, we could start with some common courtesy. You could invite me in?" Nik says.

Mary scoffs. "Not likely, vampire." I look at her with hurt. Clearly it wasn't just Jackson who told him not to trust us.

I stand up and walk out to stand next to Nik.

Grandma Mary looks hurt but I just stare outside.

"I'm a hybrid, dear. Half-wolf. You and I could be distant relatives, for all you know! Matter of fact, I'm looking for another of my kind. Rumor has it she's nearby." Nik tells Mary.

I look at him with wide eyes.

"What do you want with Hayley?" Mary asks wearily.

"I wish only to remind her of the importance of family. Dissuade her from foolish mistakes." Nik says.

"Jackson's with her now. They can look out for each other. Why don't you just leave them alone?" Mary says.

"Well, perhaps I should. Clearly, I can trust Jackson's selfless nature, as willing as he is to marry Hayley and save her from the horrors of her current existence. And, in exchange for nothing more than an empowered werewolf pack to serve as his own personal army. Hmm. You know, on second thought, I think I'd like to congratulate the bride and groom." Nik smirks.

Mary looks alarmed but Nik looks amused.

"No doubt they're close by, attending to their prenuptial observances." Nik slams his hand on the doorframe.

"And since you've been unable to help me find them, well... I suppose I'll have to hunt them down myself, won't I?" Nik says then speeds off.

"Crawford and I got into a fight, he told me that Jackson told him to never trust a vampire. I now know where they got it from." I barely get out.

"I'll help Hayley and Jackson out."

I speed away after my brother.

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