Faction Party

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We got invited to a faction party. We all decided to show up. Jack leading us, Ollie on his right. Crawford and I on his left. Hayley wanted to come by herself.

The different factions staring at us as we walked in. I glare at Genevieve and Diego.

I look up and see my brothers on the balcony.

I smirk at them both.


As we all start mingling I see Diego and some vampires walk over to the wolves.

"What's up, little man?" Diego says as he purposely bumps into Jackson. Crawford sees it and Ollie gets mad.

"He's not even worth it." Jack tells Ollie. He looks back at me and shakes his head.

I glare at Diego. I hate him so much.


Hayley had come to the party. I was standing with Crawford and Jackson when Elijah came over.

"Welcome to my home." Elijah smiles at him.

"I wouldn't be here if Hayley or Kara hadn't forced the issue." Jack tells him bitterly.

"Yes. It's rather unlikely that you'll experience an outpouring of kind sentiment here. The vampires in particular view you as... well, barbaric." Elijah says.

"Hayley and Kara tell me that this peace treaty is important to you."

Jack smiles at me. "Yes, it certainly is. So much so, in fact, that if anyone threatened to dismantle what I'm building here, I'd destroy everything they hold dear."

Elijah smiles at him. I look up at Elijah and glare a bit.

"Have a wonderful evening." My brother walks away.

"I just want you to know that you're the only Mikaelson that I like."

I laugh at Jack. "I'm everyone's favorite Mikaelson."


Jack and Crawford had left somewhere to explore and I stayed with Hayley.

Elijah had come up and asked her to dance. I stayed on the sidelines until I saw Jackson walk over.

I felt someone next to me. "Could I have this dance?" I smile up at Crawford.

I grab his hand as he leads us next to Jackson and Hayley.


We had all stopped dancing. I notice Diego walk up to Ollie and automatically knew something was going to go down with the way their conversation is going.

"Jack, Crawford. Ollie at the bar. I have a bad feeling."

As soon as I finished telling them, Diego picks up Ollie and throws him across the courtyard. Ollie fell onto one of the tables and it shattered on impact. Diego vamp-speeds over to him but Ollie pins him to the wall.

Elijah speeds behind Ollie and pulls him off of Diego and pins him onto another table.

"This ends now. I won't ask again." Elijah says.

"Oh, we'll end it all right." I see Jackson pinning Diego to the wall with a stake aimed at his heart.

Hayley steps on the staircase.

"What's stopping you? Kill him. Go ahead, Elijah. Do it. I mean, it's not like he doesn't deserve to die." Hayley encourages Elijah.

"I mean, it was Oliver who handed Rebekah over to the witches so they could torture her. But, then again, wasn't it Diego who led a werewolf massacre last month? And the witches cursed the wolves, while the humans stood back and let it all happen. So, when you think about it, everyone here deserves to die." Hayley says to everyone mainly Elijah."

"Are approaching a point?" Elijah asks her anger evident.

"My point, Elijah, is this-- if we can't all learn to get along, if our families can't create some sort of community, then what's the point? Kill each other and get it all over with." I smile at Hayley. She's definitely an alpha.

Elijah let go of Ollie as Jack reluctantly let go of Diego.

After the whole fiasco, we all decided to head back to the Bayou.

The whole wolf family ate and cheered to Hayley because she stood up for them. I know I'm included in the wolf faction. Jack and Crawford said I am. I love my in laws.

Hayley and I were sitting next to the bonfire as the boys took a walk together.

"She's getting so big." I tell her as I lay my hands on her belly.

She nods at me. "She is. Kara, I wanted to thank you."

I take my hands off of her belly and look at her confused.

"For what?" She smiles at my face.

"Sticking by my side. You always have my back, even when it's standing up to your brothers. You're like the mother figure and sister I never had." She tells me

I smile at her. "I love you too Hayley. I'll always have your back. You came into my life a little after Kol was taken from me. I want to say that you saved me. You mended my heart, I was broken. Meeting you was the best thing. I gained a sister and a niece. Granted you slept with the big bad hybrid, but you are giving me a niece." I grab her hand.

The boys had come back over. "Ollie, can I talk to you?" I ask. He nods at me and I stand up. We walk out of ears way.

"I want you to know that I have nothing against you. We will be family pretty soon. I got your back, I'm sorry about earlier tonight. My brother can be aggressive when he wants to be." I tell him truthfully.

He nods at me. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't judge you on who or what you are. You're right, we're gonna be family soon. And don't worry about Elijah, he nor Klaus scare me." I laugh at his last sentence.

We hug and walk back over. I sit next to Crawford. "Everything okay?" He asks.

I nod at him. "Everything is perfect."

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