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I had woken up this morning with a long text from Elijah telling me that the reason Rebekah left was because a stupid witch revealed what Rebekah and Marcel did 300 years ago.

Not only that but she has now taken up residence in Nik's bed. As soon as I saw that I got dressed quick and told Crawford I was going to help Elijah take our brother.

I walked in to see Elijah waiting for me. "Brother, it's nice to see you."

He opened his arms for me. "Carine, you look lovely as always. I see a ring has made its way on your finger."

He lifted up my hand to inspect it. "I knew you would love it." I smiled at him.

"I figured he asked you and Nik for permission. Thank you, big brother."

"We all deserve to be happy, you most out of us all. You're heart has been too kind, Kol was wrongfully taken from your side. I have seen how happy Crawford has made you."

I smile up at him. "Truly, Brother. Thank you."

He nods at me. "Let's go deal with our brother."

"My demons are dead, or chased off." I hear Nik tell the skank.

Elijah and I entered with a hard glare on her. "Yes, apart from the one lingering monster with whom you share a bed."

I pick up her heels and hold the out. "I trust you can find your clothing and the door, Darling."

Genevieve stood up and grabbed her heels from me, the walked out of the room.

Elijah and I stare at Nik. "You do recall that woman tortured our sister?"

Nik doesn't bother to look at either of us. "She also revealed the truth about our sister's treachery."

I roll my eyes. "And as a consequence, Rebekah is gone forever."

He just shrugs at us. "A desire which she apparently harbored for quite some time!"

"Niklaus, it has been a month. Now, I feel our sister's loss as deeply as you. But, you must stop distracting yourself with this ridiculous behavior and channel it into some kind of action."

Elijah tells him with sternness. I sigh at them. "Nik, I understand that it hurts. I'm hurt too, our sister is gone. She can't be my maid of honor or help me pick a dress. Elijah's right. It's been a month, find something other than sleeping with the enemy."

Nik grabs a paintbrush and continues painting. "Why must I, exactly?"

"Because over the course of Marcel's tenure, the city grew accustomed to having a king. You wanted this throne. Now, you must accept the responsibility that accompanies that."

Elijah states. Nik continues to barely listen to him.

"Apologies, but I'm rather ensconced in other pursuits."

I roll my eyes once more. I use my magic to swipe his paintbrush out of his hand. I guide it over to me and grab it. I break it both my hands.

"You owe me a new one, sister." Nik glares at me.

"I'll buy you a whole new set. Listen to us." I glare back at him.

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